I'm really tired Sup Forums, this libshit guy I know has spammed points at me and I need help...

I'm really tired Sup Forums, this libshit guy I know has spammed points at me and I need help. Some easier to refute than others.
The post is a news article on some limey nutcase MP suspecting Russia is behind Brexit. I see a bit of hyperbole here but I'm having trouble collecting my thoughts.
Help me bogpill this cuck if you have a few minutes to spare. I can pay with frogs

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bump for the aussie

Nigga suck it up and refute him. He's arranged his argument in a wall of text with improper syntax and spacing to drive you to this exact situation.

Refute with a wall of text twice the size. Call his bluff.

You lost. Pee on his bed.

this, lazy, cunt


Put your own work in brother.

But unless you know this guy and actually like him why bother?

Just call him a pedo.

If he complains that calling him a pedo isn't an argument tell him that's just what a pedo would say.

I'm not sure why you would want to debate someone online who is so obviously comfortable being wrong.

You would be able to convince him in person but not online.

>even Republicans said....
>John McCain and Lindsey Graham


Yeah once I'm home from work with a proper keyboard in front of me and something to eat... it is mostly just an emotional patchwork of pseudo intellectual crap.

Dumb cunt can't write his own argument.

You are the nigger op

This one is easy.
All you have to do is to prove that there is no freedom in UK and everything is controlled by the powers that be.
From that premise, it is straightforward to prove that if Brexit has happened, then the elites must be behind it. You can find some economic arguments to why UK is better off out of the EU, and point out how it was not a bad deal to stay out of the Euro and keep the pound.
Therefore if Brexit is actually good and benefits the local elites, then Russia being the old enemy can't be behind it.

>I need help.
He's entirely right you fuckwit. You can't explain this shit away as 'he's a liberal cuck' and cover your eyes and run around screaming Trump memes. You nu/pol/ fuckwads are blinding yourselves in the afterglow of your meme-election. Do not ignore evidence, do not give your enemy the advantage of resting on your laurels.

Also, the reason you're having trouble collecting your thoughts is equal parts retardation and cognitive dissonance with the Sup Forums meme narrative, just like any lefty-cuck's narrative falling apart when presented with ethnic crime rates and evidence of genetics predetermining intelligence levels. You dismiss factual critique as fake news and do nothing but spout memes on a Bulgarian gypsy thievery discussion forum. This is the same thing the liberals you despise do; dismissing any kind of challenge to their narrative as racist grampas and white privilege. They lost the election because of their mindless sheep mentality, and nu/pol/ will lose the next election the same way if they don't wake the fuck up. Clinton was shit, but don't pretend Trump has the answers to everything, no matter how much meme-magic you throw his way.

You can't just shrug off conservatives who no longer support Trump as traitors, you can't just ignore the record levels of critique and protests going on, and as for diplomatic ties, Trump has pissed off just about all four of the English primary speaking white allies, Australia included. Telling everyone he's never even met Putin has to be annoying Putin on some level as well, so he's fucked that for you too. All of this is reconstructing the liberal narrative for the mainstream population and squashing all distention, while exposing everyone who supports it. It is working, and it is working against you. The globalists who've patiently worked to craft the perfect society for them to take over can wait another four years while you jerk yourselves off under the table. Their hands will not be idle.

>Trump has pissed off just about all four of the English primary speaking white allies, Australia included.

Hmmm. Dearie, it was so funny of you to accept the refugees from America... Funny, isn't it... :)

>Europe is moving to the left
Ehh what? The French election second round is basically going to be a right wing anti immigrant party vs a right wing conservative mainstream party no?

Only fucking Germany is.

Shit happened to me the other day.

Legit, this moron's argument against a video someone posted was "It's RT and Putin is Putin". Thing was that the RT vid was asking viewers to double check their arguments with other news sources like DemocracyNow and people like Greenwald.

His fucking response was "I can't because it's Putin's propaganda, and let's face it, that's what it is".

This nigga tried to Jordan Peterson me. "PUTIN IS PUTIN AND THAT'S THAT. SORT YOURSELF OUT."

I'm lolling typing it up but I was so mad at his public retardation at the time.

You get ours right back, sweet-heart.

Which, by the way, never made any sense to me.

Muslims right next to the boarder of America want to go to America, Muslims on an island off the coast of Australia want to go to Australia. They're both kept in the revolving door for ages until finally they're told they can leave, but they're not going to the country they wanted to go to. They're going to literally the other fucking side of the world from where they wanted to be. Unless someone's accepting more from one side than the other. This is a lot of fucking around for no profit.

Itt stories when heroic pol autists had to speak to actual human beings and invariably spilled their spaghetti

Would be helpful if you posted the whole conversation so we know what criticisms he's leveled regarding Russian involvement in the election, and what you or someone else may have done to trigger that.

