What is it about anime that artracts conservatives, libertarians, nazis, and rightwing people in general /pol?

What is it about anime that artracts conservatives, libertarians, nazis, and rightwing people in general /pol?

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Japan is a very right-wing and conservative country.

5 points to anyone who can name the anime in the pic.

It's not jewified.

>conservatives, libertarians, nazis, and rightwing
You're just saying that everyone likes anime.

neocon christian right hates anime though

Have you seen leftists and anime? They either hate or have absolutely shit taste.

I love how their Japanese-y ways didn't adhere to the rigid needs of Western, monospaced fonts

I haven't seen all of City Hunter, but I'm gonna guess City Hunter.

This is essentially it, plus idealized femininity and all the simple-minded appeal of cartoons produced in huge quantities.

Plus it's cute and doesn't pc.

Submissive women. I think they're more submissive, under control, and dedicated to their man like traditional women. Modern day women are the opposite of under control and dedicated. They sleep with many men and cheat on you every step of the way.

Isolation tends to breed radicalism, that's why you have both communist and natsoc weebs


Good escapism compared to the televised jew in western countries

anyone else unable to upload anything bigger than a few kb right now?

Who do you think subs anime?
They act like normal people, but inside of a year they go full tumblr and start tweeting about how happy they are that they get the opportunity to change scripts in order to make them "less problematic".

*pic not related, Dragon Maid supports faggotry, transgenders, and pedophilia

Most people have awful taste in anime, you build a taste over time, I think I watched like, 100 anime series before I started skipping entire seasons of shit because it was shit I'd seen 10 times already. Also a lot of them are english second language, or teenagers, they also are prone to having awful taste.

I'm watching that tanya anime, though mc is a cute, it's pretty dumb.



I want to know why the right tends to favor it over television

Not ulterior or hidden agendas in the vast majority of anime. (At least none that have any real relevance to the West).

While I'm not saying I don't watch hollywood movies or mainstream Western programming, if you watch a lot of it you start to notice the quite glaring and obvious constant stream of globalist and cultural marxist propaganda that makes it hard to sit through.

also most anime characters look white or asian.

they can imagine fucking something attractive nonhuman (2d waifu) without having to resort to animals or niggers. by this the act of fucking isnt anything romantic or meant for procreation, but fucking as in fucking over, and in this case fucking something over that is not like them, a minority. for the same reason they get arroused by the imagination of fucking an elf, or alien, even if it looks just like a white female to be turned on, while also being able to fuck something that is different.

Japanese society is very nationalistic, no? It would seem fair that would extend to their art.

Have you SEEN fucking TV?


Literally all of it, with the exception of a couple of dirty-joke release valves like Family Guy.



Nips have an uncanny ability to keep real life issues out of the medium (at least in the moeshit that I watch) which is nice when I want to stop paying attention to life's bullshit for an afternoon.

Plus, there are rarely any niggers.

Contemporary television is filled with minorities, and is kind of crass in general. This latter character isn't surprising, since the majority white demographic has moved away from broadcast TV into streaming instead. When this leaves only black-oriented and left/tumblr-oriented programs, it's easy to see why a center or far right demographic would be alienated.

preach it

I'm conservative but I've never been real big into anime. I've only seen a handful.

I've watched some DBZ as a kid, Attack on Titan, and recently started watching Naruto on a whim and binge watched the whole thing.

Honestly anime is a good thing to watch. There's very little propaganda and it teaches valuable life lessons. Naruto's motto for example is to never go back on your word and never give up. That's good advice for anyone.

Female characters in a lot of anime while not necessarily always well written are also very motherly, loving, pure, and affectionate, which is something that a lot of Western programming lacks in their hot female eye candy. Obviously conservative family types (and virgin betas, lets face it) are attracted to this concept. American female eye candy in media tends to be 'independent' and don't need no man, often doing lots of drugs, interracial relationships, and engages in loads of sex. If you're a conservative (or nerd virgin) this naturally is going to turn you off.

Dude there's SO MUCH better stuff out there, really. But 90% of it is worthless crap like anything else.

Is LoGH the most Sup Forums anime?


K-On! is a great example of a pure, relaxing television program. If you're a conservative/libertarian type and your brain is constantly processing information about government corruption, Jews, and Obama purposefully relocating violent Somalians into your white, lower middle class neighborhood to change voting demographics, its nice to wind down with a show like K-On! we're they're not trying to shove an agenda into your face. It's just cute girls enjoying themselves and having a good time. I think this is another reason why right wingers are attracted to anime.

