Wow.....This is powerful

Wow.....This is powerful.....

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek, Trump's is better



She has probably heard all sort of things about Trump from other nig nogs.

>Make Niggers Scared Again

Really makes you think

If it was a white child cringing with Obama, and vice versa with Trump, they would say: "Look how racist white children are! Shame on white society!"

>little coons feel more comfortable around their own kind

b-b-but race is a social construct goy

Trump whispered something into her ear right before the photo.

Gtfo shariablue, we can smell you a mile away

Wow......This is powerful........


That bodyguard knows, he's ready to empty the whole mag. Don't relax around blacks

This. People were probably chatting shit to the kid too, saying how awful and mean President Trump is as if two years of propaganda wasn't enough.

yeah Trump's desk is a mess and the fact that he let's shit pile up like that shows that he's inefficient.

Yeah, it shows how racist blacks are


I was a scared niglet dhot before getting Blackpilll'd


Why is this niglet relevant?

>nigger lover
remind me why we voted for this orange buffoon?

But seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes

blacks commit a massive amount of crime. better for them to be fearful than happy and comfortable.

God you are such a nigger

The bodyguard is probably a Sup Forumsack

OP is a major faggot.

Edit in some golf clubs

Typical kike subverting the desire of the white man to be efficient in their work and neat and orderly in their environs.

He chose to fucking hold her wrist.

Who is better at golf: Trump or Obama?

yeah a clean, paper free desk is a sure sign of doing a lot of work.

"You have to go back"

That's his pic from the hispanic tweet, and that hand is smaller than the child's.


Did you ever worked with paperwork before?
A clean table means that nobody bought you anything to sign that day

What must we do to get the shills to fuck off Sup Forums? How do we get these faggots defunded?

Wtf I hate trump now


Honestly one of the most rage inducing pictures on /pol, which is saying a lot.

You can practically hear her thinking about all those stories about "whitey." God I fucking hate nig nog culture.

Before Joe Biden.
After Joe Biden.

Its the liberals fault by creating this monster that doesn't exist

>one child is told happy things about le first black president
>other child is told nightmare fuel of most racist man becoming president
> 'hue kids know hue hue'
I want to ring these people by the neck.

Remember the tabled piled high with his tax papers, but then a zoom reveals that they were blank papers?

You just know they banged.

Nigger stole my tiara
