Why Does Sup Forums Hate Credit Cards

Why do all of you hate credit cards? If you pay it off as soon as it posts you get free money. The Jews are jewing the retailers, you may as well get you're share.

I like mine but a lot of people shouldn't have them

The plastic Jew

As long as you're responsible they're completely fine.

A lot of people aren't responsible.

I regularly borrow money in order to purchase small businesses that pay themselves off in a couple years and then produce income afterwards.

Borrowing money is redpilled, as long as you are intelligent enough to not get in over your head.

Even Jews borrow money, that should tell you something.

>buying things with money you don't have


Some people have enough self-control to not get a credit card, but not so much self-control that they wouldn't use it if they had one.

>buying things with money you don't have and use it to turn profits

If you pay it off as soon as it posts why use the credit?
why not use a debit card?

It's mostly because 90% of the users here are too young to afford them, or have shit credit because of "the Jews," when in reality they're looking for a scapegoat to yell at because they're bad with money


* Far less risky than carrying around cash for big purchases and in general is pretty convenient versus other payment methods
* Gives you pretty decent consumer protection
* Gives you an easy way to track your spending habits
* Can be nice when going to foreign countries as many cards will do the currency conversion at a pretty decent rate

* Allows everyone else to easily track your spending habits
* Will fuck someone who doesn't have self-control right over


>strung together letters
I'm a share what?

Pretty sure 90% of those who hate them are people with no self control who racked up a ton of credit card debt at some point in their life. And they're either still in debt, or managed to pay it off, canceled all their cards, and pay by cash or check like a pleb.

Cash back nigger.

Card in OP is 5% cash back on rotating categories and 1% cash back on all other purchases, doubled to 10% and 2% the first year.

Why would you need one? Id only get one when i would be traveling abroad, but that is not even necessary because i could just turn my debit card to have credit card possibilities for a limited time.

>Use AmEx almost exclusively for my business
>Spend about $500k on it per year
>Pay it off quickly, no interest
>tons of points in return
>get thousands of dollars in free shit from it

The rest is done on a company Costco MasterCard, which is paid in full monthly, and I get a check for about $1k that I cash and take for myself every year from that shit.

If you know HOW to use credit cards, you can Jew the system, but if you're a faggot who overspends, you get Jewed. Pretty simple stuff, but since 99% of Americans are fiscally retarded, whatever "bonus" they get is lost in the fees they pay like good goyim.

wait since when does Sup Forums hate credit cards? credit cards are easy, just treat them as if you're paying with cash and then pay them off at the end of the month. free money, miles, etc.

If I use the credit card I get anywhere between 1-5% of my purchase back, and I get the additional protection credit cards offer.

With a debit card I just get my money taken away.

Because autists with poor impulse control can't manage a budget.

I make a hobby out of churning through credit cards and net about $1-2k of free sheeeit a year.

Credit cards usually have some advantages. Better rewards programs, better fraud protection and easier to get chargebacks if a merchant screws you, stuff like that.

I do the same thing with my business as well. Large amounts of exoenses or inventory orders on the card, pay it quickly, tons of perks and I never pay for any of my plane tickets.

Sup Forums hates all credit, because jews
Saved my ass more than once on ebay.

To be honest though, sometimes you Jew yourself with the cash back. You buy shit you otherwise wouldn't have because "I get cash back! xD"

Those are irresponsible users. The key is to treat it like your debit card. You swipe your credit card? That is money you no longer have.

You have to think of it as your money, not Discover's, Chase's, etc money.

I don't mind credit cards. The key is using it responsibly. My bank card is an AMEX (bluebird; best bank in my opinion), but my cell provider, as well as a few small businesses don't take Amex, so I got a master card to cover those.

You just gotta be careful with credit cards. If you aren't gonna be careful, and pay it off in full every month, then you shouldn't have one.

EXACTLY. I actually use my bill pay to send payment in full every time I swipe the credit card.

Having good credit comes in handy when you want to buy a house.

It will make your interest rates lower and save you thousands.

Unless you can just afford to save up for the house without waiting decades, which most people cannot.

I've just set up alerts so they text me every time a transaction posts. Thirty seconds later I've paid it and every quarter I get some money I wouldn't have had otherwise.

>not paying everything cash

>Carrying around pounds of Refugee Bux.

A truer German I have never seen.

