According to some shill on Reddit no doubt

According to some shill on Reddit no doubt.

Salon? High quality?

Real Clear Politics leans right? News to me.

Imho though this could have been done a lot worse.

>not horrible
>any of the mainstream leftist news outlets
>anywhere but poor quality


>BBC high quality and touching neutral


The Economist is HARD left. I love Reason and Cato though. Although less recently since both sites largely oppose the wall.

On further consideration I think the left-right scale is done quite well with a few exceptions. The quality scale is like 50/50 though.


BLM is high quality, wtf?

Not gonna lie INFOWARS at the bottom almost triggered me

If you honestly believe infowars and breitbart are trustworthy news outlets you should just neck yourself

That was a quality post, fuck off globalist scum.

TYT should be further left, and Infowars despite being a meme resevoir, could be further left


Gotta read from a lot of different sources to get different points of view. Breitbart and InfoWars sometimes get even ridiculous of so much BS they have, just like the regular media.

The Economist is transformed into left imo. Not netural at all, cancelled my subscription to them.

Get on my level

>the economist
>the guardian

>not all garbage quality


What news site does everyone here use? I want one that's not infowars tier but I also want one that's not stupidly left. I always thought AP was decent until the election season. Is Forbes any good?

Really? I thought they were based wtf

When did they start changing?

One America news network

I think Alex Jones and infowars should be happy they are on same graph as AP and wall street journal. They have come a long ways.

Better to be exceptional than lumped in with a mass of medicrity also

>everyone in OP's pic
>most "white nationalist" Internet outlets; TRS, dailystormer, etc.
not kikes:
>some of Sup Forums
do not believe their lies

Take everything on that graph and relocate them all about another inch to their left. Much more accurate.

Infa 100%

I would say that CATO is a little more neutral.

I just follow a few journos on twitter and listen to a few political podcasts


it was a long time coming, their incessant pro-EU shilling was the final drop.

Also Salon should be down in Poor Quality

some one should sneak in Counter-Currents and put it at the highest quality and in-between leans right and hyper-partisan

Love how the intercept is just out there, alone.

Forbes is anti Trump.
I don't even bother with news I just look at video sources to see the raw truth without any news spinning anything

>high quality garbage

Its funny how everyone thinks their side is the best side, and all others are only downhill from there
I urge everyone to be constantly evaluating everything you come across. Yes, even your own side.
Please consider that you are wrong and that your side isn't the epitome of quality (right and left!)


If you honestly believe Belgium is a real country you should just neck yourself

From reddit can confirm