I will try to refute his nonsense. US intelligence agencies are left leaning. This is apparent by his, the person OP is debating, his desire for the POTUS to listen to the intelligence agencies is proof of their leftist biases. Trump doesnt need to sit in a briefing with them. He can be briefed through paperwork by them. He can be briefed by agencies he trusts in person. He might not even do that. Its his choice. Obama did the same shit. And he did to fox what trump is doing to CNN and multiple other channels because theres more than one channel that leans left. Its not russia leaking shit its people like james O'keefe. And if russia is in collusion with the trump administration then hillary must have fucked up even worse because she lost to him. Even though all the intelligence agencies get a hard on fighting conservatives. Russia must have some even worse information about the DNC. Im sorry. Not russia. ITS JAMES O'keefe and his people. This russian bullshit is the real bullshit. "Multiple Russian STYLE attempts" not russian attempts. Russian style. Europe is moving left because theyre beeing flooded with leeches. Theres nothing else to that. Nationalism only divides the people meant to be here from the people not meant to be here. Concerns. He says these are all concerns. He knows theyre not fact. Its all just speculation and hes running with it. See if the intelligence agencies, media, press, and government werent all so left leaning, these people would be back in looney bins drawing anarchy signs on the walls with their shit. The president doesnt need to know how government works. Government is supposed to work for the people. The left is dying. And this paragraph of nonsense is proof. I noticed when people get scared they start to talk alot. That's what this appears to be. Tell your friend to turn off the tv. Its terrorizing him.

>it is self-evident that intelligence agencies are anti-trump because you are using their testimony as a basis for your argument and you're anti-trump

Really gets the hams steamin'.

Just tell him to fuck off with his blatant conjecture. That shit reads like a fucking guardian article.

the intelligence agencies are no way political. they are paid for.

- he skips briefings WHEN THERE IS NO NEW INFORMATION (quite the gall to complain about intellectual dishonesty here)
- there is no emphasis on other nations disrupting the american election, in spite of it obviously taking place
- there is no emphasis on the completely arrogant double standards, considering obama went to the UK and told us all to vote "remain"
- michael flynn has been cleared of wrongdoing, and will not be prosecuted. it's a total non-story by now.
- there are plenty of NeverTrump'ers, or repubs who quietly agreed with them, who are now vocal in their criticism
- GERMANY is moving left, france looks to be a right vs right competition, the Dutch are definitely moving right, as is Sweden, Italy, and various nations. to claim it's moving left is either MORE intellectual dishonesty, or it's just plain ignorance
- what is divisive here primarily is the lack of calm headed media; everything is hyperbolic, with perennial liars CNN the worst of the bunch
- the outrage at repuib town hall meetings were sponsored by fucking soros
- the navy seal event was planned by obama. nice try, more intellectual dishonesty or outright ignorant BS

the rest is not an argument and does not need to be addressed; just sour grapes.

>Europe is moving left because theyre beeing flooded with leeches.
They are not moving left because of leeches, they are moving left because of people who vote for bigger government.

I oppose the welfare state on many grounds. It's an immoral transfer of wealth and an unacceptable initiation of force against people and their property. It does not create prosperity. It does not alleviate poverty.

This is only another problem with it. When it becomes possible for you to live a life of relative leisure at no personal expense, why wouldn't you take advantage of the benefits? Remove the welfare state and suddenly you have a group of people that will be forced to self-deport or to follow the new financial incentive, which is to learn the native language and make oneself marketable.This is only if we look at incentives. We're also forgetting that Western governments aren't merely allowing people in. They're practically importing them. Ask yourself why some U.S. government officials are so eager to import 3rd world immigrants.

Is it perhaps because 3rd world immigrants and their following generations are far, far more likely to vote for a larger government?

>the town hall disruptions were funded by Soros


sounds like he trusts european media and will be btfo once again

>US intelligence is known to lie so taking their word at face value is equally as naive as believing everything trump says. The CIAs word isn't proof of any anything.
>meddling in the world and swinging it to the right is nothing but sheer refusal on his part to accept that voters don't like mass immigrantion and 50 genders. Putin can't change peoples long standing beliefs. It strikes me as liberal arrogance ie 'i know what is best for you, you dumb hick'
>the Michael Flynn thing isn't proof of anything. Who knows what he was talking to the russians about? Every president is going to want to reach out to other world leaders. Link him the video of obama cozying up to Medvedev.
>the rest of his post is just garden variety liberal bias. Ask him what he thinks the root word is for 'populism'. Their zero evidence of Europe moving left, in fact all we hear about here is the ' rise of the far right'
>he is equally as caught up in rhetoric as you
>m.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE (obama Medvedev video) Point out that a lot of what lefty news sources are attacking trump for aren't exclusive to the right. All politicians are crooks. That is why you like trump; he was a political outsider and look at the butthurt he is causing career politicians

You would be best to reformat that and expand on it a little. If you are going to politically outspoken, you need to be prepared. Knowning the liberal narrative beforehand help. Anyway, I hope this is of some use to you.

feel free to bash bb rather than address the points made. that's what everyone else does (amusingly usually while quoting huffpo articles like a source of truth)


If I understand correctly, Indivisible provides a 'townhall playbook' but does not directly organize local action, nor do its affiliates participate in them in any official capacity. Of course Soros' money is involved (as it is with essentially every non-radical leftist action group), but the way you worded it made it sound as if this were astroturfing, which I don't think your article sufficiently supports.

And I just wanted your source. No need to inb4 based on your own projections.

>making me laff about ded kids since 2005
fucking hell mate