Hey DRUMPF! If you love the 1st amendment, why not let CNN into your press conferences? BTFO. Little Drumpf.

You mean Jonathan Liebowitz?

Anti Semitic.

It's literally his name

You are a Jew Hater.

He should interview that Donald Drumpf guy.

and you are a Jew

Freedom of the Press guarantees the press has the right to work without the government telling it what it can and cannot publish.

It does not guarantee the press the right to attend any event or meeting or enter any office or home they want to.

good one, based jap :)

That's not anything to do with the first amendment.

hey do you want to have gay sex?

Do you think Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert leaving the political punditry arena (less so in Colbert's case) left a vacuum that contributed to the rise of conservative youth? Seriously, all the left has anymore is fucking Samantha Bee and John Oliver. I feel like Jon Stewart making a resurgence is to compensate for a lack of cool, funny guys on the left.

no, and also you just ruined the little respect I had for you, unbase'd

Uh oh Liebowitz stepping up to Trump again

methinks the lady doth protest too much

Its not really practical to give every media company access anyway, there are tens of thousands in the US.

not been relevant for 8 years

that's when he started sucking Obama dick

choose one

no, you should probably just go for a love hotel, some sake and panties from the vending machine instead.

you seem to be misunderstanding, I'm not asking if you want to have gay sex with me, I'm asking in a more general sense

How does refusing to let CNN in the press event stop them from criticizing Trump? Seems like they are doing that right now so their first amendment rights look to be intact.

well then no.

Because CNN is a disruptive mouth piece for political agenda and propaganda. They can still say what they want so their 1st amendment rights are intact, they just aren't allowed to derail the press conference with bullshit.

Because it's freedom of the press, not privilege of the press.

How does not inviting a fag to your party = infringement of the 1st amendment?

If I invited my neighbor over for dinner every friday night and every Saturday morning I found that he shit on my front porch. I would stop inviting him over for dinner. I would not be sentencing him to a life of starvation and desolation by ignoring him during Thursday dinner invitations. If he wanted to keep having cheese pizza at my house every friday, then he should not have shit on my porch. I am in no way at fault.

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people