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unless Trump confirms it, I won't believe it.

Ya and California is getting decent rainfall again.

>mostly by men
Sorry, not sorry. Hoe.

why are the polar ice caps growing then?

She's right but for the wrong reasons, we are destroying the planet through global warming and you'd have to be an idiot to deny that.

But that's not why it's 62 degrees in NY right now, and it's not a gender exclusive problem

>winter is really cold one year
>winter is really mild the next year

97% of anons believe that women shouldn't be allowed to participate in adult conversation

Climate change is not real. If it was we would have empirical evidence

One of my first faps was to a Bette Midler song on the album "Divine Miss M," called "Daytime Hustler," because during the breakdown she and her back-up singers mock a lounge lizard type player by faking an orgasm.

I guess a lot of men use a hair dryer for twenty minutes everyday

99% of anons know that women are incapable of participating in adult conversations

>you will live long enough to see the "durr its snowing out global warmings fake" meme flip to its inverse of "durrr its 60 degrees in february one day global warming is out of control"

>That post and ID

>we are destroying the planet through global warming

It was in the 60s and 70s in Iowa and Nebraska the last few days and now it's snowing. Weather changes from day to day depending on the jet stream and other factors! Long term cycles have always happened.



>if it's warmer there's less water falling
That's not how CLIMATE change works friend.

Who the fuck is Better Midler?

>It's just a coincidence that the temperatures rise every year

You could argue that it wasn't man made if you wanted to, but it wouldn't change much

Fun Fact: Women account for 85% of consumer purchases in the US. The statistics are similar throughout the west.

So, if greed and consumerism are destroying the planet and women account for 85% of consumerism then maybe, just maybe its the people who insist on draping themselves in gold and jewels in order to feel glamorous who are the driving force behind fucking the planet.

Just saying.

Well climate change is real, but global warming is a hoax.

Basically our seasons will just become more extreme. This causes the ice caps to become larger in the winter and tinier in the summer. Resulting in a continuous feedback loop of extreme seasons.

>mostly by men

It's always someone elses fault... Fuck that stupid fat kike.

She bitches about men but most pollution comes from China, who makes the crappy products that women consume the most!

Why do women keep blaming men for everything. They make up the majority of the planet's population. It's not our fault they're weaker mentally and physically. They're lucky we even let them post on Twitter.

Nice, it's 45 degrees in Los Angeles right now. This like never happened ever in the history of Earth. It's crazy.

Climate change is just like picking an old barn. You know what to expect, but it still suprises you.

Man-made Global Warming: Fake data invented by man to promote global warming.

Lol, look up a wider temp scale, fggit

Yeah, how dare I get warmer weather out here in bumfuck upstate New York.

>This is the only time it has ever been 62 degrees in February in NY

Welp earths finished pack it up was good shitpostin with you lads


This shit is normal, you really have to think of things beyond the span of one human lifetime. Climate is not stagnant.

year without a summer.

Whoa man, graphs on completely different scales present data differently

Global warming is definitely fake

We didn't even have thermometers until the 1600s, and we didn't have accurate ones until the 1800s. Let alone the ability to communicate temperature readings across the world.

Tell me where you might be getting your data


>the weather gets warm after winter ends

Wow. Really makes the noodle cook, eh?

>mostly by men
Because women care about everyone but themselves.

>Climate change caused the drought.
>Climate change caused the end of the drought.

Pick one

It's women who keep giving birth to carbon emitting monsters known as humans.

It's not men that have driven the birth explosion in the third world.

>Man made climate change


Shove it up your ass and stop breeding roasties, if you don't want to kill the environment.

That or give up your expectation of living like first world humans or human progress and go back to fucking cave dwelling...Oh no.

Or stop feeding the third world and helping to produce more and more people if we already have too many.





Her carbon footprint would be the size of a small African fucking city.

So what's to do? SHE is allowed to live in that manner, but not the dirty fucking Africans?

She's the greedy cunt.

No friend, climate change is causing our climate to have massive swings; not strictly be an arid desert or frozen tundra. It's a CLIMATE change. The climates on our planets are shifting. This is natural through plate shifting, and natural events (ie the meteor that killed the dinosaurs). It is not natural when it is done by chemically tearing a hole in the only thing that protects us from the extremely deadly, and extremely radioactive sun. That's the difference between real climate change, and your mad Max/ water world fantasy.

So what?

Why are people so hung up on it?

Why do leftists keep crying about it while doing everything to contribute towards it?

>Mostly by men
The research into fusion and advanced fission, as well as green energy, is almost fully driven BY men. Women are the people sitting on the sidelines griping about how dangerous fission power is and how wind turbines kill birds.

Men did all the work well woman did butt fuck nothing. Gosh what a dumb sexist argument

>we're destroying the planet

Holy shit, how can anyone be this stupid?

That's different. Liberals are stupid. I don't know why they do what they do. But that's beside the point. The point is climate change is happening, and retards like him are the reason it keeps getting worse. Do you not see the state the world is in? There are entire cities in China where you can't see the sun because of the pollution. Thousands of acres of rainforest is being cut down every day. They literally help us breath. What the fuck are we doing cutting them down?

I lol'd at Bette Midler's explanation about why she had sex with Geraldo Revera, "It was interview rape".