You can easily use it online, give you various rewards, helps build up your credit rating and it gives you a fall-back in case shit goes wrong in your life and you run out of savings.

I put pretty much every single thing I ever buy on a card.

They bank on your inability to pay them back and most Americans, especially those who were handed them right after college, are not financially solvent and get themselves into a lot of debt. You can beat them at this game but most people don't so it becomes a kosher curly straw into your wallet. Don't trust them.

If I could, I'd never touch one of them in my life.

Hey rabbi whatcha doing???

I've beaten it for the past 12 years.

Why do you hate free things?

I'm 24 and have a $13k credit limit. It's pretty good if you're not fucking stupid. Unfortunately I advise most of/pol/ to avoid them for the aforementioned reason.

It's not free, it's Mr. Goldstein's money with lots of strings attached.

What strings are attached, so long as you are upstanding and pay it off every month?

I pay the same price as what I would pay with cash but I get 1.5% of the price (taxes included) back in cash benefits. How is it not a free?

It's not your money. If you're unable to make a payment for whatever reason, you're fucked.

They're plebs who cant pay off their balance ever month.

Did you not see that I use my bill pay every time I swipe my card? I never swipe it unless I have the money to pay off immediately.

So why not use a debit card then?

I mostly do. But Amex isn't accepted everywhere.

That said, many banks have fees for debit cards, whereas credit cards do not.

It's minor compared to the albatross that credit cars give you.

>Pay money every month for a debit card (sometimes as high as 8 dollars per month)
>Get 1-2% cash back to use a credit card with no fees; paying off the balance immediately using your online bill pay for free.

It's only bad if you don't use it responsibly. If I was stuck with the physical banks in my area, I wouldn't have a debit card.

Credit cards give you free money if you're not as retard.

>having Amex credit card, not Amex charge card

You sound like a poor person, user.

>but since 99% of Americans are fiscally retarded, whatever "bonus" they get is lost in the fees they pay like good goyim.

Well, after all they wouldn't be offering rewards if they didn't pull a profit from good goys paying fees.

>The Jews are jewing the retailers,
> the premium is not added to the product price

choose one, filthy kike!

It's simple.
>Pay a few dollars a month to use a debit card
>Use a card that will tank your finances and send you into debt if you don't pay it off the moment you use it just for a measly %1 percent cash back.

It's simple.
>Pay around $100 per year for the privilege of spending your own money.
>Use a card for free that will build your credit score so long as you pay it off in full every month PLUS you get 1-2% cash back.

I can do that, too.

Getting cash back and paying in full every month is like getting a partial nigger tax refund

A word of advice: do not put much money on that card even if you use it regularly. The nice thing about credit cards is if it's stolen the bank is taking the hit. If the debit card is compromised it's just you on your own

Unless you miss a payment for whatever reason.

>so long as you pay it off in full every month
I don't understand how you could possibly not be getting this drilled through your skull. If you're gonna be a dumbass, then just go to Check into Cash. If you're gonna be responsible, then you can take out a credit card.

yeah except you sound like a fuckin citi-bank commercial

There's lots of reasons you would be unable to pay it. If shit happens and you can't pay it off in full, you're stuck with the debt.

Essentially it IS like getting your tax money back, since basketball Americans put phones and shit on credit, go to jail, never solvent, rely on bankruptcy which just jacks up interest rates on credit cards further for blacks and spends young women in a never ending feedback loop which just makes the dentites more wealthy and able to hand out bonuses to gr8goys like you and I. The Jews are looking out for the white man in this respect, family.

Maybe a nigger such as yourself engages in that kind of retarded logic.

>There's lots of reasons you would be unable to pay it. If shit happens and you can't pay it off in full, you're stuck with the debt.
Which is why I billpay every time I swipe the money is out of my bank account and on the way to the credit card company within 2 minutes of me swiping the card.

This. I don't even wait until the end of the month I just pay that shit as soon as the transaction shows up on my account.

I get 1.5% cash back, so I buy everything with my credit card (and pay it back at the end of the month), and usually have a good 50-75$ appear out of thin air

So the stuff I already use my debit card for.

What? Just don't spend money you don't have. Use it like you would a debit card.

I use my AMEX at businesses that piss me off, because I know they have to pay a shitload in service charges for taking AMEX.

Also, I run a business, and that card's reward shit racks up over the course of a year.

