How will straight cis males ever recover?

How will straight cis males ever recover?

New (((research))) shows that straight women just don't orgasm and need to turn into lesbians if they want sexual satisfaction.

Don't you want women to have pleasure Goy? You aren't a sexist are you?


if they need to orgasm, buy a damn vibrator.

>orgasm gap
Can you believe women have 78 orgasms for every 100 a man has? And that's for the exact same amount of sexual activity. Men are systematically preventing women from having orgasms.

That's right.

Good Goy

And in fact if a man cuts before the girl it is a subtle form of rape... and should be reported. Especially if it's a white man like the article pictures.

Literally not exclusive to women. Sex with the same sex is better than sex with the opposite sex. If you can't figure out why you're a mouthbreather.


My wife can confirm this

how is this a surprise? the majority of men are repugnant beta males, who buy access to pussy by forking over their paycheck.


>le joos
Most women don't cum from penetration, and there are many men who don't know this and think all there's to female sexual pleasure is penetration. Women obviously know their bodies better so I wouldn't be surprised if lesbians had more orgasms.

>have less orgasms than other groups
It should be "have FEWER orgasms..." And these people call themselves journalists.

So why do straight women orgasm less?

why do straight women give birth more than lesbians? we need to fix the babby gap!

Their only purpose is to produce progeny. I don't give a fuck if she enjoys it or not.

This is the new left. Reducing everyone down to hedonistic and nihilistic pursuits

Let me guess, it's the fault of white men somehow?

Are babies homophobic?

>new left
It's been this way for the past five decades, ever since the sexual liberation crap took off in the 60s.

>less orgasms
>Not fewer

Modern journalism folks


Why did I waste it on grammar!

woah you just got another 11 and 44! what are the chances

Slow down champ. Wheres your 88?

When white genocide is no longer working due to rising backlash against multiculturalism, the only thing left is promoting homosexuality.

Mouthbreathing is the most redpilled form of breathing

t. Ahmed

The gay stats don't factor in that some gays don't fuck to orgasm. Especially if they're twinks/bottoms. A good amount of those kinds don't even get hard.

or have a black lover

>Than others
What the atctual fuck? How many of them are there now?

What's clear is not a panchito one.