Reddit vs Sup Forums

Hello Politically Incorrect. I am a professional Redditor who has accumulated approximately 10 million internet points due to my quality content and posts.

I would just like to know why there is so much animosity between this site and my beloved Reddit? It boggles my mind; is it because you folks are jealous of our influence and viral memes?

There needs to be a discussion about this because I would really like to see our two communities become friends. I really think we can accomplish some great things if we work together.

It took me a bit of time to figure out how to use this site, but I was able to attach a picture of myself.

Other urls found in this thread:

kys plebbit shill

i believe you

>our influence and viral memes?

See, I just don't understand the hostility.


Needs more spacing, defending of faggots and spics. 6/10

I probably would if I lived in Guam. What a horrible place.

We have free speech and you do not. Sux to be you.

Nigga just stop! Just enjoy your day and get some sleep.


>implying (you)s aren't up-votes.

It's an atrocity if you normally talk like this around here. Gays and Latinos should be respected, not dehumanized.

>tfw people are unironically taking this bait
Saged and reported to the Mossad.

Saged? What does that mean?

And why wouldn't people believe me??

I've attached a picture of pepe to hopefully build some camaraderie with you guys.

>10 gorillion

I only have 3 thousand

I've also contacted m00t and he will be here shortly to address this matter. You don't know who you're messing with, plebbitor.

A nigger loving cuck faggot like you can post here. Your hivemind does not afford this freedom. Fuck you

Reddit is bretty good for specialized stuff, no matter the topic, specialized subreddits have a good amount of knowledgeable users.

On Sup Forums you have to sift through millions of shitposts, and specialized discussion is pretty rare

Political discussion is cancerous on Sup Forums and reddit because there are many crossposting troll homos

Yes, I would like to discuss the matter with this m00t. I would give him a Reddit gold if I could.

What kind of rewards are there on this site? Are there upvotes?

Thank you for the insight, my good hombre.

See, this is the kind of discussion I would like to have. I have no hostility towards you folks.

Yes r/altright is an example of this

7/10 for getting them to defend.

Here's a little-known trick I'm willing to share with you as a token of friendship between our races: you can upvote your own posts by entering "sage" in the Options field when you post. Use it wisely.

By specialized I mean stuff like origami, 3d printing, robotics, surveying, geodesy, or even game cracking discussion and everything in between

You're not going to tell him about platinum privileges if he does it every time he posts for 7 days? That's just wrong man.

Plebbit corralled freedom of speech for sheckels. Reap it losers


you look dreadful

I heard there is alot of censoring going on here. Are the mods really that intolerant?

Well, I have to admit it's not my best pic. It was right before I attended a gay parade in SF.

Fucking kikes, always trying to monetize


First, you put people off by the whole ego trip in your post. But since it's a nice, slow morning, I will indulge your shitpost.

People here dislike reddit often because of attitude of its members. It's pretty well known that most of reddit memes are old or recycled memes from other places, predominantly message bards like half and infinity chan. Reddit is pretty unaware of it.

Second, the politeness irks people. Not that it's bad on its own but the fact how its enforced. I like politeness, I try to not be an ass even here but I recognize and sometimes will myself straight up call someone a retard when they act retarded. Reddit however takes it to a far greater degree, with people dogpilling on someone not because of content of their post but the attitude and are willing to confirm someone points and "upvote" because of the attitude.

In general, reddit suffers from massive circlejerk and upvoting one's own friends etc. It makes discussion not about the topic but about how amusing or nice posts are. Here every post has by default the same value and content dictates its worth, majority is also anonymous with name/tripfagging being meant only for specific situations and discussions in boundaries of particular thread so no user fanclubs if they can be avoided.
On reddit, funny lel comment may be bumped to be the most important in the thread, while complex, detailed analysis of some problem will be pushed back because people didn't bother to read.

Reddit moderation is also suspicious. There are cases of bullshit on Sup Forums, but nowhere near close to what is happening on reddit, with unpopular, even if factually sound comments and users writing them suffering penalties. There were even cases of outright censoring when user didn't comform to some narrative. I understand that some subreddits are pseudo-private domains but when someone bans you because you didn't say what they wanted to hear when you were reasonable and on-topic - that's crap.

Last reason is simple - many anons are simply edgy kids with us vs them mentality. As commonly posted links, screenshots and calls for raids (less common nowadays) show, many anons visit either and don't give a fuck, just enjoy 'le leddit' meme.

Luggage lad sold the site to disney for 4 billion last year, bro. Do you even watch the news?

The points game and karma are a form of monetization of the medium. Total bullshit meant to build a hierarchy. The free exchange of ideas should not be artificially weighted.

