Just saw this movie

and wtf I hate white people now

we are living in Trumps America now, so you better get used to racists chasing interracial couples down.

This fucking movie is the biggest piece of propaganda. Niggers are already loving it and talking about how it made them so "woke" about what white people do to them

gotta love the fact that this is hugely racist but since it's anti-white it's "progressive"
it actually if anything makes racial relations WORSE
race baiting movies should be flops but people are idiots

Saw this, because I wanted to see white shoot niggers. Biggest piece of shit. Shit, writing, directing, acting, shit everything. Niggers, women and white cucks are all acting like its so well-written, deep and great. I hate this fucking country sometimes...

What is this latest Hollywood filth about?

Peele should have stuck to comedy. At least he was passable at that. Even from the promos I could tell this movie was gonna be a race baiting piece of shit. Can't wait to see how (((they))) justify this flop

It's literally some movie about how evil suburban white people kidnap and brainwash niggers and turn them into slaves from the brainwashing.

I'm not fucking kidding. I'm not even sure how this type of propaganda is allowed this is worse than most of the veiled shit out there, like the subtle messages in Star Wars. This is just blatant

Nigga looks like a fucking goldfish



user I....


Nice damage control. The psychiatrist father is clearly Jewish. It's a movie about Jews brainwashing blacks and turning them into pets. Pretty redpilled desu senpai.

There seems to be a lot of this going on.

Fucken kikes. Why don't they make a movie about the kidnapping, rape, mutilation, and murder of Channon Christian and Chris Newsome? That would be based on an actual true story.

Remember White man-If you're paying to see these productions you're literally putting money into Bernstein's pocket which he'll use to destroy you. Same goes for professional sports.

>Remember White man-If you're paying to see these productions you're literally putting money into Bernstein's pocket which he'll use to destroy you. Same goes for professional sports.

People cannot fucking understand this. This shit bothers me so much. This movie is the most blatant anti-white tribalism propaganda ever. It's unbelievable how something like this is allowed. Think about all the black people going to see this movie and coming out of the theater like "DAYUM IS DIS WHAT DA WHITE FOLK BEEN DOING TO US?!"

You're all fucking stupid
Both sides
It isn't some great "woke" inspiring movie, nor is it about slaves
It old white people taking in young black men, then transferring their consciousness into them because they want to be young again and they happen to like young black bodies, as well as black men chase after young white girls so it's easy
Yes there's tropes about black people, but that's a given
The white people are JUST really awkward that's it
It isn't propaganda and it isn't some stupid awe inspiring woke movie
It's a comedy
It's a joke
That's it

That is not how black people on Twitter are interpreting this movie at all

Sometimes? I can't walk outside without seeing an obese niggress or chink or some mulatto looking kids complaining about something.

Fucking hell.

They are joking you mongoloid

How are they interpreting this jewish masterpiece?

>race-mixing movie
>10/10 young, white, cool, wealthy, girl the female audience will idealize
>is with black guy
>black guy is portrayed as clever and brave
>every white is stupid and evil
>whites are demonic and perpetrate fantasy black stereotypes of whites as evil spirits
>movie is literally whites enslave blacks with evil spirit mumbo jumbo not different from Voo Doo, Santaria, or any African witchcraft
>African witchcraft movie with whites as the evil demons
>oh but the whites voted for obama

I've seen it described as "thought-provoking"

How many white people will be killed by black people incited by this movie?

You mean you hate Jews.

Off topic, not politics. Read the stickies.

Those 3 movies are,Space nigresses ,nigger playing baseball and this one
I'm avoiding this shit at all cost because it just gets me triggered

Went out last night and there were these niggers making out with some white hoes.Utterly revolting.
I turned to one of my friends and just shook my head in disapproval and disgust to what he asks?
>"what? there is nothing wrong"

You guys remember this shit, right?

With all due respect, it really just sounds like you are trying to convince yourself.

I know people on here just jumpt to the cultural marxism option almost instantly,but indeed this movie reeks of it

We need a white ethnostate fucking soon. Anyone with me?

I actually want to see this movie and will pirate it so the fucking pedophiles don't make a dime of me.

question... does the nigger die? I'm gonna be really disappointed if the nigger doesn't get rekt.

Yes, or we need to move to Eastern Europe. America is jewed and niggered beyond repair.

gimme a quick rundown on this movie plis

That fucking movie. I saw it in theatres and near the end and the dude sees Jackson in his window, it's just a shot of him walking past the window, then he stops , does a double take, and just stares.
The whole place fucking laughed. It was so goofy.

there is zero chance this cost 4.5 million.

So the girlfriend set the nigger up to get enslaved? lol

No. We continue fighting these things until the country is completely lost. We're not moving away we're going to stand our ground and take our culture back