Whites are huma-

>whites are huma-

Other urls found in this thread:



LMAOing at your life

Roaches are huma-


>those with neanderthal dna explored the world and then dominated it

really makes you thingk

The guy on the left is obviously a slav




How is this politics?

That person is not white dude

Guy on left looks like wanderlei silva
Are Brazilians neanderthals?

>Homo sapiens
>Modern Humans.

Even a shitty website that looks like it was made in the 80s knows better than you.

>It is believed that modern humans like you and I first originated on the Earth around 50,000 years ago in Africa. These modern humans are referred to by historians as Homo sapiens sapiens. Within just a few thousand years these modern humans had spread to every continent across the entire planet, and onto many islands.

The double sapiens is important.

Its viacheslav valuev, a boxer from Russia

Sorry, nikolai valuev

>Whites are neander-

The one on the left looks like Anthony Mundine, an abo boxer from Australia, he's not too bright.


>Head is shameless shopped to look more apeish

>The double sapiens is "Rain Man"-level autistic.

this is literally my biggest crush on the planet.
Cody saintgnue. I don't care about tattoos user.

Nikolai Valuev

Dude on the left is a tatar with a genetic disorder

>tfw want to be gay but keep falling for the vaginal jew

A stinking roach trying to stir shit up, of course. Shoo shoo

I'm not gay though I'm a girl lol.

Oh great, one of those white woman hating "Women are secretly jews" retards.

Le sigh

>calling me a retard

Well for me tattoos are the #1 turn off.

Means the woman has mental issues. I will never understand why someone would do that to themselves. It's probably a sign that they place social signalling above respect for their one and only body.

No they just want to be edgy and get attention from guys because
>le bad bitch meme
Basically just being female


Can you imagine the mother of your children with tattoos?


If niggers are human then of course we're something else, Mehmet.

I. Gril

>Guy on left looks like wanderlei silva. Are Brazilians neanderthals?

Probably, but guy on the left is either the result of thawing out a caveman, a pituitary tumor or years of taking HGH, testosterone and steroids.

owow now I feel bad :{

sorry I thought you were a crypto woman hating jew. I see a lot of those on here these days so I get paranoid.

Sorry user D:


Are you married or a virgin?

>I thought you were a crypto woman hating jew
Well i kinda am though, just not a jew

>tfw cute
>tfw finding a bf would be no problem if only i liked dicks

>no tits with timestamp
user are you retarded or just a redditor?

Why hate women though lol?

That's the total opposite of being redpilled. Falling right for the kikes trap, class division and a war between the sexes.

Homosexuliaty spreads aids and shit and produces nothing other than mental illnesses and psychopaths. Being gay is not the answer just because some jews have brainwashed a few whores

H-Hello! Can you post your benis?

Do you take me for a normie? I have earned my place on this board, I am a veteran. Step aside peasant.

>Le sigh

You fresh off the boat? GTFO


Are you?
Sup Forums wasn't always an embittered circle jerk of lonely social rejects mad at anyone with a vagina.

That's a recent occurrence probably caused by interracial shill memes that you actually think are real.

>Bogdanoff Sapien

Research shows that throughout history, 80% of females have passed on their genes, only 30% of males.

We have this vast bulk majority of incel males that should be being weeded out, but are instead breeding freely. If you ever wonder why men nowadays look shorter, pudgier, less masculine, that's the reason why.

Pic related, women sense this. The majority of males simply aren't attractive to them, because the male sex has been going downhill. Alpha genes are rarer and rarer, when's the last time you talked to a man with a truly deep, booming voice? (used to be most men had them)

Europe used to have some nice bloody wars which weeded people out. But recently with the advent of machanical warfare, your survival on the battlefield has less to do with your individual strength, bravery, and skill, and instead is a matter of random chance. So instead of the strongest, most aggressive, most masculine males surviving, it's the most cowardly.

The reason society has become so feminine isn't because of the women, it's because of the men.

I'm not mad at you because you have a vagina. People who say le sigh are almost always redditors who recently found Sup Forums and think we give a fuck about their opinion.

>Why hate women though lol?
Because you're trash. Look at how you've derailed this thread with your pointless drivel

Are you allowed to marry a Jew in Turkey?