Get you a 0% for 15-18 months and a hefty limit ... no interest personal loan if you need to get out of a bind. just pay that nigger off or transfer the balance to another 0% before it expires

Except that you don't get cash back, and many people would be faced with fees to use theirs.

Debit card master race.

I have 8 Credit Cards, I bought all kinds of expensive shit I can't afford, TV, sound system house and car, ect.. I just pay off one card with another, rinse and repeat. I owe about 2500 but I'll never have to pay it back.

>ruining your credit for $2500

Get a job.

>sound system

>owe 2500 dollars

Damn you leaves have it set

19 here, been doing similar shit since i was in college ~10 years ago

I don't care. The difference is only about a hundred bucks.

How do you get free money, you have to give them all your personal information just to spend a bunch of extra time logging onto to things, updating your account every month, and being advertised to.

>was in college 10 years ago

Doogie Houser?

>I don't need a free 100$

19 credit cards senpai

It's more hate for banks than anything.

More stores should give a discount for using cash though, a lot of gas stations do. I think it's a $0.24 fee for retailers every use.

Pre-paid cards would be better if they didn't have a fee. It's $6 or so for every amount, from $25 to $500.

Doesn't work like that in the US. You can't pay off one credit card with another. You can transfer the balance, but the credit card gets to decide whether or not to accept the transfer. Do it too much, and they cut you off.

>The only difference is Amazon Prime for a year, with free shipping, ebooks, video, and music.

I don't pay for the privilege of using my own money. I never will. It could be a PENNY every month, and I still wouldn't do it.

Not really.

I don't mind paying some money so I don't have to risk everything with a credit card.

>Risk everything
Do you have poor self control or something? Do you just use your debit card until the bank cuts you off (presuming you don't have Overdraft Protection, as that's even worse than a credit card)?

> but the credit card gets to decide whether or not to accept the transfer.

they don't give two fucks as long as your score is decent. they making money either way

I got 22 and 45k+ in debt. Sad!

Lol, the innocence of youth makes me smile. Here's how it works kiddo;

>CC company charges retailers a fee for every transaction.
>retailers increase prices. Consumers are stuck footing the bill.

>CC company encourages people to use card instead of cash with incentive programs like cash reward
>this drives demand for retailers to accept cards
>after a few decades when cash is no longer used and cards are the norm the rewards go away and are replaced with annual fees instead.
>end result? You pay CC company at point of sale for the privilege of using card. Then you pay CC company again directly for privilege of using card.

And this my friends is how capitalism works.



What credit card company? What's your pay? Do you have trouble sleeping at night?

>US based, Florida
>not enough

You didn't answer 2/3 questions.

google is your friend
base pay for a call center these days is roughly 14 an hour

No, but mistakes are inevitable, If you have to fix your car, or end up in the hospital, or you lose your job, or anything unexpected takes a chuck out of your account and you can't pay in full, you're slapped with debt.

>Risk everything with a credit card.

Let me tell you how to not fuck up

>Have $500 in your checking account
>Use your credit card until you hit that $500 limit
>Cash paycheck into checking account
>Pay off credit card from checking when your paycheck clears

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

I don't get how fucking hard this is for you to comprehend.

And don't give me that "WHAT IF YOU DON'T GET THAT PAYCHECK??" bullshit. If you somehow don't get your paycheck then you have bigger problems than paying 5-10 dollars in interest a month on your fucking credit card.

Ok. How are you less fucked by using the debit card? You either have the money, or you don't.

>you do realize that Visa and MasterCard essentially have a global monopoly right? It isn't just US. Only countries that aren't owned by these kike fuckers are Americas sworn enemies such as N. Korea and Iran. The only free countries on earth if you ask me. The rest are enslaved by Jewish banks.

Because it won't tank your credit score and give you additional debt when miss a payment with it.

Why do you need a credit card for any of that?

Cause your every purchase is registered and saved in a big database. Cash is freedom.

neither of those companies have exclusive control of the market, so neither has the monopoly :D

>tank your credit score

Most creditors don't report you as past due till you hit the 2 month mark

>Because it won't tank your credit score and give you additional debt when miss a payment with it.
But if I don't have the money in my account, I wouldn't put it on my credit card. That's stupid as hell.

I like getting (((FREE))) money and rewards. Especially when It is risk free for me when I have the cash to pay it off.