Ever notice how that as more time passes by, more men are "going their own way"

Ever notice how that as more time passes by, more men are "going their own way".

Shills shriek about "manning up" and "sour grapes"--but even well adjusted good lookin dudes who aren't virgins are "going their own way". Nobody except MGTOW points out that marriage laws and alimony laws need reform. Nobody but MGTOW is man enough to call out women for the bullshit data game that they constructed which fucks men over like a prostitute dictates terms to her "john".

Now that we know what we know, I ask you learned men--what kind of disaster is about to unfold? 70% of men 18 to 35 are unmarried. What's going to happen when millennial hit age 30-35? I really don't know...make predictions gentlemen.

Other urls found in this thread:



mccain being exposed as the first leaker that was going to get charged with treason?

the campaigns to get george takei and bill maher classed as pedophiles?

the browser plugin that changes salon, huffington post, and a wealth of other leftist media websites from using the word "white" to "black"? (racism simulator)

all of theses were converging to fuck the left in the ass before the site went down and a story of ayyyyy lmaooo took hold for two days.

now its nothing but shill posts and shill threads. What gives?

Your people die off when you go your own way.
Those boys are just running from society's problems.
Women need to be reminded of what men value. That won't happen when you run and hide.

>Women need to be reminded of what men value. That won't happen when you run and hide.
What's your solution?


Western countries will be half shitskins.

I don't really care. Gen x and y are trash it was inevitable.

Niggers swoop in and breed the white women and your legacy dies and you are forgotten.

Another chan. Sup Forums moves too fast, has too many shills, and even here has more a focus on fun than concise advancement of far-right ideology. Christ, I miss the Right-Wing Safety Squads...

Society fucked them hard. Better to not try and lose than fight like hell and just lose anyway.

>Those boys are just running from society's problems.
>society problems

society do not give a shit about my problems, why should I contribute to it?

I actively seek job that will secure me enough money to pay for myself and have as little human interactions as possible.

In this environment, telling women what you value just gets it taken away and given to women.

Personally I'm fine with the elimination of the white race. I'm white. I think Mankind deserves the death; and without the whites to construct civilizations and preserve them, the world economies and social structures will fall into dilapidation and eventually dissolution.

The world as a "First world entity" cannot exist without the middle-class, white working male. It can exist without other groups.

I've "Gone my own way" understanding that the death comes, and mankind deserves it. I'm all for feminism, importing immigrants en masse, and the slow-death of western civilization. Should I be able to survive to witness the death throes and annihilation of it all, I would watch it burn with a martini in my hand. I've made enough money to live my years out comfortably, I've had my share of women, I've had two kids.

I don't care at this point, and no amount of race-baiting or hubristic "White Nationalism" can change it. We, mankind, deserve the slow death this will bring.

Have a drink, and watch it unfold. Enjoy what remains until then.

checked, but I have another vision about MGTOWing
I just do whatever the fuck I want without caring about how some roasties see me.

jew detected

You have too high of expectations for a wife and future life.

Find a nice girl (looks matter much less than personality) —someone who is kind and would be a selfless mother. It's that simple. You just need to find a girl that isn't an asshole.

>inb4 all girls are assholes

No, they aren't. You live in a bubble and are ignoring nice women, women who don't get chads but would be the best wife; a wife who would respect you, a wife whose ambition isn't to be the next feminist president, a wife who despite her 7/10 looks gives you the best blowjob you've ever had, because she knows you love them so much. This will probably be a girl with a religious upbringing with the nice thing being that she probably won't have daddy and mommy issues if her parents are also nice, respectable people.

Stop chasing sluts who think they are Disney princesses and deserve the world over. There are women out there who would like nothing more than to settle down and have some fucking kids.

Family + kids = lifelong happiness. That's all human beings are here for, to love and spread love.

there is a Sup Forums contingent here that regularly is used as a subversive tool against the community rather than benefiting it

>I just do whatever the fuck I want without caring about how some roasties see me.
Ok but that doesn't change the fact that if you do let one in or tell them what you value they will just take it away from you and the laws still discriminate against you and see you as livestock to make value for them and you aren't allowed to care about how they spend what you made.

I think MGTOW is gay but I also think modern women aren't worth the effort and risk so I refuse to get married but I also refuse to identify with MGTOW.

