Isn't that old hag supposed to die already?

Isn't that old hag supposed to die already?

Other urls found in this thread:

thought it was a guy

"America is great, because America is good"

Look at that (((face)))

To give you an idea of what kind of person she is, here is a quote from her:

"I said on the equality side of it, that it is essential to a woman's equality with man that she be the decision-maker, that her choice be controlling."

Isn't your flag supposed to be this one?

Oy fucking vey

I am genuinely disgusted by your flag, because every time I see it I imagine an poo-in-the-loo pooing in street. Sorry.


The bergs in burgerland.


>this person has a voice in the highest court in the most powerful country in the world

She's pretty much on borrowed time.

I think you both have a point.
You belong to Russia and your country is nasty.
Quit swimming in that river filled with corpses and shit you degenerates

I can't decide whether I hate Neokikeservatives or Demokikes more. What is it with these "people?" I understand ungratefulness from Muslims who want their religion to conquer the world, I understand ungratefulness from Negroes who are too dumb to even drive a plough through a field, but why Jews? They seem to legitimately believe in the holocaust, so why do they hate the countries that saved them from it in their culturally engineered historically revisionist universe?

And you are a fucking leaf

Daily reminder that all Canadians are America's retarded cousins.

>Butthurt Petro
Pity pic related is fake. Hope Putin makes it real

>yfw Trump gets to appoint two judges during his presidency

You first.

>mfw Kennedy retires as well and Breyer unexpectedly dies

Sure, he will ^^^
As soon as India becomes a world super power.


Larry King is still well


>what is the history of american immigration

America was ALWAYS whites first until 1965.

>corrupting the Courts of Law with political filth

> shitskin wants genocide for white people
Why I'm not surprised.

>unironically believing that that means anything

Sacre Bleu Leaf La Fleur

I think I'm going to throw up

I can't wait for her to drop dead and give the supreme court a conservative majority.
Anyone remember Obama's (((centrist candidate)))?

Your most desired device

*least desired.

>this defeats the Indian

God I can't wait for the Sup Forums shitfest the day Ginsburg dies

>Ginsburg dead.
>Trump puts a reactionary from the mid west in her place.


>this lack of reading comprehension.


I accidentally destroyed my abstract merchant folder, anyone got more of these?

She dies within next 4 days. It is prophesied.

>Muh memes
White people are a fucking joke

She is 83 and will not last 4 more years

>it's a Pajeet bullying thread

200,000 Indian children die every year becase they do not have a toilet.

Is she or Sotomayor worse?

Jesus, imagine a nine woman supreme Court. It would be like the view

It's the polar opposite. America was great because it was 88% white.

Jews and women are have the least investment in any nation state's future. Both should be banned from holding office or presiding over one's courts.

Why would you tell me to imagine that?

>massive infant mortality rate
>almost no sanitation
>widespread disease and health problems
>still one of the most populous countries on earth

Are Pajeets even (sub)human?

She is a purposivist. A judicial theory that basically sees judges as having to interpret old laws and statutes by the needs of the modern society onto which they will be applied. The problem with this is it begs then the questions: who are they to determine what society needs?

It is what is referred to as judicial activism. That these unelected arbiters should reshape society according to their own subjective preferences.

As Alexander Hamilton said: "It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment."

Fuck Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Fuck Sonia Sotomayor. Fuck Elena Kagan. Fuck Stephen Breyer. And a big fuck you to John Roberts for what he pulled with Obamacare.

Can one look more kikier than that?!

It sounds pretty hard to look kikier than an actual kike.

Wow Pajeet chill down bruh go take a shit outside or something .

why do people still believe that the best way to solve all the problems of the world is to be nice to everybody NOW?

>fuck everyone who doesn't unequivocally support my ludicrous rednecked Christcuck agenda

>POOREST nation in EU
>Turkish rapebaby
Learn from the Poles. Go scrub a British potty for one Euro an hour

I think the most disgusting thing about India's shitting problem isn't the fact that they shit in the middle of fields (which is disgusting on its own) but the fact that they don't even bother to bury it or cover it. They just shit on the floor and walk away.

If you're in the middle of the woods with nowhere to go for a shit you dig a hole, shit into it and then bury it. You don't just leave the fucking shit there on the floor.

That field will be covered, it must be like walking through a minefield.

We may be poor but at least we have toilets

They just consider it fertilizer and as India doesn't grow many tubers naturally it makes more sense to leave it on the surface.
As anyone with a pet animal and a job knows, shit goes rock solid after a few hours and stops smelling shortly afterwards.

They don't mind stepping in shit. Many Indians don't even wear shoes.

