Erin Burnett GOT ABSOLUTELY FUCKING REKT last night on CNN

Glorious stuff from this grumpy old bastard.

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what are they even talking about?

What a sad state of affairs, but funny nevertheless how he had to take her by the hand and walk her through that like a small child.

CNN is the fucking worst. We're witnessing the final paroxysms of these cunts.

Haha that old dude could not believe that stupid shit he was asked.

Hey, that guy is Jewish. I thought you guys hated jews, now one is defending Trump.

It's treason then

16 intelligence agency but they aren't sure what the fuck happen?

A. What is the criminal act?
B. What are we paying you assholes for?

>"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
But he's still getting gassed.

Erin Burnett is getting fat. This makes me sad.


cnn is a joke


Goddamn! Nice word, bong. Thank you.

>CNN STILL talking about Russia
Who the fuck is watching this shit and believing it at this point?

She's always been an ignorant cunt. It was ridiculous when she was on CNBC trying to talk about finance. Now she spends most of her time reading what's written for her and repeating whatever comes into her earpiece.

Holy kek

It's 18 intelligence agencies kid, don't leave the Coast Guard out of this

read culture of critique faggot


shes getting fat

>woman: "Isn't talking to Russians a crime?!"
>guy: "What? No, idiot."

>don't leave the Coast Guard out of this

and more dumb. She is incapable of handling political discussions with well informed guests.

You all guilty of treason for posting in the same thread as me, faggots.

Born: 20. Januar 1967

She looks like 60

Eric Brunette is pretty hot

Honestly where is the proofs?

I keep getting shown "unnamed super secret sources from ex-MI6 CIA MIB and 200 agencies like the coast guard" which if you rewind 10 years nobody believed when they said "yo WMD's LMAO"

For it to be treason, he would have to be working with Russia to hurt the nation. Winning the election instead of Hillary doesnt qualify. Unless their was a deal to harm the US now as president. All of which is pure speculation that cnn can shove up its ass.

pig in lipstick

>'bitch shut the fuck up'

God, I fucking hate Erin Burnette.

>Russia probe may be compromised


every time you being up the fact that there's no evidence people go just start repeating why would they lie? there's no winning with them

wow she's getting fat.

That is not her, you fool.

>those legs under the table


When did she balloon up?

Don't give CNN the fucking views you asshat.

Yeah, you have to listen to Carl laughing, but it's better than giving CNN views.



Post-election stress eating would be my guess.


pretty much the first thing that came into my head too


2 minutes in I had to turn it off. Rather give CNN the views rather than listening to that faggot.

That fucking picure


I think she's still pretty cute. She hasn't lost her figure but the extra chub on her face and arms makes her look youthful.

The interview itself helps with this because she's completely outclassed by her an older man that schools her like she's a nerdy, chubby freshman in high school..

>This dumb goy who spergs out over the shill media puppet shows

Not gonna lie, former CNN viewer here. This is fucking hilarious watching CNN crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the Nielsen ratings and renewal contacts.

We all know she's stupid. But JFC she is a pig now.

>they cut out the part where she does an autistic spin


she is soo fuckin hot. i would lick every inch of her body.

He's Jewish, but he's not Jewing.

Sup Forums writes off entire races because too many of their members behave a certain, antisocial way; it's perfectly consistent to respect the ones that don't behave that way even as you acknowledge the country would be better off with every one of them living peacefully in their own land far, far away.

Plus the Nazi LARPers who want to gas them, but that's neither here nor there.

she is very hot love that chuncky body

im just watching because of her