Why is multiculturalism so reviled as a concept?

Why is multiculturalism so reviled as a concept?

You'd think much improvement in the world can be accomplished by bridging different cultures together.

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What do any other cultures have to offer Europe that isn't detrimental?

Hot latinas

Here you mean?

Because the end result is the destruction of all cultures except some lowest common denominator. Actually in practice just white culture, as there is no call to inflict it upon anyone but white countries.

It sounds good in theory but ignores the historical contributions, cultural contributions, iq correlating with success in society etc etc

It just isn't pheasible if niggers and aboriginals are included

it's by definition neither a good nor a bad thing naturally, it's just multiple cultures existing together
it's been shoved down everyone's throats for years and years saying that it can only ever be a good thing
then whenever anyone pointed out bad sides of it when cultures clashed they're decried as bigoted racists
nowadays most people are just sick of being hit with demeaning labels for having genuine concerns about possibly dangerous cultures invading/ replacing their nations

But it's not about bridging cultures, it's about assimilating them into one big, easily controlled blob of mediocrity. The concept's been corrupted.

because hegemony is what humans strive for. you seem to think multiculturalism will lead to a peaceful world, when in fact, will lead to fighting until the dominate paradigm takes control and oppresses the other cultures.

Actually diversity destroys cultures. It's been proven time and time again.

Only correct answer

All those pups would be a bland grey with multiculturalism

because it divides

when you stick a militant islamist in a group of christians, he is not going to set aside his moral beliefs in favour of a more tolerant approach.

>Art, Culture, Philosophy, Technology?
>Nah fuck that shit, my dick's tingling.


also, if you think about it, marxism is not multicultural.

in a marxist society, if you are not a marxist, you are squashed like a cockroach. you are lined up against a wall, and shot, because you are a prisoner, and no opinion which deviates from the allowed one, no culture which deviates from the allowed one, is tolerated.


“Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country. “

>causes and increase in violence


“For every ten percentage point reduction in own-group density, the relative odds of reporting psychotic experiences increased 1.07 times (95% CI 1.01–1.14, P = 0.03 (trend)) for the total minority ethnic sample. In general, people living in areas of lower own-group density experienced greater social adversity that was in turn associated with reporting psychotic experiences.”

>causes undesiarable mental health issues


“We show that ethnic diversity or fractionalization and values diversity are distinct and while the former has a negative effect on innovation, the latter contributes positively. However, countries are bound to have both types of diversity. We find that countries that are ethnically homogenous but diverse in values orientation are the best innovators.”

>imperils innovation and cooperation/coordination


“His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups.”

>is a social pollutant

depends on the cultures . some cultures are about making hardworking , productive and self fulfilled individuals that strive to make their society and world better for themselves and others .
other cultures are about putting bombs on yourself and blowing up near people of another culture.

>Why is multiculturalism so reviled as a concept?

Because it has been tried extensively in Europe&NA over the last 20 years. By any measure, it has failed and the consequences of this experiment will be dire.

It fails to work when the a large part of the population vastly prefers their own culture to that of others and only wants to force their culture on the rest, not bond with them. And this goes for pretty much all cultures.

there's nothing wrong with different cultures working together, but multiculturalism actually means monoculturalism because it means mixing all the cultures up until they are one indiscernible blob of global humanity with no one else to learn from

Is a nice concept but flawed execution. You need to unite several cultures into one focused doctrine or goal everyone must abide to.
If you don't do that then just look at Africa and their several hundreds of ethnic groups warring against each other. Lebanon is a democracy in the Middle East but nobody is looking at it like a beacon of democracy due to several civil wars.
Even in Israel(the true beacon of democracy in ME) which they don't like to report has lots of Jewish infighting. Why would a Morrocon Jew have the same ideas and values as a Russian Jew or Argentinian Jew.

Coming from the guy that lives in jewrael

How's all the kebabs taking over your cucked nation?

>forcing people with incompatible cultures and hostile attitudes toward each other to occupy the same territory
>w-what's the problem
top kek

>what can possibly go wrong?...sips grange

Spain is part of Europe already.

Hey Germfag you and your buddies need to kick out the rapefugees fast. You got a bad problem going on there. Plus what if the isis comes down from cucked Sweden and takes over Berlin? Ummm ?

I don't want to watch soccer, adopt a religion, be culturally enriched and other than Japan all other technology is useless.

the only thing any minority can offer is something for Muh dick and even then they most better have some white in them somewhere


Because some cultures are inferior to others.