>if you do let one in or tell them what you value they will just take it away from you
>let one in
for what purpose?
they serve none except reproduction, everything else I can do more efficient
>steal your value if you tell them
how user, how?
I do not understand

Women are only attracted to the top 20% of men anyway, and since the overwhelming majority of MGTOW fall into the 80% category, your movement is thereby rendered irrelevant. Have fun being sent your own way, faggot.

Nope. Not a false flag, JIDF or some other stupid Sup Forums meme. I'm just a middle aged white guy who doesn't care to "Fight the fight", and I think this is more common than you'd care to admit.

What can one do? Breed a thousand children per white male? You still lose. You're breeding workers for the jews and thieving globalists to tax into submission for more hand-outs and gibmedats for the pet minorities and identity-baited special interests.

Why bother? Let them have the death they seek. They want to tax white men into unsustainable graves, and eliminate the white genetics from the species? Let them have their way, watch it all burn from a nice house somewhere and enjoy the warmth of the fire from afar.

Do you think to stem the tide? Fight the "Good fight"? Out breed apes who only exist to breed, and somehow overcome demographics and the ideas of cultural marxism and "Democracy" both, which are both the enemies of meritocratic thinking?

Fuck that. Expedite the end, so that some good might survive. If it crashes down fast and hard enough, the genetics will shine through and the proper children will survive and move forward as it should have been.

What else would you propose?


The Bible does say that being celibate is more holy than getting married.

live a good life you retard
it was never about white race
it was about values of white race

You don't sound too happy.

>for what purpose?
Any purpose, you don't even need to let them in, they might just pick your name out of a phone book and list you as the father.

It's like that experiment with rat populations.
One group of males separated from the flock and focused on their own well being, while chaos reigned on the outside.

>breed with an ugly religious girl

Christ, that's your solution?

will not work, paternity tests are a thing in Poland, no matter how much feminazis want to push it

Are you referring to Mike Calhoun Mice Utopia, The Beatiful Ones experiment or something else?


MGTOW was always inevitable with divorce/child support laws being the way they are.
Myself and more than half of my friends bore witness to our fathers getting absolutely wrecked from divorce.
The solution to feminism, declining white birthrate, declining nuclear families, numales raised by single mothers, all of it is to repeal these laws.
Women will fix themselves real fuckin quick, I guarantee it.

I've lived a good life. I've been married, I have two white children, I've lived by values and built two businesses and had pretty good career success.

As happy as one can be when one isn't blind to the world around them. I've children I love and get along with, they're in their own careers, and I've hobbies and interests to keep me busy.

That doesn't mean I'm blind to the world, or what's happened. It's ironic that so many young idealistic men think to fight the good fight, when it was lost decades ago. The demographics are already in place.

The sane mind would accept it and hasten the demise that some good might arise from the ashes of western culture, but instead a more thorough destruction will come because so many idealistic white men, which is again ironic because these are the men who construct societies and build businesses, will do all they can to forestall the coming doom of their race and culture and way of life.

But they can't do anything about it. The die is already cast. Best to enjoy what time you have, settle with a good woman if possible, have children or a business, find hobbies, and understand that the end comes for the white race and western civilization, largely because of the generosity and flexibility of your forebears'.

The future lesson is that the white man should never give his power away freely in thinking others to be as generous, fair-minded and capable as he. They are not.

Who said anything about ugly? And zealously religious girls are the best type of women you can get.

Yep, that's the one!
Interesting stuff!
I kind of compared it to what had happened in Japan, but now it seems to have spread.

Paternity Tests are a thing in Texas too, but it takes time and consent all the while you can be on the hook for interest bearing debt.

There's gotta be more to life man. Shit that was depressing. Do you get to see your kids?


you sound like some asshole boomer who have it all but still is clinically unhappy.
Most people will never even get married, not to mention having good career.

I will give you advice
get into vidya
it will help you channel your misery into powerful rage.

MGTOW: Another social control against family, connection, intimacy, etc.

>Those boys are just running from society's problems
Society fucked itself big time, why should I bother with its problems?

They'll remember when the hoardes of niggers and rapefugees come and rape and kill a bunch of them while we hold out in or bunker-fortresses.

