What will his response to the Oscars be?

What will his response to the Oscars be?

hopefully nothing. i wish he would just stop reacting to all the b8 and ignore the noise. focus on what matters donnie.

>Sort yourself out or I'll send in the Feds!


for maximum triggering, I hope he just said "Congratulations to Moonlight on winning best picture"


He'll laugh at it.

He won't say shit, because he's a pussy. It's why he can't even face up to the media at the WHCD.


>hopefully nothing

>one job to do
>announce wrong winner
Trump Karma

You stole my pic nigger but at least you put digitals with it. Is there anything kek and the god emperor can't do?

Someone needs to hide his phone NOW!

>Didn't see it, I was too busy building the wall.

Nothing, it killed itself tonight!

This. Don't say anything, you're the president. You're supposed to be above this shit now.

What did kek mean by this

If repeaters, they announce LaLa Land actually did win and all niggers are BTFO again.

Nothing because he's the President and Hollywood is full of faggots and worthless kikes

See? You faggots bring all the cucks here

la la land was easily the best picture of the year! very unfair!

>99 = what he should say
>55, 77 = what he should do instead

Don't say anything and build the wall

>hopefully nothing
Agreed. Usually people say 'that's what they want' and it's not the case, but it really is here.

Maybe he just retweets the shit he said 3 years ago. I think that would be great


calling someone who doesn't show up a liberal circle-jerk (which is essentially a roomful of pussies} a pussy. what a fag

nice try, stephen colbert.

Of course he will respond. He is severely mentally ill and has an ego made of rice paper. We've only just begun to see what he's going to turn in to. He's going to crash and burn in a publicly spectacular fashion.

Nice quads, but you're wrong. You seem to forget that YOU CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP

>Tfw this is actually a ligitimate concern

Sup Forums why the fuck did you elect this mad man?
>Inb4 le keks and le memes
He's hilarious, but i also want to drink clean water, not live in autocracy, and not have the news cycle dominated by scandals.

we can not have him get his hands on the nuclear codes though

but this is always said about trump but explain to me why hasn't responded to eminem in the 2 times he's insulted him?

didn't watch

quads confirm

I hope he doesn't

Good thing I only voted for assblasted lefties