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Praise the God Emperor for he will deliver us from the illegals.

The Governor should be charged for enabling the murder, and any other criminal activity committed by illegal aliens

>living in Connecticut
Feels bad man...

>Dead White """people"""

who'd a thunk

send them to EL SALVADOR not Mexico we all agree you can deport all illegals but don't send them all to Mexico that's bullshit

CT is filled with rich jews and blood sucking puerto ricans

i just hope Maloy's colossal fuck ups finally start convincing the large white population we have to start opening their eyes


I agree those who enabled him with a sanctuary city should be charged with being an accessory to rape and murder as well

I get what you are saying. If there were no illegals, your country would be better off. But, you would still have shit like this happen. Illegals aren't the real problem, fucked up people are and they come in all races. There is no peace for you. Once the illegals are gone, there will be many more problems to take their place. You life will never have peace if you continue to complain about things you will never change.

Fucking retards.

Niggers arent human.

Such Tolerance!

Involuntary manslaughter, if I remember Ben "Nero's Anti-Hero" Shapiro's speech, is a three-part check
1. Was someone murdered as a result of the defendant's actions?
2. Was the action or lack of action in disregard for human life?
3. Did the defendant know or should have known their action or inaction would/could result in loss of life?

Yes to all three, though being liberal means cognitive dissonance and 3. is the hardest to prove

They wouldn't get to our border if you'd stop them at yours.

How does it feel now, Nacho ?

>even if you outlaw murder murders will still happen so why bother doing anything about it just let it happen
Once less illegal roaming free may be another innocen life spared. Even one death is too much. You've got to take your monsters back.

You just don't want more of them in Mexico.

this has to happen, this is why if I ever confront "muh refugees are welcome" libcucks I call them rape enablers.

>Yes to all three, though being liberal means cognitive dissonance and 3. is the hardest to prove

"should have known"

easy to prove


kindly fuck off

>Aylin Sofia Hernandez

Stopped caring, hopefully this will get the white population's attention though.

We're only sending the Mexicans to Mexico, Paco. If your media is saying otherwise, then they're lying.

You have no argument, Paco. No one said anything about all problems evaporating once illegals are gone. You're seeing that your people are a problem now and you want to be sanctimonious about something to feel better about being a shitskin.

I hope so.


Are there statistics that show that illegals disproportionately commit murder?

>Reads the fake news headline of latest deportation and not the fucking date of the article

You're the fucking problem


They were dating. You burn the coal, you pay the toll.

Its was his kid right?

Dead """"""Indians"""""

This happened two days ago you fucking idiot.

I live in this shithole of a state, that cocksucker Malloy has ruined this state

>Nadia Gonzalez
She was a spic to.
Got a two for one special.

How fucking retarded are you?

That's why Japan, South Korea, Finland and Denmark are such hellholes, right? Diversity is our strength, and all that? Shit like this, at this scale, isn't inevitable. It's that kind of defeatist mentality that liberals use to argue for mass immigration.


You eat the bean?
You stay unclean.

You're asking an intellectually dishonest question. The issue is not whether illegals commit more or less murder than u.s. Citizens. The issue is that crime committed by illegals harbors in sanctuary cities is preventable.


But if there isn't any evidence that an illegal will commit murder more than anyone else then you can't really argue that the defendant should have known the action would result in loss of life, right?

Your government might be able to use some of these people. Set them up as informants when they come in( give them a deal on their sentence, or money if they are not criminals) and let them be absorbed into the cartels. They're in a fucked situation anyway they might be willing to go along with it.

No Toronto. 2013 is coming back so you can relive your hugbox year 2015.

It's 2017, our year. Deal with it

If the defendant is fighting to keep illegals in the country, I think it's only fair that any deaths they cause lands squarely on the heads of the ones responsible for allowing the illegal to stay. They might think twice about fighting so hard to protect criminals if they were to be held accountable.

Ehh there are 1,300,000,000 of us globally...a million here and there hardly makes the news

Are the white hats at the Oscars tonight?I know theyw ere invited due to their documentary up for best foreign, If so...

I pray to thee Kek to let them release their true colours of Jihad and kebab themselves over all the Hollywood elite. Praise Kek!

White hats are terrorists pure and simple. Duping gullible leftists across the west into thinking they are humanitarian aid workers.

The fact is that their presence in the country is already a crime. Every illegal is already a criminal for breaking our immigration law, so if the question is do illegals commit crime more or less than natives then yes. They're at 100% already by entering and staying here.

that's a outright ridiculous statement. you're basically saying that if a politian supports something, and it goes wrong somehow, that we should charge them with murder. or whatever other charge there is depending on the case? that's ridiculous. especially in this particular situation.

They should be charged as an accessory

i have no words. that's just a ridiculous proposition. there are cases where a politician should be charged with a crime, but this is not one of them.

I'm talking specifically about murder tho

At least they would be our problem not some illegal nut job from mexico or where ever.

I don't care about them. I care about my family and what my neighbors are doing. I'm not worried about what my neighbor's neighbor is doing. That is his problem. My point is to not bitch about things you have no control over. All OP is doing is oiling the machine of hate that is now controlling your country. It sad really, America was once a strong, happy, and healthy nation. The Jews pushed all of you into hate.

Actually they are breaking immigration law themselves by "harboring" illegals:

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses

Harboring -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

If a company is knowingly and allowing acts capable of causing deaths to go on and cause even more deaths, should they not be held responsible? Because they do, especially if these deaths are easily prevented and should not happen in the first place. I can only assume you might be illegal if there's a problem with getting people out of the country that have no right to be there...

that's quite a stretch to apply that law to the governor of an entire state, no?

news flash: nobody could have reasonably predicted or prevented something like this.

you are all reaching way too far.

you must treat the system and the people within it fairly even if you oppose their viewpoints or strategies.

There's no fair or unfair, that's the law.


Penalties -- The basic statutory maximum penalty for violating 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(i) and (v)(I) (alien smuggling and conspiracy) is a fine under title 18, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. With regard to violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(ii)-(iv) and (v)(ii), domestic transportation, harboring, encouraging/inducing, or aiding/abetting, the basic statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 5 years, unless the offense was committed for commercial advantage or private financial gain, in which case the maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years. In addition, significant enhanced penalties are provided for in violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1) involving serious bodily injury or placing life in jeopardy. Moreover, if the violation results in the death of any person, the defendant may be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years.

Classifying your state as a "Sanctuary State" and then ordering your police force not to cooperate with ICE and releasing that illegal (which is what the CT Gov said he would do on Tucker Carlson) is a violation of this law.

See above that if harboring an illegal results in the death of another the party harboring the illegal has serious consequences. This is the law currently on the books.