USA Hate Thread

Can we make an American hate thread, We pick on the dumb autistic burger fuckers that are yanks.

lol suck on it fag

hey guys i found the chink

Why is Sup Forums so mean to each other?






Found the negro


Still whiter than you


>Autistic Americans
the author spelled "Germans" wrong.
so wrong.






Why are aussies so offended over people picking on them. My thread must've really rustled their noogas.

Mark 'of the beast' Fuckinturd

Nuke America now





whut the fuck is wrong with you?


They were weak cunts who still served the stupid fucking british empire aus cunts vs emus now would be a slaughter, we would be making emu stakes and sausages out these bird cunts now






Greatest allies for life.


lmao how the fuck do you have a computer let alone electricity in Montenegro

best montenegro i've seen on Sup Forums



I love Amerigan Spurdo and laughing at the fat blob shits over here

>Australian GDP
Per capita
>Monteniggro's GDP
Per capita

turns out being a t*rk rape baby nation effects your country more than loosing to birds



You like literally have negro in your countries name.



>We totally aren't getting raped by muslims or anything
>Precedes to vote schluz
>1 billion migrants enter northern Europe
>All white europeans who are stupid enough to stay get raped to death
>Schluz laughs while european blood is all over his suit
>Europe becomes less white than america
>All northern europeans become extinct in 200 years
>Slavs and Balkaniggers precede to laugh


this my morbidly obese friend

Western Civilization is degenerate, We should all become like Eastern Europe and ban all degenerate acts for good.

People who are stupid enough to defend it are cocksuckers who try to believe there's hope but there isn't. The West is Dead the East is the future. The West was going to replace us with robots and take our jobs away from us anyways with Automation.

They're just a shit copy of us europeans.
And we're already shit.


pick one lol



That shit copy isn't voting for Schluz for the upcoming German election. Northern Euros minus Brits are doomed to be flooded with one billion migrants.


The South are nigger-tier let them have their own shitty country so they can make mongrel babies.




Maybe Putin should have the baltics after all, Defending a bunch of useless countries is pointless.

Nah, 'merica elected Trump and has most likely halted its decline and maybe even reversed it to a degree. USA will become the great Satan in the future when they're under a 1 party dictatorship led by a president with a Spanish surname but for now they're ai'ght.



Why do you hate? I only love




>the states with the heaviest slave populations that consisted almost entirely of plantations also have the most racemixed people
Really made me think.

They should never have shipped those nignogs over here.

You would defend only your interests and israel burger

>degenerate druggie
>mutilated dicklet

pick all lmao


Is their really any point in defending a bunch of countries that have the most weak governments. I see where Putin is getting at maybe Russia should retake you.

NATO is wasting taxpayer dollars on the baltics that serve no purpose for us.

Murricans just can't handle banter, it's always the same with you fucks

You had no purpose to even exist, what's your point. Belgium is literally a non-country.

>US pulls out of NATO
>Russia steps in
>no more baltic shiposts

is trump saving the board?

>I only love

Its no longer a secret that you are cucked by russia so it would be no surprise

>when an aussie complains about shitposting

Some of you guys are allright, don't go to the baltics tomorrow.

We should help them industrialize so we don't have to continue this deal with the devil we have with the chinks.

I'm ensuring an aussie monopoly on shitposting

top kek

fucking kek

Russia > Baltics

The Baltics (Minus your country) and Belgium were never meant to exist. They didn't even exist during the Roman Empire. They're simply obvious clay that managed to gain independence.

New thread, lads.

>Burger logic
So? Roman empire didnt even exist during egyptian times, ancient greece times.

I do love you germanbro. We are both having the problems but we need to unite and fix them

Post the original fag

It's true you were never meant to exist.

It's a shame you'll be dead in a few months because your people commit suicide so often.


America, where most males over 17 dress like 8 year olds. ball cap, t-shirt, and shorts.


and of course burgers didnt exist during Grand dutchy of Lithuania times

> mfw being merican is like being the hottest blonde piece of ass in highschool

> all the other whores wish they could be and look like you....but hate you because they know it will never happen

Say what you want, but everyone with half a brain knows that anywhere that isn't the US is a 3rd-world shithole by comparison....even more so now after the muslims have decimated western europe.

If it wasn't true then why is it that EVERYONE wants to come to merica and be merican, regardless of what they would have you believe otherwise?

Don't deny it, because you know it's the truth.

Damn, I love being merican.

>Be American
>shit yourself

what about USA then?