Why does /pol insist on blaming Jews for no reason?

Why does /pol insist on blaming Jews for no reason?

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For the same reason that blacks insist on blaming whites for no reason. Success breads jealousy.


>no reason

Because the majority of Sup Forums are a bunch of losers who have done nothing with their life and just watch anime all day. It's easier to blame one ambiguous group and not have to think than actually think


>It's easier to blame one ambiguous group and not have to think than actually think

So you're making an assumption about a group being scum because a group makes a an assumption of a group being scum?

Look mum it's a retard!!!

Nope. Jews did it

>So you're making an assumption about a group being scum because a group makes a an assumption of a group being scum?

Not an assumption. I've been here for years and have observed this to be true for many people. There are threads daily in which people admit their utter failures in.

Damn that was some fast perfect answer.

Except for the bread

If they are willing to Murder Jesus, they are willing to lie about how banks work.

>watch anime all day

Every fucking time kek. Good argument mate. Anime and television are both degenerate. Crafted by jews and their allies. Fuck off.

We need mandatory miscegenation for Jews and their descendants. Not until they're down to 3% should they be allowed to stop goying their bloodline. Its the only way, they need to be even more deracinated than Americans.

>Every fucking time kek. Good argument mate. Anime and television are both degenerate. Crafted by jews and their allies. Fuck off.

It's not the only thing they do. Are you really going to pretend that there isn't a huge chunk of Sup Forums that aren't complete losers? Why so defensive loser

I'm not arguing or discussing anything with a jew. pic related, it's pointless


>no reason
lurk more

>there's no need to debate, I'm right
Also posting pictures is the cheapest argument. It's like reading a well formed argument from an existing book as a rebuttal in a debate because it's better than anything you can come up with.

jew is not a race
germanics are just stupid and thanks to them askhenazis have the power they have today

Because of overwhelming evidence of them being victim card pulling parasites

because rich asians/germans/british/jewish/american fuck sticks need to trick people into thinking jews are doing all the evil that rich people do. ever notice how rich people lose their shit when people start to hate them? there is so much potential kek in simply raiding rich people sites/twitter
start with those motherfucking celebrities

Milana got sum nice titties tho

>it's rational to extrapolate the stories of a few anons to the whole group but pol is retarded for pointing out an obvious Jewish conspiracy

>>it's rational to extrapolate the stories of a few anons to the whole group but pol is retarded for pointing out an obvious Jewish conspiracy

Great straw man. Once you've been here for more than 8 months you'll begin to see a pattern.


I've been here much longer than you have. This place is much more socio-economically diverse than just about any other group you could imagine.

I know it's not the only thing (((they))) do. Also there is a huge chunk of Sup Forums who aren't losers. There's a huge chunk who are in fact shills. Just like the fact there's a huge chunk who are perceived as shills by Sup Forums but are in fact, just ignorant. What are you?

Wrong. The anglos were the idiots and allowed them to settle their HQ in England and now America.

>tfw jews have superior bread

If White Europeans were arriving in rickety boats on Israel's shores, demanding gibs, inclusion in society, membership in country clubs and admission in universities that they built for themselves, you might have a point there.

Most white people with grievences toward Jews would settle for being left alone to live amongst themselves and control of their own cultures and money systems.

Sup Forums has ruined me. Now whenever I see a hot Jewish girl like OP's pic, I feel the urge to hatefuck them to death because of the sins of Schlomo. Also

>Dem tits



If what you say is true then you are one of the stupidest people here

>hurr durr, you're stupid if you don't agree with me

Believing that everyone here is an obese NEET might indulge your inferiority complex, but it's not even close to the truth.

Also, the Hall of Costs is a lie.

Cuz Sup Forums is edgy and require you to hate the Judes.

Isn't the other way around? The Jews blame us for everything.
>le pepe is a symbol of hatred and cost Hillary the election oy vey!!!

Fuck off jew.

>no reason

racist much?

the jewT in OP has done nothing wrong except maybe act in all of those Jewish propaganda films like ghost busters and the at&t commercials.

>demanding gibs, inclusion in society, membership in country clubs and admission in universities
But they didn't really do that did they? They are more productive and more successful than Europeans in many countries. They generally have higher IQs than Europeans, specifically in language, and they're more conservative. Yes, there have been preferential policies for Jews, but no more than there have been for whites, and definitely no more than there have been for blacks. Their success is no different from ours.

