Is Race-Mixing cultural or inherited?

Does dating outside of your race caused by outside influences or is in your DNA?

Avril is a total weeb so this doesn't surprise me

Never in my life have I seen a bm/wf couple in my life, outside of tv, so i thought you fags were just memeing. I see pic related daily though. What is it about asian men that white women love? Muh dick can't have anything to do with it

How would DNA determine this, you fucking idiot

Nice pic op. Let me give you the stats though
1 in 1000 : asian man, white woman
600 in 1000 : asian woman, white man
999 in 1000 : asian man dies alone and frustrated that his 2D waifu will never be real

how is it like living in a fantasy world?

Looks like a half asian with a white woman. 1/4 asian, 3/4 white is the objectively best makeup. Chinky eyes, pale, black hair, blue eyes. That's my fetish.

it's about quality over quantity

asian men get white women that are absolute stunners whereas white men are so desperate they will pair up with any 5/10 asian


I once did read something along the lines that women prefer to breed outside their tribes and such because they seek new stuff and want to prevent inbreeding.

But I was fucking high when I watched that vid and was also playing warframe, so you better check that.

Asian women have the highest interracial marriage rate of all races of women TOP KEK

I think it might be in the DNA.

My grandpa knocked up a Vietnamese woman during the war, my dad race-mixed with a spic (my mom is white, but my stepmother is a spic), and all three girls I've dated have been asian or mixed white/asian.

The only one living in fantasy land is you chink boy


t. Chang

The only girl I know that dates asians is actually really mentally fucked up. Also, at least those white guys are getting pussy, even if it is inferior, whilst you're shitposting on Sup Forums.

>The only one living in fantasy land is you chink boy

1. Thinks the US = World
2. Post stats about 'Asians-in-the-West' despite that fact that most of these combine different types of the 4 billion "Asians" on the planet under one universal term as if an Indian has anything in common with a Filipino
3. Ignore the FACT that most White men are with brown 3rd world low-IQ Southeast Asians from Thailand or Phillipines. They also never mention that these same SE Asian countries have GDP per capita's on par with Africa ... but of course all these girls REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALY love White guys.

How are natives still an ethnic group? Aren't all they're known for getting high and having mixed kids?


better than a nigger
better than a poo
better than an arab

Avril married Gootecks?

Is that him?

Is that him?

Iggy Azalea only dates black men but she was born on a rural property near a small Australian town called Murwillumbah, with a masculine, present father who built their own home with his own hands.

Iggy Azalea she is part Abo

I think people have one or maybe a few bad experiences with their race and then go find another to try out; once in an interracial relationship it's easier to stay together since it's easier to write off and tolerate the others bullshit due to our indoctrined instinct to not appear racist

My grandad was a rich playboy, fucked lots of women over china and sea. I have relatives ib all corners of asia i havent even met yet becuase of him.
75% of my cousins are mixed. 66% of my nephews are mixed, i have one pure niece.
I love brown pussy and redheads

shes so ugly

all coal-burners are usually ugly

Meanwhile WMAF IRL

This is WMAF

Deal with it

are you white?

The ones I was with were actually pretty qt. Met them at conventions. Sadly, I probably can't get any girls like them anymore since I lost my hair (I went bald almost overnight after I hit 25), and that's one of the biggest things they were attracted to with me

>race-mixing is inherited
Then there wouldn't be races. Takes thousands of years for a subspecies genome to stabilize. Mixed race individuals tend to revert to the dominant genes of either parent. It would take thousands of years for a "race-mixing" proclivity (or any tendency) to emerge, by which point a stable race (subspecies) would exist, and there wouldn't be any races to mix with. Thus, it can't be selected for. Unless you're hypothesizing that an inclination to seek difference in mates in heritable, but that is also likely not to be something selection can work on in a stable fashion; mutations and other deleterious traits might appear "novel", but wind up in a loss of selective fitness, or death (meaning nothing passed on).


probably not, no. It's social conditioning.

