Itt: things your country fucked up on

>bringing the niggers over as slaves

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not reconquering the 13 colonies.

>1965 immigration act

>Iraq war

>Vietnam war

>Not accepting Japan's defeat before the Soviets invaded Manchuria

>Getting Lincoln killed who was going to send all the niggers back to Africa

>not nuking canada

>being this new

>not joining NATO in 1995

>deciding to live below sea level

>liberating the slaves
>ending jim crow
>winning the civil war
>not siding with the Nazis in WWII
>giving women the right to vote
>giving women freedom and equality
>abolishing sodomy laws
>fag marriage
>Roe v Wade

Not having a second Mexican-American war and pushing down to Guatamala

>Not accepting Russia's peace offer when we still had the upper hand during the Great Northern War

>>bringing the niggers over as slaves

this bill was pushed hard by (((guess who)))



>implying slavery was bad

Sorry, forgot.

Not ending the ((((job))))

>stop being a narco-paradise
I miss the 80's

What changed?

giving imports he same rights as domestics

We didn't kill all the commies instead we send to other countries and they came back to fuck it all.
Overthrowing Marcos Perez Jimenez
Rebelling against Spain

>not conquering all of latin America and sexually enslaving latina qts so that every white incel could automatically get a qt spic gf

But why did Philip Hart co-sponsor it then?

This is what I don't understand about the white genocide brigade. I'm not a white nationalist nor am I even white so I don't chimp out every time I see a (((jewish name))) but everytime you do this you always completely ignore the other masive chunk of white names who also push the multiculturalism / diversity BS. For all the research I've been reading since I came onto this forum, there's always been some leftist liberal involved and the white genocide brigade always completely ignore them. Ignore the massive lefitst Catholic influence in pushing this stuff as well.

You guys clearly aren't giving the full picture.


>giving the natives any priviledges or land

He means the end result is cities overrun with niggers and if our forefathers knew they would have picked their own damn cotton.

We stopped the great cartels, just to become a Banana Country instead of a Coca Country

Basically everything.

The Portuguese already fucked us over from the get-go by importing a shitload of niggers, so we never had a chance.

>Selling off all our gold
>Joining the EUSSR
>Not developing shit we invented: jet engine, computer etc
>Giving Palestine to the jews
>Granting independence to the colonies

Wew lad

Your country was, is and always will be a criminal degenerated shithole m8

>giving French people rights

I forgot another thing we fucked up.

Letting millions of Colombians into the country in the 80s. :^)

A lot of us have been brainwashed hard by cultural marxism et cetera. It's no surprise that there are tons of antiwhite whites.

I agree, but now we ain't even famous

>being next to the US

Fighting against ameribro saviours in 1812.

>Becoming a socialist shithole
>Not joining the United States

Narcos was a huge hit though

Btw Is your shithole save to travel or should I better go somewhere else?

Being next to Germany.

Feeling your pain, mum. Is it too late for our lands?

>going full commie

>not sending them back after we were done with them

>not mentioning moroccon invasion

Worse things have happened, shir.

>allowing infant circumcision to become mainstream

>implying slavery was bad

Taking away jobs from whites and giving it to the millions of niggers then breeding them to produce millions of more niggers = good ...?


>Selectively breeding niggers

>JFK and his brother shot


Saving the jews Hitler cleansed from his lands during ww2. All the vermin has ruined Sweden.

With a few euros you can live like a king

Also the local roasties love white and tall men

>our founders needed to pick their own cotton and leave the niggers to ruin Africa.



you never conquered us, leaf.

however, soon we will conquer you.

letting black people do what ever they want for 2 decades

>Not fighting with the Axis instead of the Allies
>Not fighting with the Central Powers instead of the Allies
>Not nuking Japan a third or maybe fourth time
>Not nuking the Soviets at all
>Not sending all the niggers back once we made them obsolete

We made a few mistakes.