These pink haired feminazis will be begging for the white patriarchy to come save them. But we will watch and laugh behind our forts as they are butchered in the streets.

This. Women and niggers rely on us and fuck us over at the same time

Yes. See Life is what you make of it. Assuming you're a millennial, white male, you're in a tough spot. You want to craft nations; you want to birth businesses, to be on the frontier of development. The lack of these things in your era has decimated your spirits as a whole, and feminized an entire wave of human beings both male and female.

Find something you're passionate about, and do it. Whether it's women, children, business, an industry, a profession, or anything really.

Don't concern yourself with the "Preserve the race" bait card, it's a trap to keep the system on life support as long as possible; the demographics can not and will not be denied.

This has been long in motion by the Bildebergs, Jews, Agenda 21, etc.

A bunch of like-minded middle class white millennials aren't going to put even a dent in the plans of the demographic-altering world-planners.

But what they don't comprehend is that they bring the slow death to all by destroying what has built the world they want to control.

I get to see my kids all the time. They're good people too, sadly, both men and both intelligent enough to see the world around them with fair clarity.

One of my only regrets is bringing two men into this world in an era where they are all but hopeless to make a mark or achieve anything of meaning due to the machinations of filthy globalist schemers and cabals.

That's the nature of time and the passage of nations, though, i guess.

>Most people will never even get married
lol what

Well.. just ask yourself this
>Would you want to raise a child in this current world?
Why give birth to something that has to suffer?
The West is collapsing

I'm starting to learn more about Islam and I've been thinking that maybe it's the key to all the bullshit the West is currently in.

I'm pretty sure that the bible didn't equate celibacy to fapping to internet cuckold hentai porn.

What about vengeance?

If the white race is doomed then why not take the rest of them down with us?

I think even as crippled as white men are these days we at least have that capability. We might not be able to save the world but if we end up going down, we can take the rest of them with us.

That's my only optimistic realistic future

Stop masturbating.

This is only a problem if you make it one.

You'd just be subjugating yourself in advance for an increased chance of survival in the future.




You're inferring that because I see the world around me with some clarity, and lament the state of the world we are in, that I am personally unhappy. This is not true. I have money, hobbies, I do woodworking and I have productive and intelligent children that make me proud every day.

One can lament the state of mankind and empathize with the state of the species and the incoming pain, and yet be personally satisfied and happy on a day to day basis. The world isn't so black and white, my Polish friend. With years you too will see this.

Correct. I believe all the MGTOW/"Save the white race" is just false flagging by Jews/Bildeberg/Soros-types, because they have learned that without whites, there is no one to tax. There is no one to prop up the system and produce gib me dats.

If all white men stopped caring and stopped producing, "Where is John Galt?" comes to pass, and all the hand outs cease to exist.

The wealthy globalist jews would either have to pony up their own wealth (Yeah right) to provide for the apes, or the apes go hungry and the power structure loses their control and uneducated, easily-manipulated mass of chimps.

Consider it;
They need the white race to survive, but to be slave-class and guilt-tripped. What is precisely happening right now? A slight resurgence of white nationalism, national pride, and it will mark a slight uptick in white birth rates. Just enough to continue taxing at 50%+ in all "Civilized Countries" to continue furnishing more and more gib-me-dats for all the chimps.

It isn't hard to figure out once you get past identity politics and taking sides.

There are only three sides; productive souls, mooching souls, and manipulative power-broker souls. The former is the most respectable; the latter the 'evil' of the world, and the middle are nothing more than common farm animals.

Get out of my legion you pussy

The real "MGTOW" circa 1998 (formative) - 2004 or 2005, when it kinda drew back into the bushes, is NOT what has been usurped today by men who just have nothing worthwhile to offer a valuated mate and have nothing they can do about it except spout "these here are sour grapes, pleh".

Might as well just castrate yourself at that point.

Remove your sex drive completely.

>repeal these laws.
So protest? How?

My friend at uni, who is a considered a Chad by many, says to me that he isnt getting married after witnessing his father get divorce-raped by his mother, who then proceeded to have her a sexual self discovery phase when he was still a preteen. He grew up seeing multiple men at hs house throughout his teenage years, whilst he never saw his father, who later later got into a drug habit after getting divorced. Alot of Millenial and Z gen men grew up with divorce parents and selfish sexually deviant single mother. Half of my classmates have divorced parents. Im not suprised our generation has some of the lowest marriage rates in history.

