Well Sup Forums? You don't think you're entitled to a job, do you?

Well Sup Forums? You don't think you're entitled to a job, do you?

Actually his opinion doesn't matter. It's illegal to hire illegal immigrants

Nope, if I get a job I earned it


this is the same shit that was being said about welfare leeches

uhhhh OR or or or
maybe we could just close tho borders??
and take care of our own people?

maybe people deserve low skill jobs to break into the industry without being grossly underpaid?

Also there's a huge difference between
>not being qualified for a job (millennials)
>illegally hiring an illegal who will work for less money

>you're not entitled to anything and no one owes you a job.

bullshit. i'm robbed of my childhood and forced to attend 12 years of schooling to become a productive worker bee. the federal government raised me to work. i'm expected to get a job from someone.

I'd like to be entitled to no job, but authorities are bugging me to at least search for one or they cut my welfare. Fuckheads.


I go to school for CNC. I hate it, I hate my classmates, I hate pushing buttons and waiting hours for nothing.

In the meantime I can't find a job anywhere. Not wegmans, dicks, walgreens, lowes, delta sonic, tops, bjs, the ymca, wegmans again, etc etc etc. I'm a 21 year old white male, 3.7 GPA as of last semester, eagle scout, from a middle class family that raised me Presbyterian. Yet, there isn't a single shitty job I can get that'll float me through school.

I don't think I should be entitled to a job, but if society wants me to contribute, either let me or stop bitch in that I sit at home and play video games in my free time.

It isn't most Trump voters who are having their jobs stolen, it is blacks who never finish high school and can't read or write at any acceptable level. A lot probably wouldn't want to do the farm work but illegals take up a pretty significant amount of construction jobs, which when illegals aren't around are actually decent paying jobs that you can make a career out of.

Considering I was unemployed for years crushed by debt and eventually joined the military to avoid homelessness:

Fuck you OP.

Let me give that person some "bad advice" too. If you cry about people not being able to live on minimum wage and want to FORCE employers to pay their workers 15-20$/hour...then tell people it's okay for them to hire illegals working LESS than minimum wage, you're a retard. You want to undermine this country's laws and push people out of jobs because you feel sorry for illegals? Fuck you.

What about the taxes you pay?

The advice is still solid tho:
>People shouldn't be whinning
>People shouldn't be lazy
>People shouldn't make bad decision

>People Voted Trump

Borders need to be more secure without a doubt. But the reason migrants keep streaming over the border is because employers in the US will knowingly hire them.

I read a paper by (((CFR))) from 2007-ish debating the economic costs & benefits of illegal immigration. They concluded essentially that preventing illegal migrant workers from obtaining low-skilled labor positions in the US would have a net detrimental effect on the economy, because the companies that hire this type of work would need to hire Americans instead at higher cost, which would translate to higher-cost goods to the American public.

I've heard lefties make this claim in the past and it's funny because this comes from the same crowd that always wants to raise the minimum wage.

>12 years of schooling to become a productive worker bee.
youre taught basic shit
but absolutely none of it will ever help you in the real world
i didnt know taxes i didnt know home loans i didnt know the draft or how to register to vote or even how to legitimately apply for a job or even how to be content with my life of doing the exact same shit over and over again
go to bed wake up do it all over again for another 12 hours eat go to bed wake up do it all over again

Only because I've proven my skills,proficiency, and supremacy for those who compete with me in market share

This is why I propose penalties for business owners that employ illegal immigrants. 10k fine and/or up to 1 year in prison per illegal immigrant. Offset it by a significant tax break for companies that had illegals working for them, but then turn said illegals into ICE.
We'll really start cracking down and getting rid of them quickly after that. Illegals will be terrified to work knowing that once the job is complete, the employer has incentive built in to get them to the other side of the border. They'll do less work to prolong the job, leave right before it concludes, etc. and kinda fuck projects over, thus reducing demand for illegals in any capacity.
Quit coddling anyone in contact with them. Make it a felony to knowingly harbor an illegal immigrant, be it a church, house, apartment, rental property, etc.

I just want to point out that the last paragraph is exactly what Americans did, they lashed out against the structures of power that allow and incentivize the employer's to relocate their jobs.
They voted for a president that ran on the platform of preventing their employers from leaving the country for cheap labor and that told them the interests of tax paying citizens of their country would take priority over illegal immigrants.

then they go out of fucking business and someone that knows how to work it work takes their place. that's what capitalism is

Yes, I am entitled to a job as an American citizen. And all the fucking border hoppers are entitled to get the fuck out of my country.
Fuck you.

>a bloo bloo bloo you should just suck it up and compete with people who are allowed to accept your unskilled job for less money because they are here illegally
>don't you dare say we should get rid of the minimum wage that's sacred
>the only reason you don't want retarded unskilled people flooding your country is because of raycism!
>rich people get out reeeeeeeeeee

What a tired argument, if the immigrants want to come here and work they can do it legally. Then they are guaranteed the minimum wage as well and the competition isn't hindered by the company hiring the cheapest human resource that is just smart enough to perform their task. The only reasons they would argue against this are
A: "Muh cheap avocados" in which they can drop all pretenses of virtue signalling and just accept they still want slavery but demand that people pat them on the back for appearing to "care"
B: the immigrants are all stupid wastes who are unable to compete with even the lowest American citizen and the only way they can find work is by under cutting their competition to wages literally below what other people are allowed to accept

That's a lot of fucking assumptions he's making

>1 post by this ID

>what do you want to be when you grow up
>what do you want to be when you grow up
>what do you want to be when you grow up

we're raised with the expectation of getting a job and that we'll spend our lives working. our education isn't voluntary and its purpose is to make us productive members of society. the government programs us to work, the least they can do is ensure we have jobs; policies should reflect that.

if you don't have a job, thats your fault and yours alone.