Liberals love using the V sign as a peace symbol. We should turn it into a symbol of white power and nazism.

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We need Pepe memes, to do it. I have no talent in drawing.

you're confusing liberals with asians

This, I've only ever seen asian girls doing this thing

This. Almost every East Asian I've met has flashed the V sign.

You mean the peace sign?..

2 words 2 fingers: white power


What is it with Asian chicks and the V sign?

I don't know, but it's unusually popular among them.

It's the number two

sign for division

splitting the immigrants back into their ways of life away from ours

Simple, we narrow it down to 2 genders.

Or not. Because no-one here's going to leave their parents' basement.

whats with western chicks and the duck face

How many genders?

Vril energy

>you're confusing liberals with asians

I'm Asian, and I'm not Liberal.

We also use the V sign half-ironically, when we are making fun of people. By 'people' I mean blacks, usually.

serious answer: it accentuates your cheekbones, which are one of those things we don't really think about but factor highly when you're trying to decide if a person is attractive. it also makes their lips appear bigger, if not exactly fuller.

I've heard even something better, 2 genders. Nothing more. Male and female.

Nothing says privilege and white supremacist more then someone saying "2 genders", its even worse then white power to a liberal.

Also, Asian Pretty Boys.

Holdover from WWII, and all the propeganda spewed into Japan, then spread throughout the rest of the sphere

This is the best possible way to go about this OP. Make it mean "2 genders"

This. All we have to do is circulate peace sign = two genders enough that it triggers them Libtards whenever they see people using them unironically

This is the best route

We should meme all significant gestures in white power signs, so every normie using these gestures would be bashed by liberals and finally realize that white power is the only option.

I've identified as Two-Spirit, and I would note that there are people born intersex (it's a physical characteristic), but I'm all for triggering latte liberals, DO IT.

I actually saw the 2 genders conspiracy mentioned unnironically in the fringes of social media days ago, so all we need to do is stoke the flames of their faggotry.

ok = alt-right white nationalist
V = uber feminist vagina

Related idea was mentioned here

They think it makes them look sexy when in reality it makes them look cringy and retarded. The V sign seems more of a symbolic thing to do.

Muslims also use it when praising Allah. Just watch any combat footage with them fighting or winning a battle

Chinks do it, it'll never catch on if we try.

Sup Forums is not your personal army.


Is that Yuri and Yoona?

ok, reversed imaged, and yes.

These aren't just random Asian girls, you scum!

You sick fuck.

Let's do it.


V should stand for Volk. This is how it will be a full blown nazi symbol

Spread this far and wide


Somebody could probably pitch this to one of the easily baited media sites and then an uproar might start on Twitter or something.

V for Hail Victory

V sign? How autistic are you?

You guys are over thinking it. You just need to make a white power logo with a V sign motif and use it to mark or watermark obvious WP propaganda.

Just turn a photo of the V sign into a high contrast black and white stencil and have the words WHITE POWER in all caps below it or on it with a strong font.

The V sign is NOT a symbol of peace but actually one of being able to keep on fighting.

You see, back in medieval times archers used to make the sign as a symbol of defiance, because upon capture by the opposing forces men-at-arms the archers would have those fingers cut off to make them unable to use a bow.

Tl;dr libs are retarded

What about when you stick your tongue between the fingers?

We should follow up these threads and try to make noise on normie sites.

these. also try and associate it with already established things like 1488, ie. 2 words = sieg heil

Once that's finished Vice should pick up on it and take the bait. They love our bait.

>Liberals love using the V sign as a peace symbol. We should turn it into a symbol of white power and nazism.

OY VEY!!!!!

It was "V" for victory and it started around the end of WW2. You obviously know what it means when you turn the hand around and do it, so why not just do that instead?

Two genders, that would shock them more.

Really? That's pretty interesting info, thanks Sven

V for VICTORY boys!

Can't wait for VE Day

If you haven't noticed the V symbol is satanic. The fags pushing this are the same one that want Trump impeached. They think if you meme their symbols it will give them power through spoopy magic. Instead meme the surfer sign with the pinky and thumb extended. It counteracts the satanic V.

I believe that form is actually done with the back of the hand facing the person you're gesturing to. It's traditionally been used as an insult/to goad people over here (or was, flipping the bird has largely taken over nowadays).

that's also the origin of the middle finger