>The ones I was with were actually pretty qt.
What a white guy thinks is a 'qt' is in reality a 3/10

>The ones I was with were actually pretty qt.
what a white guy thinks is a 'qt' is in reality a 3/10 asian girl

we get it user, u mad an Asian guy stole your girlfriend

I'm perfectly fine with white woman asian male.

Asians are the only ones who can save civilization from Islam and leftism.

>jasper the autist malaysian is posting again


I thought she was married to that poofta from nicklecuck.


wow hot

whities cant compete

Avril is still so fucking hot.

that broken dick

Yeah wtf i hate dick bending baginas now


This thread is just full off mad chinks,get over your complex all Asians are ugly as fuck

This thread is just full off mad chinks,get over it all Asians are ugly as fuck.

>Another cuck thread

Does anglo-saxon/mediterranean count as race mixing?
I mean, both are still white...right?
Italians are white, goddamn it

u cucked bro?


There aren't a lot of wf/bm couples but a lot of them probably fuck for a one off, I believe white men are the most desired mates out of everyone (at least in the abstract). As far as I can tell white women don't like asian guys that much at all.

>be white
>dad fucks knocks up mestizo
>have loyal qt asian gf
>white sister is a dumb whore who fucks everything that moves
idk maybe its dna. Pls put my sister in an oven.


>Daily asianmasculinity raid


No,there are barely asians here,just most off them act like complete subhumans and shit like this can only be found in America not even Western European women go out with Asians,not even to talk about Eastern Europe,if your weak body cant even hold our drinks then how can we respect you??

Cultural for sure.

I've noticed catholics have a propensity for racemixing...
>Just look at Latin America

Feels good being nordic and having Japanese gf. WMAF is ordained by the gods.

white girls and white "boys" should be owned by asians

What about anal sex?

Irish descendants are probably the biggest race mixers.


and I get banned for posting the evil dogger

Brains, I think. We're not bad people.

True in many cases. : (

t. east asian.

what was deleted?

>paid to fuck asians

Fuck off, mate.

Nordcuck at its best.







Seal and Hedi Klum or however you spell that
Clara Delvinge dated an obese nigger for awhile





No, that's just you Chang all the other Asians are doing just fine


Anything with a dick can mix with anything with a cunt. Natural. Cry elsewhere.




cuckolding is truly the white man's thinking fetish





I really hate this shit and I feel bad for Asian guys.

I've been overseas to Japan and Korea, it is fucking terrible in Japan. I saw a few advertisements with white models on them. The area that I was in (Fussa) was even worse because all of us were housed and based there, so everyone went to work on the local girls. If it was the weekend, you couldn't cross the street without seeing an interracial couple and they stuck out like a sore thumb because Japanese people are short, so imagine seeing like a 6'0" blonde haired white dude walking among 5'8" Japs.

There are some real identity problems in some of those areas. Trolls and dumbasses might say "They just love white guys!", but it is more than that. They want to be white, they in some cases don't even like their own culture. I dated overseas and I knew a girl (out of many, so it isn't as bad as you'd think) who told me she wished her skin was more like mine. She'd run her hands through my blonde hair, she thought my blue eyes were "pretty". There is something going on over there, and we should be concerned because it might be going on here too and we just don't know it yet or are too early to realize.

>I really hate this shit and I feel bad for Asian guys.

I'm best friends with an asian family and I'll tell you why they are sought after.
They prioritize family value's and relationships.
They have good hygiene and can cook.
They work hard.

They are white people, but they are allowed to be proud of it and that's what's so attractive.

when your media is bombarded with white television and white culture, you can't help but want to be those person. that's why television and media is a powerful weapon, if you continually show interracial and lewd scenes over an over, it will become an accepted norm and thus be part of society. same with showing white culture as better, rich having fun, people will associate that being white = beter

Asian culture is beautiful, why would you want to destroy it? Because you're a fetishist? Meanwhile, you get mad when people cuck post about some dumb whore who fucked a nigger because it is totally cool and progressive. Get out faggot.


But what about white children?

>implying shes traditional if shes race mixing

It's alright, bro - it's probably another stupid nigger, like that idiotic Filipino-nigger.

We'll make it. The return of the Yellow and White Civilisations.

Wow those guys make the average Sup Forumstard seem confident and secure.