
What do we do about the automation problem? Shorter work week? UBI? Nothing?

>we do
>work week

What problem? Do we have a choice besides keeping the status quo of shitty jobs to sustain shitty lives?

> What do we do about the automation problem?

Nothing it has nothing to do with us and it's not a problem


UBI to stimulate the small towns that are suffering greatly. Amazon makes small towns harder to stay alive because why go to one of the small buisnesses there when you could just order something on amazon? Why even LOOK to see if theres a small business in town when, in just a few clicks, you could order some and have it in 2 days? Its not absolute economic destruction but it has an impact. UBI would at least ensure the survival of the town and a better chance at small businesses staying alive.

start investing in memes for the massive incoming influx of NEETs

I think we should go for single payer healthcare as a prelude to UBI.

Our healthcare system is so fucked right now. You cant even get the prices of services if you camped out in the office of the billing department of a hospital. So many kikes jewing everyone each step of the way.

Employers are forced to foot the bill on much of it too, my work pace pays the equivalent of $10/hr to the insurance kikes for every full time worker. Should just give everyone medicare. Good for business good for the people. You wont have Christ Cuck businesses bitching about paying for Laquisha's abortions.

Also in favor of cutting all social programs and just doing UMI instead but I think we need universal healthcare first.

that robot has nigger features

UBI will be mandatory unless you want rapid social degradation and unrest. Functional state-owned socialism will become possible later down the track as the internet and AI makes consumer feedback and customization much more efficient and effective compared to the traditional top down bureaucracy that had to produce goods and services tailored for the lowest common denominator.

(Hopefully) as 3d printing and CnC machines get cheaper and more sophisticated, making products locally will be more desirable than shipping them. That's probably a pipe dream though.
At minimum, automation will almost certainly wipe out international trade of unsophisticated products, which will put a pretty significant dent in Asian economies that aren't able to move from producing to designing by the end of the revolution.

This picture is so fucking stupid. Building an actual robot and then have it manually drive a car. fucking lol

nothing. that's litterally the answer.



Automation is not a globalist scheme. 50% of jobs are expected to be automated in the next 15-20 years due to advances in AI such as machine learning.

>Implying services will not be automated

who are you going to serve, unemployed people?

This. The great thing about industrial processes is that more can be produced with less effort. This means that people can obtain more with less effort and it has been shown throughout history that people will use/consume/have more when they have the opportunity; rather than hanging out in their mud huts when they have enough food to survive people would improve their surroundings

If this were true why are people working longer and longer on average while prices don't drop?

Current economic policy makes firing people costly and prints a bunch of money to buy securities and insulate businesses from making difficult choices. This system is to capitalism what the soviet union was to the idea of communism.

This is a problem that will solve itself. The automation produces for the people it makes poorer, so as demand lowers, price lowers and people can afford it.

If we had a sudden automation rush it would be different, similarly to how immigration rushes are bad, but slow, calculated immigration *can* be good.

Get rid of the minimum wage and stop inflating currency. Labor will always have a value greater than zero. If that value is greater than zero, then people will have expendable cash they will want to spend. Automation means good and services are a hell of a lot cheaper, which means lower prices for everyone.

Automation is not the end of the world, it's progress. Unless machines can act in a way that is indistinguishable from human activity, which is a problem separate from automation, then jobs will always exist.

You just have to realize that minimum wages push the cost of labor above the market clearing rate and that inflation destroys the process of deflation necessary for consumers to save buying power. If you do those two things, we have nothing but good things to reap from automation.

Automate food production, housing construction, and utilities management. Then stop worrying and innovate stuff with your spare time.

>This system is to capitalism

That IS capitalism though. If you want to come up with some other word to describe your ideal system, fine, but capitalism was always a term used by anti-capitalists to describe existing conditions.

Automation problem? what problem, we are just going to do to them what we did to Tay.

Every time I hear some fucking retard say ML is going to automate your mom I have a small stroke.

You fucking retards have no idea what machine learning even fucking is, or how (badly) it works.

The lower and working and even lower middle class will starve to death because they don't own the robots and will not have a service or skill that anyone will pay money for.

The human population collapses and robot armies are deployed by the 1% to put down the rioting 99% liberal communist moochers who think the world owes them a living.

planet wide environmental pollution is nearly wiped out and the new future of mankind begins with no work for anyone to do and robots to provide all the goods and services anyone left alive could want to have. Space colonization starts soon after. History books record the period as a difficult transition from a shitty past to the glorious future.

TLDR: you die.

Why even have kids if automation is in the very near future?

Here's the dangerous thing about automation. EMP's. Infrastructure. Any type of attack against the country targets or uses this type of technology will wipe out everything. We will always need manpower. There will be a war in the near future to fight for the right to work against robots. Mark my words.

I suppose you know better about the fastest growing study in computer science.

We are doing what we need to user. The population within first world nations (the ones really being effected by this) is drastically falling, which will eventually keep our population in balance with automation. Unfortunately, Democrats want to keep bringing in 3rd world'ers (who have WAY to many kids and haven't adjusted to first world living yet) so the demographics will change in their favor.


More movie studios, game studios, porn studios, etc.

The future is great.

I saw this coming 10 years ago and went into law enforcement. I'd like to see a robot kill as many niggers as real police do.

>the more and more we "progress" the more and more kike controlled things become

Jews will control robots and kill all the goyim

niggers kill more niggers than any other known cause.

No joke. This would be a fun project. Signing up for a friend.

Your digits do not lie. Thankfully there's also crack to act as pseudo pest control.

Do it.

human police have empathy for their fellow humans and that makes them inferior to robot cops who will brutally subdue to starving masses displaced from the economy due to automation. Robot cops cost less money in the long run than human cops and so will be championed by capitalist economies to cut down on big government liberal spending.

Yeah... no. I don't think some fancy calculator can put 6 jacketed hollowpoint tungsten core rounds of .45 caliber into some disgusting subhuman nigger.

>Yeah... no. I don't think some fancy calculator can put 6 jacketed hollowpoint tungsten core rounds of .45 caliber into some disgusting subhuman nigger.

it might not happen in your lifetime but it will happen eventually. Probably sooner rather than later. Gun to my head, I think the first robot-cop hits the streets in the year 2075.

The march of technological progress can not and should not be stopped.

When volvo releases its first self driving semi truck millions of jobs across the world will vanish in months.

Every time a truck breaks down, buy a new self driving one (that will be cheaper because it doesn't need to be "safe" for an operator) and fire a worker, save shit loads of money as a company.

The only automation I approve of is in the food industry. I would love a 5 star chef in my own kitchen that was able to cook anything to perfection, provided I brought the machine the ingredients.

Cleaning the home is next on the list.

Yes, I do.

Please explain to me how machine learning is going to automate your job, just on a fairly high level. Explain to me what you think machine learning actually is, or how it is currently used.

>do my research for me

classic murcia

the question you should ask is how good was it 20 years ago, then 10 years ago and today? Then ask yourself how good its going to be in ten years from now, and twenty years from now. The trajectory of the thing is staggering and just cause it isn't going to replace people tomorrow doesn't mean it isn't going to happen.