>Inb4 muh fake nuuhs muh propergander

Other urls found in this thread:

lets see data, not paragraphs

Same flimsy debunked rebuttals

Take it from someone who actually frew up on these streets: we're being invaded and the government is desperately trying to cover up how much they've fucked up by egging on the immigrants to destroy the native swedes as soon as possible

>Muh written word proves errything

how 'bout graphs?

>Actually swallowing the FSB pill

Shiggy diggy mufagga

>According to the most recent study, people from foreign backgrounds are 2.5 times more likely to be suspected of crimes than people born in Sweden to Swedish-born parents.

I'm sorry, OP, you were saying?

I'll counter

Fuck off shill.

We're only using our constitutional right to keep and bear grenades. You're just butthurt because you live in a communist dictatorship where you're not even allowed to import hand grenades. Cuck.

Pipe down Elias. Sweden belongs to the immigrants, Sweden belongs to everybody!

You'll be a colourful and cultural superpower by 2020! Imagine the possibilities!

You could go to the market and get stabbed!
Or wander around the streets and get raped.
Or maybe just stay at home and have your car get firebombed by Muhammad and his merry men!

I wonder how long it takes till your social services can't handle it all..

remember how "honest" the police and government were about the NYE shit in Cologne and all the other places?

ya, the shit about it being covered up by the cops already came out this week.

this story is cooked.

it was fake news a week ago, and we all knew it. Now you just look stupid.

Code 291

>rape women in their lunch hours
>get paid


What is over 190 no go zones?

>linking to a report from the same government that has been taking in chimps sin the 80's

You are stupid aren't you?

fake news

>"hahah drumpf is dumb he doesn't know anything, these written words prove everything!"


You aren't known for being gifted, are you?

>what''s that

yeah nice one, Sven. I see you in every thread that involves Swedanistan. Same come back
>fake news
>fake you wish you were Nordic

It's true, and you can't live with it.

Enjoy prepping your daughter's bull.

>trusting the culprit to tell you the truth
Really making me think here.


Even with their attempt to brush it off, they admit immigrants are overrepresented heavily in crime statistics, infact 250% as often despite being only 15-20% of the population. That is quite significant.

Don't worry, they'll integrate. Just like we integrated the negro.

Wow, sounds a lot like black people.

>15-20% of the population
Jesus fucking Christ, do something already.

If the migrant-crime in Sweden isn't as atrocious as people say then that's a good thing, you're talking as if pol wants Sweden to be fucked.

It is propaganda

>nordic country
>live far away from shitskin countries in a biome inhospitable to them
>20% shitskin
>doesn't even have the excuse of partaking in slavery

BTFO as always

>accuses others of being communist

>mfw I'm going to the beach tomorrow, and I can't care less about the shit that happens up in wherethefuckistandinavia

Here, have a proper gander.

>inb4 further weirdos who jack off to brown people and rape fantasies swamp the thread

Not bad


Don't worry the Swedish people is turning. The muslims will be cleansed from Europe once again one day

Deus Vult

How will dumpf even recover ??

The tide turned in Spain too in the middle ages, but it was too late. They had mixa uppa and all Spaniards were 1/4 nigger and are to this day.

>15-20% of the population

I remember a story a month ago that said ethnic Swedes hit below 70% of the population. 15-20% is probably accurate for non white immigrants.

>shariablue has austrian VPNs

this is new to me

Nope its not happening you are wrong

You know something is wrong when the government is accusing media of lying.

Save us.

The vast majority of the population is pic related. There's not going to be any revolution. The Swedes will burn out nice and quietly.

This is some real comedy shit. Pathetic attempt.

The vast majority isnt actually that but whatever keep shilling

eat shit nigger


That sounds more like /r9k/ than Sup Forums imo

Adjust for age and Swedes(in breeding age) are only like 47% of the population.

Can someone explain to me how Sweden is on the top 5 least currupt countries in the world?

Not only does government-owned SVT spread propaganda to no extent, but now the government is proposing a law to ban/censor 'alt right facts' as they claim these are true.