Sup Forums literature list?

Do any of you have any recommendations on some red-pilling literature to read?

>pic somewhat related, really changed the way I looked at a lot of things

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The Bible.

The one and only Sup Forums approved book.

Anything except Stoicism.

The Master & Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
The Kybalion
Pornografia - Witold Gombrowicz

The last one isn't political or anything, it's just fun to read an author who is a genius at writing.

Why's that? Not trying to be an ass, just curious

Reading it right now, the analysis that Kaczynski makes of society is incredibly actual, which is surprising considering that it was written 22 years ago.

Not really "red-pilling" but Sup Forumslacks would enjoy it

I've always heard that the Unabomber was some sort of genius. I'll have to check that one out

Mein Kampf

anything by Mencius Moldbug

Kaczynski is dropping medical grade blue pills. Next you'll be saying that Chomsky is red pilled.


> author is director of this and calls this "performing arts"
Sure, burgers want to have culture, but that...

How so? Most of the ideas he exposes on the essay are very predominant on Sup Forums, so i guess you are now going to say me Sup Forums is a blue pilled board?.

Sorry, meant to

Wow I actually own this.

what? maybe a different guy, the author was a catholic priest for 30 years, and lives in Australia now

>Pornografia - Witold Gombrowicz
Fuck yes.Somebody approves our literature for once

Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different?

It's not the same Paul Collins.

It you want to understand the elites read:
The Prince - Machieveli
The secrets know only to the inner elites - Lyndon Larouche
The Republic - Plato (most necessary to read is the allegory of the cave)
Gosepl of Thomas an gospel of mary (both excluded from the bible because they were too red-pilled)

Gombrowicz is a hidden gem of European literature. I have read a decent amount of his work. Pornografia, Ferdydurke, Cosmos.

I am working through his 700 page diary now.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ


Hidden gem.

He's the dude from good will hunting I think

Guns Germs and Steel

>Guns Germs and Steel


Che Guevara's guerrilla warfare, red pilled in the sense you can legally obtain a instruction manual for how to conduct a guerrilla war. It's an alright read.

Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey

De Administrando Imperio.

Marcus Aurelius was one depressed motherfucker. You can have the same experience by contemplating what an insignificant shitstain we all are while watching people die at an old folks home.


Don't waste your time reading such books, you'll reach every single thought they did on your own. The sole reason you're reading it is to create an echochamber where you and the book agree with eachother

t. someone who read a fuckton of philosophy and self-help trash

Welcome to the Desert of the Real by Slavoj Žižek

I didn't understand it. I felt like he was saying nothing in life matters because we'll die anyway.

1984 and Brave New World
Both soft redpills, things the average Sup Forums user already knows.
Anything by Friedrich Nietzsche
Gulag archipelago - Anne frank but with commies, still good

I second Gulag Archipelago it will red pill people into seeing just how much the USSR was a living hell on earth.

The camp of the saints

The 120 Days of Sodom

A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is really good, too. Great entry-level book into Russian literature.


>Pornografia - Witold Gombrowicz
Great recommendation, thank you

Someone please explain to me why Thomas Mann is often referred to as repilled

Also, anything in this pic

Dokkodo by Miyamoto Musashi

Don't read the Wikipedia article (which is wrong) read this one

how so


complete hack

The Rebel is pretty good too

Which translation though?

Because he didn't enjoy hair on his pizza

Martin Luther's

St. Jerome

The ultimate consumerist redpill


Are you that algebrafag who's spamming Kaczysnki's paper all over /sci?


Have a link?


Second this as well


You mean the one with 7 books missing and Romans 3:28 edited?

Thank you. Polite bump.

I hope you've learned shamefastness


The Orthodox Bible

Just got done with this real activated my almonds

Im sick of this new meme and whats Sup Forums doing with otherwise good book, meditations by emperor marcus aurelius. im pretty sure nobody has read it, yet they force it because its aesthetics and good word thats around. ive read this on pirated shitty ebook years ago and i appreciated it much more in that form, not this meme

this is one of the most intense red pills ever but if you read it, it can evolve you (many such , also read his "laws of success"

it's big to get into so go on youtube and hear his story first, really cool shit



Absolutely based.

It's gotta be the Smithsonian edition that's scanned from the original.

The teachings of don Juan- Carlos Castaneda

J.D. Unwin
Oswald Spengler
Leo Strauss
>The secrets know only to the inner elites - Lyndon Larouche

LaRouche is redpilled, good rec.

This book is good because it helps with self-awareness for Sup Forumsacks.

Ignatius is a smart guy, but you gotta be careful not to come off like him if you ever want to truly convince anyone of anything.





>falling for the apocrypha jew

new world is only non-Jew censored translation but American standard is also acceptable

lol Storm of Steel under Fiction. Shit was so mind bending that he had to cut out the most violent portions from the original release.

+ The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finklestein

Don't let the name fool you, its certified red pill

>March of the Titans

white version of WE WUZ KANGZ

trashy, pleb tier

Supposedly Plato's "Republic" recommends or speaks favorably of at least, a sort of fascism. I'm working my way through an audiobook of it - it's on sale for $30, here:

It also discusses all the forms of govt (my understanding), and covers much of Plato's philosophy. So it's good general ed. at the very least. I do enjoy my version, though I'm only on chapter 4 so far. It's not someone reading it, rather someone lecturing on it. Vy good quality of audio and content.

It's from /lit/ but it's pretty based

Why is Confessions of a Mask on this list?

A quad of quads - transdimensional reverberation of kekish approval.

>working my way through an audiobook of it

Isn't it really short? Like you can read it in an hour?

There's an abridged version, which Sozshenitzen(?)-approved. Anyone vouch for it? I can say that it definitely shows the commie system gone rotten, but perhaps some subtle, minor points are lost. (I don't know myself.)

>not the immediate first post

Maybe. The paperback is 206 pages. Not an hour, a couple of days perhaps.

Plato's Republic
The Genealogy of Moral's by Nietzsche
120 Days of Sodom, Marquis De Sade
The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky

Quran my dude!

Allahu SnackBars

He said the bible , not the book of Mormon.

NAB is the official Catholic Bible for English-speaking North America, you child of the devil.


Well, 2 hours

>no crying of lot 49 and no collection of Lovecraft.

It was a joke, and from what I've seen English is so simplified in that its insane , KJV might be better than that.

It's not that simplified, it's a very faithful translation from the original languages.

Reading The art of War right now. Its really interesting but i cant really find where i can use that knowlegede in my life.