I tried that for a month, now I have a weird lump on my nuts, food tastes bland, and I don't enjoy anything anymore.

Vengeance is a young man's game. They are unworthy of vengeance. They will bring doom upon themselves; what are you going to do, try to kill them? Stop the world planners?

Is it worth your time? Your life?

Your life can still hold meaning, do not let them steal even that from you. Find what you love and do it with zest and vigor. Fuck them and their taxes and their hand-outs and their slavery of the producers.

We do not need to "Make them go down with us"; their actions will doom the entire system, themselves included. They will fly too close to the sun and like Icarus, their wings (In this case armies of coddled apes) will melt (see: chimp out).

I think watching them suffer their own weapons and lose by their own actions is a far more gratifying end, anyways.

But that's just me, personally.

Why would you mutilate your own body, user? Are you really that weak willed that you need to cut off your dick so that you don't jerk it to porn like some degenerate?

lol, nah
I'm just going to use my hard earned money to enjoy my time on earth. IDC about my race or the future. Just gonna enjoy life.

Besides, it's not a dwindling population that's going to ruin America, it's our growing mountains of trash, rampant antibiotic use and nuclear weapons.

No you fucknut.. Women are only "attracted" to the top 20% of men, doesn't mean they won't fuck literally anyone.. Because they do.. Women that is.. They literally fuck everything that comes their way.. The trick? Literally see them everyday and be pleasant.. Eventually they will fuck you.. And then..you move to the next one.

Fucking love MGTOW lifestyle.. I literally answer to no one and fuck girls much younger than me!

My friend at uni, who is a considered a Chad by many, says to me that he isnt getting married after witnessing his father get divorce-raped by his mother, who then proceeded to have her a sexual self discovery phase when he was still a preteen. He grew up seeing multiple men at his home throughout his teenage years, whilst he never saw his father, who later later got into a drug habit after the stress of getting divorced. A generation of men grew up with narcissistic sexually deviant single mother. Half of my classmates have divorced parents. Im not surprised the younger generation has some of the lowest marriage rates in history. Being afraid of commitment with modern women doesnt mean youre a foreveralone virgin, these men are just making a well judged rational decision.

>see them everyday
AKA demonstrating you have nowhere better to be. Predictable, bland, boring. Could also be interpreted as stalking. Regardless, beta behavior not conducive to getting laid.
>be pleasant
"pleasant". Yeah, that sure gets the pussy drenched. Please bestow more Chadisms upon me, Senpai.
>fuck girls much younger than me
Yippdy-do. Girls always go after older guys, so it's par for the course. You're not special.

Your id is Vjj because you're a huge vajayjay, fuck off with your pussy shit. I'm going to fight this shit out and your Jewish defeatism isn't going to stop me, and any Sup Forumsack who falls for Jewish tricks needs to get their yid-dar checked

They're not going to listen, they've already made that abundantly clear.
All men's issues are women's issues, to say other wise is considered sexist.
The war is lost, go home and hug your body pillows.


>Going fight this
No you aren't. You aren't going to do anything. Because you're a millennial posting on Sup Forums. You're going to have some snacks and fall asleep alone. You'll likely never have a woman or children, but you'll resent everyone and think everything in your failed life is a Jew's fault.

>Jewish Tricks
That would be trying to tell you you can 'win', or 'beat the jews'; by creating more working class producers, you are furthering the schemes of JIDF, Soros, Globalism. You are blind to believe otherwise.

It's okay. I too was once a naieve idealistic 20-something with anger issues who felt the world would tremble at my touch. It doesn't.

You are but a drop of water, to be taxed into oblivion to furnish goods and rations to the apes. You will be taxed your entire life and never escape debt and middle-class status, and your masters will all the while be whispering in your ear that you're destroying the Jewish machine, that the tide is turning.

But nothing will change.

Generation gap between husbands and wives.

Rapid population decline. UK us already under replacement rate births wise, it only takes a few more percent of men to not breed and we'll see fast population decline.