Multiculturalism... having a Cuban cafe, a Jewish deli, and an Italian restaurant on the same street...

Cultural genocide, is when on culture entirely supplants another, such as the Cuban invasion of Miami, and the Muslim invasion of Europe.

Of course Cubans love America, Muslim's Fucking hate the west.


Literally the singular good argument for it is to have more restaurant options, and the internet has now made even that argument irrelevant.
destroys diversity
lowers offspring IQ of those that racemix down
destroys community, making everyone fat fucks who don't want to go outside.

There is no argument against pic related.


Even subhuman cultures make better food than European "food".

>m-muh french cuisine
Is as disgusting as it is expensive.

Counter-shilling only out of fear this shilling will have some unconscious influence.

The ending panel of the left needs a nazijapan flag and in bold "THE JEWS FEAR THE SAMURAI"

I'll have french cuisine then, you can have Haitian mud cakes

If we could sterilize them and only take their women that would work, sexual tourism is the only answer

lmao you can import recipes without importing the people.
this is the response every faggot liberal uses
>but muh mexican food!
shut the fuck up


Very nice!

Are those doggos dead?


These people are fuggen retarded beyond imagination.

have a pic related that you'll never read, 1post by this ID OP
> there's video of it too, for the disbelievers

Blatant shill thread

Yeah they died to death.

Jesus fucking christ you people are mentally ill. "Its ok if the civilization my ancestors built collapses around me and my culture and people disappear, look at this dank taco bell I got."

White people always make shitskin peasant food better too.

Tibet is about the only other place I can think of and that's driving Shaolin monks to murder people.

Fuck the food, as you can see it's used to manipulate people (muh taco trucks on every corner)
I don't give a fuck if we only dine on simple American meals nationwide for the next two decades if it means our people get in line with having a full national identity

we should make it weird not to eat our cuisine when a foreigner visits

Nah dude. Arabs and Indians make some fucking delicious food i have to say. Authentic cuisine is always better than Americanized shit.

The only reason id support limited immigration is so they can open restaurants and shit, but thats it.

Packing everyone into the same space isn't "bridging" them.

Lol no. Arab food is fucking awful and everyone knows that to get the best Indian food you go to the restaurant run by the British guy.

>that pic
>the only pups that are awake are the white ones on the fringes

Exactly. Mixing would only cause the loss of individual national identities that would cause the loss of authentic foods. Not a reply to you, but in general

>Collapsing civilization just to grace your taste buds for a few minutes




multiculturalism is never bridging anything
get it?


it keeps the cultures massively apart and destroys understanding by refusing to mix, refusing to share, refusing to help or be kind to strange cultures by pretending that these so-called cultures are holy fucking ground where they refuse to join and scream about bigotry if anyone points out any problems or even mentions anything.

Look, if you think some culture bullshit of your is so fucking special, don't shove it in people's faces and say your culture is above the law because that'll piss everyone off because you're just being a retarded cunt about your so-called culture as if it were a religion.

cultures do not exist in real life
there is no "culture magic" that makes any culture thing happen or exist for any reason

cultures do not "need" to be "bridged" whatever teh fuck you mean by that anyway
the people involved are either retarded about their fucking lifestyle traditions or they're not

America is a MELTING POT
this means no "hard" multiculturalism should be allowed or encouraged by anyone who wants to live together in peace.

what sort of person tends to be the ones yelling most loudly about multiculturalism?
Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, i.e. religious fucktards
desperate horny people who want to fuck someone strange
whoever sees some special personal advantage in shilling for it shills for it

what is your basic reason for thinking your culture must be specially protected?
no culture is set in stone so why act like they are?????
are you fucking retarded

Your picture explains this. Whites would have to be the vanguard of this experiment on both ends. This puts more strain on whites than all other groups involved. In turn this would be perceived as it is now that whites are more privileged for needing to attain the positions necessary to carry the weight.

As we can see now it is simply not worth the risk of our own destruction. If anything this process needs to be very slow as to indoctrinate the other groups with white values. This will show other members of these groups the benefits of working with whites rather than against.

Bridge cultures and what your left with is a mixture of the X number of cultures merged into one. If they dont merge you simply have a dominate culture trying to absorb the smaller one. Multi-cultured but eventually phased out, defeating the purpose.

>t. limousine liberal

I always kek when I hear this. The same people who say this unironically are people who vacation in third world countries and never leave the gated walls of the resort, so they just get served some shitty food and now they're an expert on culture