Wtf I like muslims now

wtf I like muslims now

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I like muslims too!
Get any fucky-fucky with a hot Persian girl?

Yeah feminism is ultimate cancer.

Ultimate cancer is actualy a muslim feminism


A feminist muslim? Thats like a gay communist.

So retarded.

Yeah right.

And Hitler believed in Zionism.


Memeri bread?

Protip: Western Muslims are getting cucked by liberalism, just like every other religion in the West

Yes, its retarded. I say this as an actual Muslim. But its your fault, not ours. We think they are apostates and cucks




Yeah, women's rights to get pussy slammed at 9 years old. LEL


i definitely don't like them, but i can let them fight it out with my enemies for a while.

>Western Persians
As a Persian Muslims, American Persians are the biggest degenerates on the planet. At least white liberals tend to be classy about their degeneracy

I think he was talking about suicide bombings tho. Because pro-terrorist Muslims argue that it isnt real suicide, and therefore allowed in Islam

Isnt that guy Druze? kek

AJ Arabic is not cucked, unlike AJ America.

Arabic media is the only media free of kike influence

>At least white liberals tend to be classy about their degeneracy
Ahahahahaha. Yep let me just shove spaghettios up my vagina because art.

Memri's sole purpose is to portray Muslims in a bad light to generate sympathy for Israel, but they actually just bring the lulz. Silly Jews.

>Chaos Undivided?

You mean we can really worship the Chaos Pantheon?
Where can I know more?

I'm still laughing at NeoPan-Queer Islamism

its a lot like taoism, idk kind of just a joke look up warhammer lore i guess

Not only that, but I know some Muslim Youtube channels unironically repost Memri clips, using them as a free translation service on redpilling anti-jew material

I am talking about qt white liberal college girls who attend gay pride parades and shop at whole foods

Get the fuck out of my country, you sandnigger following retard.

>Not taking the memripill

>voluntary slavery

slavs are still using mig21s?

I'm pretty sure I've read that doujin. Didn't know slimes had such patrician taste in hentai.

I always think it's funny how because feminism and islamism are so similar, they cannot decide whether to be best buddies or arch-enemies.
One week it's death to the other, another week they jump to each other's defence.

>Midevil Guilds



Lol it's funny how dumb right-wingers have started worshipping Mjuslims recently.

I used to live in Doha (Qatar) for work, and all this extreme sexual oppression comes with a price: a Muslim population that goes beserk if they see a bit of skin on a female. It's not only the men... once I came home with a female friend from work and this disgusting Qatari woman called the police because I brought home a "prostitute"... even though my coworker was wearing modest clothing, simply because she wasn't wearing a filthy burqa,.

You have Qatari men who can literally rape and murder non-qatari women and get awayw with it because the Qatari police don't care, because to them only Arab lives matter (racism doesn't exist in the West compared to the Arab world... LOL at stupid leftist pricks who say the West is "wacist"... they clearly have never lived in the Arab world).

Look up the case of Lauren Patterson if you don't believe me... basically a Qatari man kidnapped a British woman, stabbed her in the heart and then burnt her corpse in the desert. I was in Doha at the time and I remember these filthy Qataris sharing pictures of the poor girl's burnt body which still had the knife sticking out from her chest.

One guy who aided and abetted the guy got a sentence of 3 years.... the guy who did it initially got the death penalty after there was condemnation from the press, but after the furore died down, they voided it, did a retrial and the dumb fucker said he stabbed her "by accident" and the dumb fuck Qatari judges believed him, so he's got a pathetic sentence,

All this happens all over the Middle East. Dumb Arabs who cannot contrll their sexual urges raping everything in site. And you stupid fucks want to bring this disgusting culture to the West because of "muh degeneracy". You stupid, retarded, filthy basement dwelling monkey retards. You don't know how good you have it in the West until you've lived in the Arab world.