Redpilll tastes bad

be 16-18 year old me:
religiously pro immigration, open borders thinks diversity is our strength.

immigrant refugee apologist and would get worked up when someone disagreed with me in any form on immigration, entire friend group is similar.

thought people complaining about being priced out of jobs, homes etc were just dumb hicks and mostly just a meme anyways.

fast forward a few years later:

cant find a job because poos do everything cheaper or diversity quotas overlook me because I'm a white dude.

cant afford rent because chinks bought everything up and jacked rent up.

excommunicated from my old friend group because I started mentioning how they fucked the housing/job market.

not eligible for uni scholarships because international students and abos took up all the
scholarship money so I cant go onto masters.

I don't like how the redpill tastes dudes

I wonder sometimes if the redpill is the old fruit of the tree of knowledge. Bitter is the fruit, bitter the flesh, but at least now you are aware.

Straya has too much of a cuck government for it to change unfortunately

The the bitter pill we swallow.

Deal with it, the truth sets you free. I know red pills that would ripple your very fabric of reality.

The biggest red pill, the game is rigged from the start Kiddo.

I'm slowly finding that out, we need a Trump down under to smash the system apart so we can rebuild it

Same here


Maybe you should just kill yourself then.

Maybe you should grow a pair faggot

We are all brothers in suffering now, my NEET friend.

Why do you need a Scholarship if you're eligible for HECS?

Also try harder. I got a well paying job 1 month out of uni with 0 experience behind me.

Fuck off cunt. Straya is the best country in the world. Sure there's a few niggers, but the government will gib u dat Austudy to spend four years learning how to career in one of our fine universities.
While you are there you can hatefuck as many Tumblr cunts as you like as long as you're human looking and keep your power level hidden.
Then get a decent job, some lazy bitch will set up shop inside your life, buy a house, and spend the rest of your life buying boats and cars.
Fucking hell cunt, get your shit together.

All the jobs related to my degree are all taken up so I thought masters would help me get ahead, buuuuut all I can get now is a deadend job and can't afford to cut hours to go back to uni so I needed scholarship cash money to finance the operation.

What field?

STEM- CompSci

Same, there's a chance you're just incompetent.

Volunteer to do some stuff, like coding workshops for kids etc, anything for some pro social exposure to add to ur CV.

Lad employers are like bitches. You need to put all thought of failure out of your mind or you are fucking doomed. The red pill is life wasn't meant to be easy. It takes hard work, and you need to be able to handle rejection without turtling up and becoming a sad little robot.
Man the fuck up cunt.
Ring those employers back and lay on the charm. Tell them you really want to work in the industry and can they give you any pointers or tips.
People like to help other people generally unless they act weak or cunty m8.

Lmao welcome to the real world

You fucked yourself over so bad early in your life, remember to make up for it

Spread the red pill

I graduated with a credit average so I'm not completely useless.
I see what you guys mean but, I'll try for some unpaid internships and see where that gets me.