>that nose

I hope trump replaces her. A 6 to 3 pro gun court for decades would be great. Plus the democrats would be howling about it for months.

Trump is also facing the possibility of appointing dozens of lower court judges.

Some of us may not poo in the loo but at least we don't go with a begging bowl to Britain and Germany demanding free gibs

>the application of the law according to the foundational tenants of American republicanism and separation of powers is now a partisan, regional position

I mean, you're a moron, but you're not alone in your idiocy. Which is exactly why the US is in the shape its in.

>They don't mind stepping in shit. Many Indians don't even wear shoes.
Your digits confirm.

The Democrats will search the earth for a cure to old age to keep here in for at least another 4yrs


Why are these kind of hags always so uncritically zealous? It's like power positions are especially prone to be occupied by fanatics. The incentive needs to change!

She'll be fine

I am so fucking glad he won.

>Fill 16 jumbo jets with shit.
>Drop it on Pakistan.
Oh fugg they really are trying to become a super power.

Bill Clinton appointed her and said she was a moderate.
Surprise the jew is actually the most liberal activist.

It goes beyond that, because of a 4 judges' ability to grant certiorari to cases in lower courts they deem worthy of Supreme Court review.

If we got another judge or two in the mold of Clarence Thomas, you could start seeing some of the shit legal precedents in this country start being overturned, i.e. Roe v Wade, Wickard v Fillburn, etc.

Since when working became wanting free shit

The old hag has a point.

is that bitch a jew?
honestly I thought there was nothing worse than old women but now that I think of it, old jewish women take the cake for sure

Brown v Board? Or do you think that will require an actual Hitler.

Ginsburg has advocated lowering age of consent to 12. She is still on the supreme court, invited to elite events, calls a lot of shots.
No one cares.

Milo never advocated lowering age to 12. Alternative media journalist, makes a few jokes as coping mechanism, all hell breaks loose.

Kek at that filename

It's not even human.

>those quotes
End my suffering.

>Republitard logic
>give guns to everyone WITHOUT ANY CONTROLS IN PLACE
>Blacks, Mudslimes and schizo rednecks shoot dead schoolkids
>chimp out when sensible Dems try to legislate minimal controls
>muh gummint tyranny
>and repeat

That was a major reason I voted for him.

Would require a repeal of the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, through which that decision was argued. Would take a hyper-Hitler.

>minimal controls
>when they're trying to outright ban firearms without any consideration of the ramifications

We have had enough with "sensible" controls.

I don't mind niggers having guns. They kill themselves more than anybody else.


>shoot dead schoolkids

Why shoot them if they're already dead?

A joo speaking for America. Really makes one think.

She looks like Putin but with oversized, unappealing plastic tits.

This theory of Judicial action makes my blood boil. The arrogance of people like that kniw no bounds, they simply can't take into account a very painful truth. PEOPLE DONT CHANGE. The constitution wasnt writen soley for the society of the time, it was writen FOR THE PEOPLE. People are power hungry, narcissistic, holier than thou assholes in any and every society. Seperation of powers, limited government, natural rights, interpretting the law as WRITEN and INTENDED by the original legislators. What the fuck does that mean? It means checking ambition with ambition, checking power with power (of the people), it means that these salty progressive fucks can't become dictators beholden only to their own conscience. AND THEY HATE THAT. Every self righteous prick hates the fact they can't force everyone to do what THEY think is best and right.
If we are lucky enough, Trump can appoint another couple judges who are (I think the right term is) originalists, then America can be saved and returned to greatness. Pray we are this lucky.


t. Ameriboo

They'd never be able to settle for a decision, just like the island experiment, I don't know if anyone has the article in image form around here?

Loos are probably the cleanest things in India so it makes sense to cook in them.

Why shit in a toilet when everything outside is shit

I'm hoping it happens on cam during an interview where she starts showing her disdain for Trump.

It would be pic related all over again.

Considering the amendment grants citizenship to anyone born here, I can't help but wonder if Trump will attempt to alter it in some way to avoid anchor baby problems.

Republicans may get a super majority in 2018 allowing for the alteration of the constitution at will. Democrats fucked up big time with their white privilege and eat the rich talk.

>when there are nine

OK, the constitution doesn't say how many justices we need, let's get 40 men with backbones and not male feminist numales on the court.

The concept of organic society is completely foreign to their thinking. Because it is unquantifiable.

Then don't use our inventions, like trains, and airplanes, and watches. If your gonna talk, you gotta walk. #boycottwhitemansinventions

>tfw when Brits attack Eastern Europeans
Of course you guys ain't getting any gibs and are targeted wrongfully