The picture you paint is one where a lot of people have nothing to lose. That being said, why shouldn't they take action? If things were truly rigged, Trump would have never gotten elected, brexit would have never happened, and the west would not be drifting further right. If things are so hopeless as you say, why then, should these men just sit around living lonely fruitless lives drowned out by distractions? What is stopping them from rising up and reclaiming the system that has been taken from them? Mgtow is a joke. Whether you like it or not women are going to gravitate towards masculine men, why do you think refugees are so appealing? The point is the system will not change if people sit on their asses sipping Mgtow cool aid and do nothing. Oh who cares, the system is rigged against you, we'll fix the damn system!

Nice meme


Ha, Schlomo, I already have a son and even he would know the difference between a 45 year old faggot whining on Sup Forums in the wee hours, like your claim to be, and a Jewish subverter sowing defeatism when he thinks vulnerable young men might be lurking
Nice job trying to shame me for being a virgin though, think you mighta got your scripts mixed up

>oy vey my fellow white male goyim we just need to go extinct that'll show those jews

human lifespan will increase since people aren't making offspring until their 40s

Reminder that Sup Forums is a free thinker board. Beta tools and alpha meatheads are not welcome. This is gamma territory.

Women are doing nothing but hampering free speech

>any single mother I want

Millennials are people born 1980-1995 so your statistic that 70% of 18-35 are unmarried already count them in.

Such paranoia. Do you honestly believe there to be paid Jewish propagandists drafting posts to try to convince basement NEETs that they shouldn't breed, of all things?

I mean, I know autism runs pretty big here, but that's next-level.

Or just date non-western girls. Plenty of Asian Russian and middle eastern women want white western men.

Read all the posts.

The "Save the white race" shenanigans is just Jewish propaganda. It keeps a middle-class of productive working bodies to continuously tax and degrade to produce hand-outs.

Who creates the wealth and productivity that can be sapped and tethered if not the white middle class? They cannot exterminate you completely because it would implode the system.

Controlled opposition is a real thing, and in the case of a thing like this, it is very important. A certain level of population amongst the producing class must be preserved so that gibmedats can be preserved.

Better to reduce production to 0 and allow the weak to die in droves and force the elite controllers to their knees for lack of slaves.

white women and blacks are stupid, like attracts like

Dont listen to this cuck, weve already begun to turn the tide. This is literally just the beginning

Iol at dipshits like you who think fucking women is about getting a high score or some shit

Women are for securing the future of your genes. They're for building a family with, for the future of your country.

If you're sex-driven, you're not even using your higher brain. You're a reptile. You're selfish.

Exactly this.

There is nothing wrong with disregarding but he's and doing whatever you want with your life. It's been a thing for hundreds of years.
However if you need constant validation, slaps on the back and discussions about how awful all women are and how great your life is, all from your support group called MGTOW, you're just an incel who has been sent your own way.

>I'm just going to use my hard earned money to enjoy my time on earth. IDC about my race or the future. Just gonna enjoy life.
This. Smartest guy in the thread.

Life is meaningless, get it through your heads.

>Just race-mix g-goyim, *cough*, I mean user. Plenty of subhuman pussy out there for you to waste your seed on.
Oyest of all veys.

damn dude you just went full Schopenhauer

What WOULD show them and how likely is it that this is accomplished?

Whites are honorary Japanese you cuck.

>Personally I'm fine with the elimination of the white race
I wonder who could be behind this post.

>MGTOW threads always spiral into a clusterfuck argument about jews and "saving the white race"

Why does this always happen? Why don't we actually talk about what's going on here--whether or not you agree or disagree with MGTOW--more and more adults are not marrying, and not having children.

In 10 years there is going to be some kind of phenomenon occuring...what the fuck is going to happen with all the used up sluts? What's going to happen to all the responsible men?

Are they just going to give into each other or....? Like seriously....

Is there anything wrong with dating a Nip like I am currently, if I have no plans to have any children?
(Don't want to afflict sons with my manlet genes)


As much as I hate these repetitive shill threads I can't resist posting pic related for all the faggot MGTOWers

your daily reminder

Every time.

top quality aussie post

>reject all women
>has an asian porn on his deck

kind of hypocrite

>no plans to colonize her womb with aryan seed and have qt hapa children