>no reason

>no reason


all we have ever done was improve the western science and civilization, and just because it doesn't agree with the goyim's short-sighted vision, they have invented some talmud quotes, conspiracies and hatred that allegedly prove we want to destroy them.

in reality, we envy them for their spiritual freedom and carelessness, as us jews don't have such luxury, since we have a sacred mission of improving the world, a sacred mission which you are, for some reason, opposed to.

>But they didn't really do that did they
blacks in general are literally still doing this and they already have it.

Ahmadinejad did 9/11

Thanks for not responding to me faggot. I wanted to actually debate.

Because it's funny.

>Fake news

It was Yasser Arafat.

>(((no reason)))

I was referring to Jews and I did acknowledge that:
>there have been preferential policies for Jews, but no more than there have been for whites, and definitely no more than there have been for blacks.
My point still stands, Jews are legitimately successful.

>fake news

It was the Jews

>JIDF thread
take a hike, filthy kikes



We Thought They Were White

An African-American Apologizes for Misattributed Perceptions of White Racism Against Blacks Perpetrated by Jews


that's a man true to his convictions.

Detailed Timeline: History of the Jewish War Against the World


>no reason

Sound off!

Who here has multiple white children, a thicc white wife, a career, and large mutual fund investments?

Jews have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. Jews mass murdered tens of millions of non-Jews over the last century but they've seized control of the media so you won't find out.

I would love to vayntRUB her boobies, if you know what I mean.

She looks GOAT with glasses. Top waifu.

No Thicc Wife yet.

career is go and am reading the books to learn how to invest though.

she looks way worse with glasses.

that could just be the ratty hair that she decided to skip brushing halfway through, though.

>no reason

>for no reason
No one likes kikes, no one. Even now some jungle nigger in middle of the Amazon rainforest is going "gas the fucking kikes, race war now"


>for no reason

I'd suck her mammaries dry, if you catch my drift.

>no raisin


You know that Hitler killed all those Jews for no apparent reason?



no reason

Milana is a goddess and I want to worship her with my dick.

So these qoutes are fake?

I don't need a minority to tell me how to rule my country. We will improve according to our vision, not yours.
You're the epithome of hybris, you've been persecuted so many times in history yet you continue on your course instead of looking inward, refusing to change yourself but trying to change others.
tl;dr - gas the fucking kikes, race war now.


some of them are completely fake, others have been taken out of context

Redpilled as fuck.,


>But they didn't really do that did they?
You were comparing blacks' grievances to whites to whites' grievances to Jews. The comparison fails because white people can build decent, livable societies without help from Jews and tend to try to climb guarded walls to get away from people, not to get to them (and build walls to keep people out, not keep them in).



>Implying girls who look "unkempt" aren't more attractive


You'll get there, you're obviously motivated in the right direction.

Also 10 points for being high test.



>I don't need a minority to tell me how to rule my country. We will improve according to our vision, not yours.
you never had a true vision. your "vision" is making yourself strong at everybody else's expense. that is not a society, it's pure thievery.

>You're the epithome of hybris, you've been persecuted so many times in history yet you continue on your course instead of looking inward, refusing to change yourself but trying to change others.
actually, no. we change ourselves more often than any other civilization in existence. so many times in history, we were forced to adapt and we didn't mind much, but when we tried to stop the wars, the europeans that we have lived with for centuries would shun us and label us as traitors

when black plague started, they actually accused the jews of poisoning the wells, even though the real reason was the lack of the sewage system. that's how deep your sickness goes.

Doesn't matter. We're not going to stop

Only think I personally disagree with Sup Forums on. They blame Jews rather than the real problem: The corrupt elite.

>They blame Jews rather than the real problem: The corrupt elite.
i.e. the jews

Thank you for proving my point with this post.

it's the Germanic pigs nigger again

>The corrupt elite.
>Not jews

i also find it funny that most of Sup Forums always demands ridiculous amounts of evidence for even the smallest of issues, yet on the jews, they accept random images as undisputed evidence.

Looks fun

96% of them are either descendant of the Edomites or the Khazarians, and they just call themselves Jews. Actual Jews are fine, God's chosen and all that, the rest of them are Satanic pretenders that deserve nothing but swift death

There are Israeli orthodox jews on video saying that gentiles are here to serve the jews and acknowledging that the Talmud says that "Even the best of goys should have their head smashed"

I'll order a talmud for myself. I've been thinking about getting one for a while now anyway.