Watch American movie

>Watch American movie
>Listen to American music
>Watch Americans at Olympics
>Looks up racial demographics of USA
13% niggers

>mfw burgers call us Euros cucked

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Funny isn't it?

>(((They))) control those industries

We've been over this before, user

i just pinched of a big turd. dropped the mud monkey right in the bathtub

Yeah it's nig nog culture, not the best but ehh at this point I don't even care.

We don't import hundreds of thousands of more niggers though.

>mfw burgers call us Euros cucked
Just the areas that are, im pretty jealous of a lot of Europe, places like Sweden France etc are the ones we call "cucked"
Also, as a 56% American, Ive never seen a black person in real life and only 1 hispanic, if you told me they didnt exist and i was isolated i wouldve believed you.

Checked by based user.

who is this? is this a fresh meme?

African Immigrants in the US
> 1970: 80.000
> 2000: 881.000
> 2013: 1.800.000

You just confessed you only consume american culture.

jesus her house must be near a shitload of gay frogs

>watch children's show
niggers fukkin dat blond girl while a pathetic white boi watches

reminder that we're 60% white, barely
reminder that when an American calls you a cuck on here there's only a 60% chance he's white
reminder that even though we elected Donald we'll probably never recover to 80%+ white and will most likely hover around 70% IF we're lucky
reminder that virtually every European nation that we make fun of on here is in a far better situation demographically than we are

I love my country but I'm sick of our posters acting as if we're more cucked than nations who are 30% more white than us

If you watch american porn it's all about man asses either ethero or gay.

Niggers didn't pay attention in school and literally think they're 1/3 of the population, and they get super uppity if they're not represented as such.

Fuck off. Last movie I watched had 1 nigger in it and it was Morgan Freeman. I don't listen to nigger music on the radio or otherwise. None of the sports I watch are inundated with niggers either you stupid eurocuck.

Absolutely disgusting. Fuck.

BTFO!!! they was kingz and sheeet!

>watching the electric jew

Why is it always "us vs them" with Europe and the USA? YOU'RE BOTH FUCKING KEKED. It doesn't matter who's more cucked, deal with your own fucking problems instead of rationalising by saying "at least we're not them".

Niggers, spics, and other types of shitskins are just the common cold. Leftists are HIV, and Europe has full-blown AIDS.

A healthy country can deal with a refugee crisis without any troubles, just like a healthy person can get over a common cold. Leftists wreck countries, weakening customs and shifting priorities the way that AIDS blows out your immune system. With a bad enough case of leftists, that common cold goes pneumatic and you're gurgling your last breath.

We've had niggers forever, and spic problems since the beginning. We survived red Indians shooting bows and arrows and scalping settlers. If we get rid of the leftists, we can survive anything.

Europe, on the other hand, has been infested with leftists so much that it's practically beyond saving. Full blown AIDS. If it weren't for the refugees, something else would come along and kill it.

Shitskins are in no way the primary cause for concern. They're just a symptom of what's really killing countries.



TFW Dane doesn't understand that jews push all of this shit. They are almost entirely in control the business end of these cultural outlets. Thats not conspiratorial in the least. Its just a fact.

As far as olympics go If a black athlete is American and the best athlete in whichever competition then he/she deserves to be there. If you have a problem with that you're a faggot.

Also we have the legacy of slavery here and that makes blacks part of our society for better or worse.... and it sucks.

Europe doesn't have that history. It isn't required to take on the same burden as we have in the states.

What war is that??

What sports do you watch then? Hockey and MLS? Even baseball is hugely Hispanic.

That has to be either Somalia or grenada

So.. Where is the video of her sucking dick?
Someone link pls.

ideology is temporary, skin colour is permanent

she is 13 you perv

>Racial demographics make a nation cucked or not

Pic related is true cuckoldry. Nice progress there, Europe.

>a shitload of gay frogs
is this a Sup Forums reference?

>believing this
>shitskin burger genes kicks in

Acts like a poor ghetto nigger and gets rewarded for criminal behavior with tons of cash. I need a comet tohit this planet.

user Europeans are already shifting to the right and they have the benefit of still being 90% or more white
we should have kicked the hispanics out 20 years ago, we've done permanent damage that can only be undone through massive European immigration, the kind of immigration that we probably won't ever see again
I'm not saying it's hopeless, but if you really think we're in a better situation than Europe then you need to open your eyes man

Blacks are sexual gods. Are you really asking this question? There's a reason your women vote for more immigration from Africa.

We've been consistently about 12% black since the Civil War, and it was even higher before that. Niggers aren't the cause of our nigger problem.

yeah but Latinos weren't always 20% of our population
Asians weren't always 6%

You forget the most important thing that we have here in America that Europeans absolutely don't: lots and lots of room.

Sure, we have a lot of shitskins, but they aren't evenly distributed. We don't have 12% niggers everywhere you go. South Carolina has like 50%, and Oregon has like 2%.

In your average European country, a shitskin influx takes over the only major cities you have and bleeds out in the suburbs. In America, a Hispanic influx is a bit more spread around, but it's still very heavy in some places. Those states are just going to turn into total shitholes, and most of America is still going to be pretty nice.

hey can you stop bullying

so what are we going to do? keep running in our own country? look at demographics just 10 years ago they're spreading all over


girls like this need to be made an example of

Look at the 2016 election. The whole problem the Dems have is their voters clustering together. The vast majority of the United States is Trumpland. Sure, it'll be a drag watching California turn into more of a shithole on television, but it's not even comparable to what a European country is going through. You can drive from Paris to Moscow, and you've still got to keep going if you want to match the distance from Seattle to Miami.