Points and karma make it possible to make 50 good posts that lend credibility to 1 abhorrant post. Its a trap

You gotta have some sort of moderation in political themed discussion sites, otherwise you end up with places like Sup Forums which are garbage and can be shut down for days with "shillbot" forced memes like it happened a few years ago.

Yet, here you are

but gaum is american, are you saying you hate.. freedom?!

Is the Guam flag representative of what a Guamanian first sees when they first enter the world?

Im not trying to shut you down. You did have to come here to speak feely though. What does that say about plebbitt ?

Don't you know? Half of US population seems to hate freedom now. They'd rather have dystopian, communist police state where you have to be tolerant yet also firm against whatever is the racist/bigoted/*phobic flavor of the day.

are you really a reddit user, or are you just using some dudes picture and pretending to be this guy to start some shit because you are bored?

Guam is for citizens of Guam. Do what you want.

>Yet, here you are
I'm shitposting on other 4 threads simultaneously fishing for (you)'s because I can't get any sleep, you're proving my point.

this might be a bait


>only 4
You're like a baby.

This gentleman made some very well thought out points that I will need time to ponder over. Thank you for the effort.

To the rest: how much more proof do you want that I am a true Redditor? Do you want a /fedoratip with a /m'lady thrown in or what?

Neck yourself posthaste

I don't appreciate that meme, sir.

Donald Trump's "you have to go back" idiom is highly offensive to the hard working immigrants of this country.

linking your reddit posts or show your username

Sup Forums is way more anarchistic than you starbucks socialists will ever be again. True frreedom ! Like i said before, sux to be you, you have my sympathy.

Considering the hostility that has been shown here, I'd rather not expose my "identity" and risk the destruction of my reputation.

I've worked very hard over the years and don't want to see it destroyed overnight due to a bunch of angry anons.

Angry and intolerable, I might add.


Fuck your identity. Your ideas are shit if you attach identity to support them.

ok so you show a picture of yourself, which can be looked up, but refuse to show that you are an actual redditor because of fear of reprisal?
Yeah, you are just a bored user fucking around like the rest of us.

Kill yourself nigger dike shill

Kek wills it faggot now GTFO OFF OF MY BOARD



Fucking kill yourself you reddit faggot. I hopw you get unvoted by your fat fuck girlfriends strap on you useless dramawhore KEK

Reddit bullshit might mean something on reddit but it does not transfer over here. Eliteist

MODS MODS MODS can we have an anti-LARPing rule please?



Low quality bait. Do you really have nothing better to do. Remember to sage this thread when posting, folks.

I don't have much faith in your ability to doxx me due to an obscure picture of myself. Nice try.

Fucking shilling for reddit.
>actually believing this is a pol poster lapping and not the typical reddit Cuckweasel

This asshole thinks that his rainbow hair puts him on the right side of history

For real, it's so obviously satire. I knew this board was gullible and dumb, believing in shit like Pizzagate, but this takes the cake.

It's like the white feces of the world congregates here, both simultaneously the most distrustful and gullible user base on the entire internet, and that is quite a feat.

I come here to laugh at retards, but this takes the cake.

It's...It's you! THE HERO OF KVATCH!


The faggorty is strong with this one.

>our two communities become friends
go fuck yourself

because you took the time to find a random picture of some wierdo?
Yah I can agree I can't doxx you when you aren't even what you claim to be.


Shill confirmed

You suck at the teat of leftist talking points. I honestly feel sorry for you.


indeed, for this op receives .00000001 plebbit friendship coins

Watch this man, then we can be friends

>Sup Forums is way more anarchistic than you starbucks socialists will ever be again. True frreedom ! Like i said before, sux to be you, you have my sympathy.
That would make sense in a way, just like how mad max is a good example of a society for some people

don't touch me or say my name ever again
you are a different and lower class of user and human being alike

Is this 2014?

I love it when retards like you insult the board when it's you who isn't in on what's actually going on

Freedom of ideas is how progress is made, you shouldnt be so regressive.

>progress is having the ability to spam cuck and shillbot memes without being reprimanded

very belivabre

What's the deal with calling it plebbit? It's Reddit.

Can you say it with me? R-E-D-D-I-T!

Also, I'll take your "plebbit" coins anyways as a sign of goodwill.

Sup Forums = freedom. Reddit = repression ! Power to the people !

That was horrible.

Because reddit fags are fucking plebs.
But you already knew this.
Smarmy cunt.

Amen bruh !

I'm going to be the better man and refrain myself from using ad hominems towards you.

Also, I'm far from smarmy. Do you even know what that means without googling it?

>is it because you folks are jealous of our influence and viral memes?

Yes now go away plz


I wouldnt even call it plebbit, more like shillbit.