Is there an ideology for me?

Is there an ideology for a nationalist, eugenics supporting, anti-immigration, pro-assimilation, free market, slight wealth gap shrinking (-not- redistribution), pro business, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, pro gay marriage, anti gay adoption, transphobic, pro life, big military, anti war, pro free speech and expression white guy?

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It's called suicide.

snowflake faggot that will fall in line when you're 20% of the population and your whole family has been killed.

>free market

Doesn't work that way. One day big companies will push hard for the end of borders so they can reach more customers without any cost.

Radical centrism.



You're not allowed to be in favor of reducing income inequality around these parts boyo

If 80 people own half the wealth in the world, well fuck the world.

In fact, I propose 1 person should own ALL the wealth in the world. It'll be the perfect capitalist system, he can be like universe dictator or something and since he's the idea guy that makes everything work and nothing would ever get done without him, it'll be his right to earn all the money in the world.

Develop your own and dont be a fucking sheep.

I'm American too but what the fuck is wrong with you

Dude you just described me perfectly

>Is there an ideology
That's your problem.


You should be a feminist, they have similar level of mental dissonance.

find a settlement that discriminates against those that you dislike and in favour of those that you like and live there in peas

Oh, I'm also an environmentalist.

Generic far right, also you can't be anti-Semitic and capitalist at the same time

I believe in a free market, not an autocracy run by kikes. Capitalism needs like regulation to keep the market truly free or else its natural evolution is to fall into (more than likely Jewish) autocracy.

labels are stupid and no ideology should fully preresent any free thinking individual in complete matter

think for yourselves, morons

learn the good attributes from good and bad alike