I want me some putas with a nice ass
But I mean what are the chances of getting robbed and killed , which areas are best/worst for a gringo like me?
Also are your whores infested?

>Not helping the Germans during the First World War or Second World War and letting Soviet pigs get to Berlin before us

Honestly at this point I wouldn't want the UK to join because we'd just make the US shitty. I mean, America has its problems but it's the only truly free economically right wing western/civilised country left. We're full of socialist scum and socialist policy (high tax, regulation, lack of freedom etc.)
I think Canada would be more suitable, you just need to get a conservative government in to fix a few things first. Economically you guys are pretty right. Low tax, few regulations and stuff.

I plan on becoming an American legally anyway so I couldn't give less of a shit about the UK.

>conceding to quebec multiple times
>not deporting all french canadians ala mass exodus
>allowing the maritimes to join the confederation

the british should've been more cruel

Stay at downtown Bogotá, normally all the foreigners stay there

I don't know shit about whores, I'm a KHV

>not gassing the gypos when we had the chance

setting a precedent for the American government determining who may or may not own firearms, as it is a clear conflict of interest.


Opening the flood gates to European immigrants during and after the civil war.

But European immigrants where the best ones and actually contributed to society

What's a khv?

supporting filthy yanks in their autistic revolution

Day of the leaf is coming, leaf.

Now we have a bunch of white people with an identity crisis.

How cheap is the coke and how easy is it to get for a gringo?

>ending the suharto regime
Democracy never works i guess

Do it soon, after the Donald's terms America maybe under dominion of the left wing party and media that want to see this country turn into a socialist shithole


Fuck you, UK! We gave you our guns but you melted them all down you MASSIVE FAGGOTS!

It happens to most end stage developed civilizations, when there is no real threat of starving or being killed people turn into gay cakebois, it even happened to the romans

Funny if you lived at the time you would be telling them that they need to go back and all they do is join mafias, steal your jobs and lower the wages.


"King" George didn't "grant" the colonies independence, we declared it and then beat the most powerful army in the world to EARN our independence. Britain was a great empire, and helped spread western civilization across the world, but that empire no longer exists for the same reasons the US is now in decline/collapse. Too expensive to manage, too difficult to rule over foreign cultures.

Perhaps, but very unlikely if they had then necessary documents.

Allowing a European/Rothchild controlled central bank --The First Bank of The United States--instead of printing currency directly from treasury.


It's not that we brought them over as slaves, it's that we didn't deport/genocide them once they outlived their usefulness.

>he's not uncut American bad goy masterrace
tip top kek

Freeing niggers as slaves*

Creating NATO, for mine. It may have seemed like a good idea, but (((they))) co-opted it pretty quickly.

>not taking more land of peru and bolivia in the pacific war

Bringing Pacific Islanders here in the 60s as "Temporary fruit pickers"

We were told they were here for a year or 2 and then they would go home.

50 years later they have colonised the southern part of our biggest city and turned it from an ex white working class area into a ghetto.

They prey on white people and behave like American Negroes minus the fire arms.

The only good thing about the chink/indian invasion is they are replacing the Pacific Islanders and pushing them further out of the city.
The thing is the Indians and Chinese have good work ethics and don't come to work with chips on their shoulders. So the Islanders have become useless.

According to wikipedia, "Many of the arms sent over by the committee ended up being used by the Home Guard".

But anyway, if they got melted down it was nothing personal, it was just because there was a very severe shortage of metal during the Blitz. People donated all sorts of stuff to the war effort - pots and pans, metal fences, bottle tops, family heirlooms and relics, etc. to make planes and bomb shelters.

>good work ethic

Nope, it's because I'm white and was born in the 90s.
Most uncut people in the us aren't white or are halfbreeds

>Not winning WW2



>the south not executing them all before allowing the beasts set lose
>Lincoln failing to repatriate them all to Africa
Fucking failures on both sides.

Very solid list brother.