A happening is in the air

Maybe its just a weird subconscious feeling but I just know something is about to happen.

I'm not CIA bro or anybody with inside information but I cant shake this. I am on edge all day looking for signs of some major happening.

Anybody else feel like this? Is this just a symptom of watching for happenings on here for so long? Or are things really just coming to a head finally.

>Electricity was invented

The computer was arguably invented by Charles Baggage, an Englishman.

People can't be this retarded.

Thor wasn't american?



>phone makes me look like a retard too

Nah, senpai. I know you are an above average intelligent fellow. Have a good day tomorrow. Make yourself proud of what you accomplish.

Yes, surely OP meant that America invented electricity itself, and not it's practical use.
baka desu sempais

You sexy syrup, you.

It's coming.

How long.
Sling me your best guesstimate.

actually all that stuff was invented by immigrants so you better let millions of immigrants into your country

End of month. Ayy lmao was a weird current leading up to it. Nobody is sure what it is. Trump just made a speech about human trafficking.


>wow like dude your body is kept alive with water
>just drink that feces infested water water you need water bruh

give me the tldr of the ayys. I dont know what is bullshit and what the real story was.

Who knows. KeK blessed some ayy lmao shit and it blew up. I think it must have already been creeping up or it was a major coincidence. Some story about the site going down and all these retarded pictures of an ayy. Some forced meme. You can probably find a thread about it even now even though anybody making them gets banned.

Other than that, 28/2 came up in connection with Paraguay or some country.


That's called anxiety. Go see your doctor.

Okey ladies , thanks to my super mexican brain , i came up with 3 theories about the AYYYYY :

1-The picture was real and Disclosure is about to happen, and this was just a test to see how we are going to react. Several people said that seeing the picture had a negative effect on their health (vomiting,headaches,nightmares,fear etc)

2-The picture is fake and what mattered was the number at the beginning of the phrase (dont post it if you know what i mean, related to n-i-n-e-e-l-e-v-e-n) All this alien crap was just for the show.

3-Beginning of a true Aliens vs us conflct. This was just psy-warfare.

I hope so.

I love happenings. When 911 happened I split a gut. The footage of the plane hitting the tower made me throw up from laughing so hard. When the towers fell I could barely breathe.

Last time I had a good hearty laugh was the Paris attack. I need another happening for a good laugh.

Pic related is the ACTUAL pic, just scrambled.

> Anybody else feel like this?

Everybody is on edge, for good reason.

actual pic of?

> what fake news did i miss again


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Digits witnessed!!

Praise kek!