Germans are getting trapped in a situation where their only cities are on the Baltimore / Detroit path, and there's nowhere for them to go. Whereas we here in America can play the White Flight game for well over another hundred years.

>I love my country but I'm sick of our posters acting as if we're more cucked than nations who are 30% more white than us

I'm up in Canada, I have Old Man Winter watching my back (BLM setting up camps in front of police station during summer, but all quiet now and the woods are safe again!).

You guys, need moar Roof Koreans.

The only language that ghetto hoodrats understand is the language of lead.

you are declining even in rural areas lmao

Nah. We're setting up for a future where some places are going to basically become El Paso, where Spanish is more common than English. Southern California, maybe New Mexico, Arizona, maybe Texas are going to go full Mexico and be like 50% Hispanic. The South East is going to remain black central. Big cities are going to continue to have crappy areas.

But most of the places are going to be filled with whites. Still plenty of places to live where you never really see a shitskin except on television.

And sooner or later, this country is going to become ungovernable. The Feds are already having a really difficult time keeping it together with a population of 330 million. When it gets up to 500, 600 million it's just not going to work. People in Mississippi are going to have so different an idea of how to live than people in New York, that power is going to have to go back to state and local government, or we're going to have another war.

And then plenty of places to go that'll still be 80%+ white. Plenty of places will be 60% Hispanic, just like niggers are everywhere, but they're really concentrated in 30-50% black counties.

>We don't have 12% niggers everywhere you go. South Carolina has like 50%, and Oregon has like 2%.
You say this is an advantage, but it's actually to our detriment. White areas have no fucking clue what's happening. They're in a leftist daze dreaming about equality while they interact with mostly white people. Diverse areas are at the mercy of these clueless voters. Up until Trump, politics hadn't been going very well for these people.

How did you get any sense of exclusivity implicated from the OP? Illiterate brazibong? Implying your country isn't the ultimate cesspool of hedonistic vapid culture.

>American posts a webm

what a disgrace

I doubt that map as it has my state completely wrong, we've seen astronomical growth in the time period mentioned.

>You guys, need moar Roof Koreans.
yeah that's exactly what we need you stupid fucking leaf, more non-whites who live in their own communities who ruin housing markets
yup we need some more
>le based roof asians xD
because they're not as bad as the blacks that rioted, nevermind all the other problems that come with importing asians
goddamn you yellow sympathizes never cease to amaze me

>Get something stolen
>White person gets murdered
>Cop has to kill someone because they resisted arrest and tried to grab his gun

Assuming your population is 100% white, thats 5.8 million whites.

Whites being 63% of our population, that is ~300 million.

Please stop embarrassing yourselves by trying to math.

Hence Trump.

Why does she look like she is bald?

The majority of the top 100 metropolitan areas showed a general loss in the under 20 population, for whites, minorities, everyone. We've had a couple points in recent history where the population boomed in a short amount of time, giving us these waves of births that we can categorize into generations. This affects the number of people under 20; it's not just a race thing.

At least black people have certain charms and skills....far more confusing for me is the US Jewish population.

Having grown up watching things like Seinfeld, Curb, Woody Allen films etc, and constantly hearing about Jewish rituals and holidays, how abnormal it was to be uncircumcised in the US, and rarely hearing about Catholicism, I legit thought that the Jewish population of the US must've been 30-40%.

It seriously blew my mind to find out that it's more like 1%.

It makes no sense to hear so much about them. Almost the same proportion of people in the UK claim to be Jedi as a fuckin joke.

She doesn't. You must be retarded.

MFW Philly is the only place in PA gaining young whites

It's an advantage if you're looking for a place to live, but yeah, it makes places extra shitty. I always find it pretty silly when some faggot in Maine is lecturing somebody from South Carolina about how racism doesn't make any sense, and that if he actually got to know black people he'd see his folly.

The way her hair parts looks strange

african immigrants are actually alright though. its the african immigrants who have been here since the 1800s that need to go back

>>Watch American movie
>>Listen to American music
>>Watch Americans at Olympics
>>Looks up racial demographics of USA
>13% niggers

theyre puttin chemicals in the water

>13% niggers, moderately cucked

>Britain is less than 5% Muslim, completely cucked

why is this girl so beautiful and perfect?

lol @ sexual gods

Niggers, spics, and other types of shitskins are just the common cold. Leftists are HIV, and Europe has full-blown AIDS.

Muslims and Jews are bone cancer.

a nigger is a nigger you dumb americuck

don't you have a dog to fuck you cuck leaf? importing 3rd world cultures cause you lack one yourself

Because she straightens her hair to look white, despite speaking like a nigger.

checked and confirmed

We're cucked for having a portion of the population that were literally our bitches until European philosophy came in and the New Yorker fucks decided to have more than half a million white Americans die for these literal slaves? We're the only western nation to literally cuck the negros for over 200 years and you call us cucked.

Fuck off, cuck.

a lot of new african immigrants here in canada arent american niggers and are teachers doctors and other shit. my doctor is black as well, so

please tell me where this is from

it's a normie meme

>not stomping it down the drain to conserve water.

Here's the basic gestalt.

In the US it's all dindu all the time, and they still complain about not getting attention or recognition.

I had a fight with my gf over this just the other day.

I told her black culture is too dominant in the US. They are 13% yet people talk, dress and consume so much black culture.

Compared to hispanic culture which is a bigger minority and yet people dont consume almost any hispanic culture that isnt food.

Anyway she got all mad and went to hang with her friend tyrell tonight and im sitting at home watching oscars alone while she's helping him with his math homework.

premium lel

I bet that boy has fucked more white girls than any white man in his whole lifetime.

checked mate

I like how the drawing represents the flag pole as a liberal commie's low testosterone flacid penis.