What if trump throws a curveball:

>we're doing a one-off thing everyone
>black americans of confirmed slave descent will be awarded $750,000

Other urls found in this thread:


>Between them

>must be able to track down roots through both parents

If anyone deserved reparations (which they don't) it would be the Irish. For being the group of slaves that were smart enough to do other jobs besides putting cotton in a bucket

Who's paying?

if that happens buy kfc and popeyes stock right away. it will take about two weeks for ninety percent of them to be dead broke, but chicken sales will skyrocket for those two weeks.

That would end up costing the US taxpayer about 25 trillion dollars.

I don't think even America could afford that nor can China loan it to you.

Plus what would be the end game? 750k in exchange for fucking off to Liberia or is it just hush money to keep them from complaining all the time (which wouldn't work since its in their nature)?

The sad thing is blacks would probably be hurt more from such a policy than whoever would be paying for it. Look at blacks in the 1960s before the welfare state was created and look at them now. They're completely dependent on the federal government, they're poorer, commit more crimes and have higher rates of illegitimacy.

It would never be enough, Scott Adams. The black intellectuals would do the same shit they did after OBama was elected and wank about how even now we're not truly a post-racial society

there was some major bitching here in the deep south. someone spread the rumor that Obama was going to pay off their credit cards and buy them all a car. there were a lot of pissed off blacks when they found out none of that was true.

How about you pay me reparations for having to put up with your nigger asses my entire fucking life.

40% Taxpayers
40% Mexico
20% Lockheed Martin

While he personally agrees with that sentiment, this is his big play to sway public opinion.

No, each

Any verifiable connection will be acceptable as long as you've never marked 'white' on a census

kek, say this to someone irl please and put it on video. top meme 2017.

Ignoring for a second if its justified, smart or will even help..
If he does something like this he can maybe "steal" or fuck up the black vote for dems

>Give dindus $750k
>Money is spent in less than a month
>Giant stimulus for economy
It is a better idea than giving money to Jews.

how much would it alienate his base? Would the black vote be worth it?

You know how many white people would get paid because they have 1 slave ancestor? It would piss off so many nigs.

You forgot the inevitable

>white man keeping me down
>more gibs pl0x

It would go something like this:


>black man gets 750 000
>loses it all within a year

>giving about 35 million niggers $750,000 each

I mean, why not, that's only about $27 trillion dollars.


I'd be fine with that, as long as they also charge for any jail / prison sentences, government handouts (like food stamps, housing etc.).

They can charge it from the money rewarded to those with slave lineage. If it exceeds that amount, then they have to repay and go into debt if they're unable to.

that would cost 30 trillion dollars

>Giant stimulus for economy

and the debt would increase by 150%


They already did that with 40 acres and a mule.

Less than two years later, the recipients had already traded their land and livestock back to the ex-slaveowners for a bottle of Jack Daniels each.

You think giving each descendant a payout will have any result other than them burning the money and demanding more?

Well actually they estimate that over all US citizenship is worth about $9.4 million over the course of a person life in terms of benefits, security and so on that you receive.

So really you guys should be be charging the niggers for the privilege of having their ancestors being given work visas and ending up with citizenship. Especially because they seem to have such a problem with living there.

>40 acres and a mule
But that never actually happened, it was only suggested.

You know, honestly I would be in favor of giving blacks a one-time reparations payout of some arbitrary amount. Here's how it would work.

Every individual in America will have the opportunity to pay a one-time tax of 95% of their entire net worth. The tax will be completely voluntary; nobody is required by law to pay it. However it will put virtue-signaling celebrities and wealthy liberals with net worth in the millions and billions in a position where they will have to either put their money where their mouth is or shut the fuck up.

Whatever amount of money this tax is able to raise will be divided up and distributed equally so that every black American gets an equal amount. Black celebrities and other wealthy blacks will not be excluded from receiving these funds; however it is worth noting that in many case the amount of money received will be insignificant compared to the wealth they already possess, and these individuals will be gently reminded that they are welcome to pay the tax as well to ensure a larger payout for the remainder of the black population.

After this is done, that's it. Reparations have been paid out, it's over, it's done. The slavery issue is settled. No more talk of reparations, no more welfare, no more food stamps, no more HUD, none of it. Blacks and whites are squaresies. The amount blacks receive as reparations for slavery will be directly determined by how willing rich virtue-signaling whites are to actually put their money where their mouth is, and how willing rich blacks are to share with their own brothers and sisters.


What...no gibs for Chinks? Vanderbilt brought them over 100,000 at a time to build bis railway. No pay.

750? give em 5.
Enough for a down payment on a new car that will get repo'd.

It might make some liberals happy, but that's all it would accomplish. Even if people's ancestors were slaves it doesn't mean their entitled to anything. It's not like they were enslaved themselves.

Not bad.
You've obviously thought about this

Yeah, just one of those weird ideas I've been noodling over for some time. Personally I think it's something we should get trending.

They would just blow it on guns, chicken, drugs and spinners for their non existing car.

tweet this to don jr

>Give them each $750 and make them agree that this completely negates the effects of slavery. Give them a 5 year period to reduce crime levels in their demographic down to match their percentage of the population... then another 5 to cut that in half since they are now the wealthiest demographic.

>Cut 50% of police spending across the country now that these niggers aren't committing 50% of the crime and fucking shit up. Money saved.

>Completely cut welfare payouts to niggers... say they are exempt for 40 years due to the lump sum they all just got.

Keep in mind the following:

1. They won't be able to reduce their crime rates because they're impulsive creatures that don't take to being "simps" (well adjusted father figures with jobs who stay with one woman and nurture their kids).

2. The Hispanics will be up in arms about it and brown in black crime will increase.

3. ALL whites become redpilled about niggers inability to live in a civil society.

4. Whites and Hispanics vote to forcefully deport all niggers

Legalizing weed would be a much better curveball.