Exactly it's not women it's "men" for not being masculine enough.
I don't think it has anything to do with what you're saying though, kikes put shit in the water and brainwash early on has a harmful effect I'd imagine.
I notice because all the mothers I keep meeting don't know boys at all, I used to play all the time with my brother and his friends, I KNOW boys and I know what they want and how they need to be raised. Most women do not, they're afraid of buying them toy guns or letting them watch violent movies etc...

I think it's the parents fault for not teaching boys to be men anymore. I will not take it easy on any of my children, they will grow up to be disciplined, and everything they get they have to earn by hard work. I won't coddle them one bit.

That's what it takes to make men again.

I've never been on reddit ever lol.

And that wasn't my intention Austricuck.


I'm glad that true scientific discovery is triumphant on our glorious forum.

T. Known

>And that wasn't my intention
A woman being so fucking retarded she can't foresee the consequences of her own actions? Shocking

I think you don't have to abuse them or anything, just let them do what they want to do.

When I was a kid, I spent most of my time traipsing off in the woods climbing trees and throwing pinecones. When I was at home I was jumping on things, running around like a menace, building forts out of cushions and chairs and imagining chasing aliens with my water pistol.

Boys will be boys if you don't try to suppress it, you don't have to abuse them to try to make them masculine (it won't work). Just make sure they learn good values, and redpill them on women (I wish someone had told me to what extent women want a dominant guy, I always assumed women were sort of the same as me, and wanted someone nice)

If you want to make sure he comes out masculine, make sure he goes camping and gets into a sport. Also give him legos (very important)

Nice photo you fucking faggot


I bet you honestly want to suck his cock

Pink nipples makes a person white. Why are you into mixed mutts?

Turks just got roasted for all eternity

Unless you're a full blooded Sub-Saharan African nigger, you're descended from Neanderthals too you stupid fucking Turkroach.


>Comparing a inbred slav to a black guy who has obvious white ancestry

top bait

>Why hate women though lol?
Oh this topic deserves another thread, but mainly fake personalities that they put on to conform to social norms. Really never know when they're being honest because the Vaginal Magic is so powerful

>Homosexuliaty spreads aids and shit and produces nothing other than mental illnesses and psychopaths
Wrong. My bf would be cute loyal and non-degenerate, so no all that shit doesn't apply

>I have earned my place on this board
>still doesn't post tits with timestamp
not how it works Steve

>It's all the men's fault
I hear this shit all the time.

Why does OP's picture show a white mans head structure for a black man?

Wtf? Anti-white faggots stop replying to me.

And yeah that's what I intended to do too. We always spent all our time in the woods lol, we used to eat wild onions that grew in a meadow. 12 acres of land all to ourselves, we'd stay out all night too and our dad didn't even expect us back, sometimes we'd just lay outside in the open and sleep in the grass. both of my brothers are 6 foot tall super giants and they're honestly super cute and smart.
Not like any of these assblasted permavirgins in this thread.

>Nikolay Valuev
He is a tatar though

The only way they can match science and anti-racism is to use Ethiopians.

lebs see sum benis :DDD

No seriously, have you talked to men these days? Lispy voices, emotionally sensitive, physically weak.
Maybe it's different in Russia

What kind of "men" would allow this society?

Top kek m8 I'm 6' 6", lots of masculine people on Sup Forums. I think you're confusing us with /r9k/

>Anti-white faggots
I'm as pro-white as you can get. That's why the bane of the white race needs to be stomped out of existence, and that bane is sadly you, you stupid sow.

Artificial wombs can't come soon enough.

This thread has been posted before. The image on the left is photoshopped, as is the image on the right.

Zoom in and notice the uniformity in pixels between the cheek and ear.

Also has massive hormone issues making him big and his skull neanderthal-like, shouldn't be used as an illustration for any race

Updated for accuracy

Someone has mummy issues

This. And he's megacephalliac or whatever you spell it in English

>Anti-white faggots
But im very pro-white, just not pro-white female
We must develop artificial wombs so our dependence on vagina stops


LOL yeah good luck with that kiddo.

See who fucking raises kids then, robots?

>inb4 muh sex bots

Just get a life virgin, maybe if you weren't such an eyesore girls would pay attention to you more.

holy fuck are you me?

There have always been angry virgins on every board.

Letting them get to you is letting the new win. Same as letting whores get to you.If you don't want to redpill white women then you aren't pro white, you're just moron.