To the first/second part: Because as the temperature goes up around the globe it can cause wildlife die-offs, expansion of deserts, more extreme weather events (that means stronger precipitation. More snow does not mean it's colder, it means there's more moisture in the air), and rising ocean levels. Allow me to translate that into actual effects: more refugees, lower food supplies, more diseases like Zika, and more hurricanes like Sandy and Katrina, not to mention that if you own beachfront or low-elevation property you will have to contend with higher sea levels.

To the third part: Because leftists are too retarded to understand that victory only comes with sacrifice so they whine about the issue for attention while still consuming high levels of electricity and driving gas-based cars. Global Warming is an issue loved by the left-wing but which requires a right-wing solution. Until conservatives are more willing to devote energy to solving climate change than liberals, we won't have a solid solution.

This is one of several mansions that she lives in while flying between them and exotic locals all over the planet. If she believes global warming is a problem, she should work on shrinking her carbon footprint drastically.

>ozone meme
I assume you don't use refrigerators, air conditioners or ice machines then right?

You've been cucked by the refrigeration EPA industrial complex.

>It snows in October
>It's a bit warm at the end of February

Forgot pic.

>ID: dudboyse

>1 post by this ID


Jesus christ libtards are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable

We also built it while you made sandwiches and banged the shitskin in the next hut, Bette.

Doesn't a higher global temperature mean longer growing seasons and more arable land in the more northern latitudes?
I love how you guys leave out any possible benefits.

Unfortunately, that's the world we live in. I wasn't born Amish so yeah, no shit I have a fridge. But you're moving goal posts again. This isn't about my property. This is the fact that you think California getting flooded to the point dams were in threat of breaking, roads were flooding out etc. Is normal climate. And your proof. The one fucking argument you provided was that more water fell from the sky. Do you not understand how fucking dumb that sounds?

>mostly by men
i'm going to do my best to contribute to global warming tomorrow

>mostly by men
Just whenyou think theyve reached peak stupidity, they attempt to correlate sex and environment

Someone just hit Bette with a truck please. These people shouldnt be allowed to speak

I like to stick my fingers in my ears and scream whenever scientific data is presented to me

Or just pretend it's a jewish conspiracy, whichever comes up first

These past few years from the neocons to the leftist shits I'm really starting to empathize with the killtherich commies.
Too bad they're mostly hypocrites that only care when it's a republican.

Nice bait.

You have to go back.

This isn't even the hottest February in the last five years.
71 degrees was the record high in NY on the 23rd in '97.
February 15th's record hasn't been broken since 1949, but that doesn't fit the narrative.

>ID: dudboyse

He says that Scientists pretend the other sides disagree with the fact that humans are warming the earth

But you can see in this thread there are plenty of people that don't believe in climate change at all, let alone man made climate change

It's borderline hot. It has never been this fucking hot in february.

Everything operates in cycles, user. All plant life has evolved and adapted to current season cycles, there needs to be periods of life, growth, death & decay.

There's so many islands that get sun all year long but are not habitable for animal or plant life. Hell, almost every example of cannibalism has occurred on some island that today would be an ideal vacation spot.

"the planet" will be fine. Even if climate changes all human life dies and a vast majority of species go extinct, the planet, and life will persist.

I'm so sorry for the nice weather

i dunno the most materialistic shallow consumers seem to be women and not men

>implying the earth cares
>implying you care about babies that aren't alive when you openly support abortion

But floods of large magnitudes occurred prior to industrialization.

What a stupid piece of "evidence".

We literally are, you can be as racist and bigoted as you want but let's not pretend we haven't done irreparable damage to the Earth.

>Winter ends
It's still winter for another month you dense nigger

According to liberals, it'll be underwater in two decades.

Can you demonstrate a single shred of evidence that climate change will destroy the planet?

What the fuck is up with Ohio's weather though
>no snow until like mid December
>melts instantly
>off and on snowing throughout January
>nice, sunny days in the weekdays but suddenly gets cold and snows on the weekends in February
>already supposed to be 74 today, has been constant 60-70 this week
What the fuck. Climate change, more like climate clusterfuck

>Look at Mr. I Can Survive In 400 degree Fahrenheit over here

We have a solution - stop propping up the third world and allowing their populations to explode.

That or be the one to explain to them that they will have to live in a 4th world tier exsistence to compensate for our output.

This graph measures the variance of anomalies of temperature, scientists dont use anomalous data. That means this graph is made out of junk data scientists wouldn't use mate.

I'm not a planet you sub-normal mouth breather.

Stop being a faggot.


(((Bette Midler)))

You know damn well when people say "the planet" they mean human civilization, which includes (((you))), + global ecosystem
So, if you can survive 400 degree heat, then yeah climate change won't be a problem.

>40 degrees hotter than it should be
>not hot

>constantly rail against those ignorant republicans that say climate change doesn't exist because it's cold outside
>say climate change exists because it's hot outside
>think that that this somehow proves that climate change is caused by humans
>think that this is somehow a gender issue

how many layers of retarded are you on

its cold enough for this time of year in central California

>I complain that there haven't been strong tropical storms for a while.

Liberals tell me I can't use weather events to define overall climate.

They then go ahead and use the warm weather stating climate change...

>living in california
No wonder you're retarded and dense.

>implying it should be 20 degrees in late fucking february

wew lad so hostile

I love this new meme.

It was 10 celcius 2 days ago. Normally its 4 degrees and raining here.


depends on your geography and elevations

Oh, I see. You're retarded.
My mistake, carry on.