BREAKING NEWS: Alert as 'gunman barricades himself inside a refugee centre in Hamburg'

>A gunman has barricaded himself in refugee centre in the German city of Hamburg, it has been reported.

>Police were called amid reports a man with a weapon had stormed into the facility this morning and is holed up in a room.

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Germany isn't Germany anymore, Australia is Germany now

Lol look at those cowards. 1 man with a gun and you send in 100 cops wearing ninja turtle outfits. Can you say scared?

Look at this fucking leaf cowboy.

Can we get an update on this?

Boring, just a dude with a knife holding his wife hostage because she told him to go fuck himself with the sharia shit.
Lots of fugee ladys do that once they are in civilized regions.

This might seem stupid, but has anyone attempted to eat a kangaroo?


YOu can get that anywhere these days.
Roo is tasty as fuck, i prefer Ostrich tho.

kangoroos have tasty meat and their hide is top-notch as well

Im from Hamburg :3

Its Germany. Just like Sweden we will never know the relevant details.

Press release from German Police
> German resident
> mental health issues
> misunderstanding
> now in police custody
> alles in ordnung

>sandniggers killing sandniggers

all whites should just come here then we stop all flights, niggers cant into water

the jews can stay in israel and fight off the african hordes

You can buy it up here in Canada, although it is a bit pricey. It's pretty good. I still prefer horse, deer and bison, though.

Really want to try some seal meat, personally. It's supposed to be like a halfway point between fish and red meat.

Nevermind, hype train cancelled.
he had a knife, not a gun, and they already overwhelmed him.
He apparently took his pregnant wife hostage because she wanted to leave him.

>Media plays it up as German national takes refugees hostage
>never mention that this """""German"""""" nationals' name is some shit like Mohammad Mohemmad

its a real shame we are full

Eh gratz? Im from Köln.

What do we do from here?

you forgot
>wir schaffen das

A multicultural society free of hate!

>dude with a knife holding his wife hostage because she told him to go fuck himself with the sharia shit
there will be a harsh awakening for these women when they realize they'll be living in a parallel society where husbands have all the power, just like in their turd countries.

sad to see the german state fail to protect women's and children's rights so badly, but I guess "respect for other cultures" has precedence, even if it's a culture of beating your wife who happens to be your 12yo cousin

>Shart in mart

An hero

B-B-But the hijab is EMPOWERING!

No updates so far except for this photo of the alleged gunman.

A hijab is meant to serve as a towel for whoever nuts in/on her

>. It's supposed to be like a halfway point between fish and red meat.

it tastes like beefy fish made of pork.

>Buggery Bongington

A human

>kangaroo has tasty meat

Kangaroo taste like dog shit mate

>it tastes like beefy fish made of pork.

So it's like a Turduken but mammals instead of avians?

I wonder if there are any bugs that are secretly actually really tasty?

u taste dog shit?


I've had pan fried mealworms before (Montreal Insectarium, great place). It was like... the texture of popcorn with an almost bacon flavour (I'm not sure how much of that was from the oil they were fried in, though). Would recommend.

They also put grasshoppers in tacos in Mexico. They're supposed to impart almost a lime flavour.

Oh, and we already eat a bunch of aquatic bugs. Shrimp, lobster, crabs, crayfish...

One day, I'd like to try African land snail. I love snails (in a nice garlic butter sauce), so giant ones seem appealing to me.

Forgot pic.


Bless Hahndorf

What a delicious name for a city :DD

Really chewy mate.

You get people who rave about how lean it is, but it's the marbling that gives a good steak it's taste.
Stick with cow.



Ever had horse?

It's sort of like super lean beef. It's also cheaper than pork. Makes a great chili.

Baby drama

Look what peace-loving and fun-having human beings Germans are. Only the hateful, disgusting, evil could hate Germans.

>everything is bavarian but they still use german flags



>tfw feminism will save us

You sure?


>barricaded himself in refugee centre in the German city of Hamburg
>voluntarily going into a rapefugee ghetto
Does this big guy miss somalia that much?

>Can you say scared?
It's called overwhelming force Justin, like when your wife pegs you with Hakkeem and Jamal


Is this why Sup Forums is filled with slide threads today?

actually quite hard to cook, if even slightly under heat a really bad off game smell come through the meat, but can get it in almost all super markets, used quite heavily in dog food products because dogs don't care about the off smell.

soak it in vinegar and water overnight?

if rednecks in the US can eat raccoons and shit im sure you can make kangaroo decent

Buttermilk would probably work well, too. Then you bread it and fry it.

Ofcourse. Kangaroos are like a plague in Australia.

>please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white please be white

>plastic paddy education

>smuggled guns deliveryman was seen so now he's hiding from the police in his client's home

I just came from Hamburgers too