I turned that shit off year ago nothing but conditioning towards globalism.
Well done great answers

Just. Watch. Jojo. No exceptions. Jojo will lead the way to your greater self.

tfw I saw this live


Zamasuposting is amazing

Basement dwelling virgins who like a very romanticized world

full house confirm

Anime is what it is
there isn't an agenda being pushed or a secret message

they're not always necessarily submissive. however, they generally have a strong ethical code and a sense of loyalty though.


o god if only you knew.

i see way too fucking much unromanticized reality. Need a breather now and then.


your waifus are shit

Beside degenerate pedophilia

Unironically, kill yourself!


-no pc
-no jew
-no blacks
-nudity and tits
-everyone is skinny
-cute factor
-because it isnt jewified the story can actually be compelling and without an agenda
-alpha mc

That has more to do with Japan's fetishism of cute and young women than anything. Lolis are pure.

-alpha mc

Kill your self faggot

-alpha mc

1: Anime Doesn't give a shit about PC. For every anime about gay figure skaters, there are about 20 about over sexualized hetero guys and girls. Even though the former exists, the leftists don't give a shit because the latter is against their narrative.

2: Some genres of anime tend to take the time to explore deep philosophical questions without ramming an agenda down your throat. Libertarians and Conservatives tend to like things that make you think.

3: Japan was on the "Wrong" side of the 2nd world war and tends to focus on it as it was the biggest cultural turning point in their nations history. As a result, tons of shows tend to feature nazis and other members of the tripartite in roles that aren't always chaotic evil.

4:Conservative values such as national pride, marrying before sex and such, women being traditional, family dynamics, etc. are commonly found in anime.

5: Hollywood controls and creates almost all entertainment media in the west, and it is absurdly hard to find shows that don't have political bullshit all over them.

What episode was this?


-alpha mc

no seriously western media demonizes men


-wish fulfillment

the jew in its purest form

havent watched fma in ages

des vult herp derp

>This is a real blog
Iove it

anime is one of the few remaining forms of media that still depicts idealized views of the world instead of "realistic" subversive jewish shit
japan is blessed by its detachment from the jewish influences of hollywood and mass media
it appeals to what its fans want rather than trying to push propaganda on them

western comics and cartoons and movies have been trying to idealize ugly and flawed individuals because that's "normal" or "fair" to neoliberal trash


>not liking pure wolf girls



Everyone likes anime except the left. They hate everything that is beautiful and good.

You forgot to add
>and turns them into transbians


I give it a rewatch every year or two.
It's pretty relevant to the current situation imho

>he hasn't taken the Asuka pill

It's for autistic virgin losers.

There's plenty on the left too, but their attractions are things like Harry Potter

Which is why they like shitty modern pop music and modern c"rap" only that has little artistic value

6 from season 2

Naruto is literally Donald Trump.

No really.

>Blond Hair
>Wants to be ninja president
>Told he will never be ninja president
>Has a ton of friends who support him
>Wins against all odds all the time anyways

stop spoilers fagot


Thanks. Love me some aqua bullying

i dont have time to rewatch stuff
so much new content to watch

tfw. I've watched anime with multiple girlfriends lel.
You just need to avoid making it the entirety of your personality.

To add contrast to your post observe how the biggest degenerate cuck leftists like cartoons (MLP, Adventure Time, Steven Universe) over anime (GOOD anime like Golden Boy and GTO)

he just doesnt like feeling left out
its sour grapes
just ignore him


This is incredibly common. Strange actually. It's a trend I've notice but never bothered thinking why they like this shit.
I'd assume it's because these types of shows promote absolute and utter tolerance of anything and everything. Something liberals are conditioned into liking.

sauce on this?

google john stewart anime and its right there

There are better things in life.

kono suba

You tell me

They promote total tolerance and show that it has nothing but positive consequences, and that bad consequences literally only attend upon having any criteria whatsoever for evaluating the world.

That being said, I like Adventure Time. Sue me.

>not waifuing superior Western cartoon women


you guys seen that new zelda nintendo game?

There's some fucked up shit in there. Was watching someone play it earlier and they accidentally killed a dog, and the dog's dead body dropped raw meat for the player to eat.

I know this probably isn't the place for this but it disturbed me. I thought nintendo was all about like family friendly shit? Like those mario games

this was straight up some "rural chinaman eats dog" bullshit and they're pushing it in their game for who knows what godforsaken reason.

fuck japan dude. fuck anime.

They aren't constrained by political correctness, which allows for more artistic freedom. They also unapologetically give the audience what the target audience wants, whether it's submissive women or BL, instead of shoving an agenda down their throats.

Because Anime attracts losers with no life

What is it about anime that attracts trannies and all other sorts of societal degenerates? Anime is a Jewish mechanism for effeminating white men, don't try to pass of your fetish as redpilled.