This is grotesque

>complains about "fake news", which is just press he doesnt like
>fabricates fake news to silence the press
Seeing Sup Forums always ignoring and plugging their ears at every fuckup this administration does is both endearing and disheartening.
When did this board become so fucking blue pilled?
How do we save conservativism from these beta identity politics numales?

Other urls found in this thread:

>those quotes

Hmm, seems like they are reporting on what someone said and not on the facts... They wouldn't do that, would they?

>1 post by this ID

Sage goes in all fields.

>1 post by this ID
what is that supposed to mean newfriend?

I'm not spoonfeeding you, faggot. You have to go back.

I'm right where I wanna be kid

We don't like refugees on our board of peace. You still have to go back.

the only refugees are the ones fucking your women burger, I'm fine right here

>the only refugees are the ones fucking your women burger

That's extremely rich coming from a pasta nigger. At least you're not cucked to the degree of Germany or Sweden yet.

>literally OPs post and one reply

Of course theres only 1 post, idiot. You posted the SECOND reply in the entire thread. The ID is specific to this thread only, not all of Sup Forums. Bumping just because of this retard

>How do we save conservativism from these beta identity politics numales?
We can't. It's all fucked. Just ignore politics and let the retards destroy each other.

you have been cucking yourself alright for the last 20 years without even the help of refugees.
any countries in europe shits on you, even the emirates of scandinavia

yeah that confused me, contemplating the existence of such retardation is uncanny

What an idiot

whats going on in here

>pasta nigger


youre still dumb as bricks tho

who gives a shit?

You do remember Ben Rhodes gloating about how they groomed an entire generation of journalists to only be able to write what the White House gave them, right? The Trump admin just highlighted how true that is...

Shouldn't you be skimming brownies out of the Mediterranean, Giuseppe?

What the fuck is up with your olive harvest this year?

That's italy you fucking rube.

>He literally typed out kid


Why aren't you in Africa where you belong?

*teleports behind you*

No response?

"The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”