Why are asian women stealing white men from white women?

Why are asian women stealing white men from white women?

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Because they act like women and haven't been blacked

They are sociopaths, so they dont let their emotions control them

Because white women like black men. Whites are so cucked their own women dont like them.

Both of you are correct


>this is somehow our fault

Most White people go for other White people. The only guys who go for Asians are total betas.

Roastie detected

They can steal me everytime they want.

Make a list of what you want in your partner-for-life. Next make two lists: one of average characteristics of Americanized females, and another for the average characteristics of traditional Asian females. After making these lists, analyze their overlaps with the first list and draw some conclusions. You should have your answer then.

Not this shit again.

>inb4 Assmad bong spams larper

I love Taeyeon!

It works the opposite way too. White women who racemix are often the lowest tier of society.

Does it really? White men who marry East Asians make more money, on average, than White men who marry White women. At least in terms of income, these guys are not the lowest tier of society.

>oh no I am dishonoraburr to my famery

So? She'll be with me in America not chinkistan

They're very obviously dorky or physically unappealing in some way.


They are also contributing to society. When I think of the "lowest tier of society," other type of men come to mind.


Stop replying to that poster, they're clearly in a relationship with a white woman eating out Jamal's leftover cum

>having kids over 30

Autistic screeching indeed

I'm talking physically. White people who don't date other White people are generally the physically most unattractive.

They're only not attractive because being black is what white women consider the bare minimum for being attractive.

If you're a guy calling other men attractive/unnatractive you're probably a raging faggot

Tfw I'll never have a yandere psychopath Asian gf to get extremely jealous over every person I come into contact with
Tfw I'll never have an Asian gf who equally hates niggers

Yes but I don't blame them. White women's standards are fucked up so ugly white guys can shoot out of their league with Asian women but are otherwise forced to settle for fatties if they want a white woman.

Personally I'm a fan of hapas but they're hard to find

>being black is what white women consider the bare minimum for being attractive.

Have you never met a woman before? 95% of non-Black women would never consider dating a nigger.

I don't quite follow you. I do understand that different physical standards like fitness differ from Americanized women to traditional Asian women. However, why is it bad that these men who are otherwise more productive in society than their counterparts to be reproducing?

I hope the point has more potential for discussion than a simple Ad Hominem.

reminder that most asian women dont look like this. The ones you see on TV and youtube are 90% plastic surgery.

>Canadian chink detected

racism and jealousy are asian traits, just travel to any country there and drown in pussy.

anyone can afford air travel these days so whats stopping you?

Is it wrong that I want to hot glue most of the girls on the bottom

Yes i am a chink and iv been to china and japan. Anyone who falls for the obvious plastic surgery and makeup should kill themselves as the VASTY MAJORITY OF THEM DONT LOOK LIKE THAT

If you're a chink post proof
Dick, hands, or face

White women are all fucked up from feminism

Post proof you are white and il consider it

What I mean is most Whites who go for Asians only do it because they know the women will see it as "marrying up" and so are willing to overlook any physical flaws.

Would do have of the bottom part

Asian women are absolutely disgusting and on the same level as nigresses, natives and any other non european woman.

Should I post my yearly income
Or my IQ? (120 btw)

This is why 2D is superior in, almost, every aspect.

nasty gooks deserve death. i hope these bug eating rats get nuked off the face of the earth.

Oy vey what about flip/white hybrids

tfw this is all part of the grand master kalergi plan. yeah, no thanks

>Or my IQ
You know that asians have higher average IQ right?

Nice try

To show people what the average asian woman looks like

High Income & IQ -> Then, You aren't White, So You must be a Jew.

Just watch Japanese TV, the average wench on Jap TV or who is an aidoru is what most Japanese girls look like.

What you are showing there are the mongols and chinesey types.

They aren't. Some white women are pushing men away in general whilst some Asian men are turning into asexual data product sponges. That leaves with a situation where A meets B and that's simply what is available and mutually agreeable.

In my case, white, living in Japan, my wife and I have a white gf and started seeing another asian girl recently. We are all actually worried about the future of our genes, so setting sexual jealousy aside and enjoying life for kids now. So... Seems like there is some balance in the mix, but only if you work hard for what is there, not imagine external universe is "doing" anything to you (or for you or against you).

In Europe, of course, the situation for white future and east asian future is far less promising, as sad and weird as this is to say. Coming on a change of era in history. We have been cursed to live in interesting times -- this is just one symptom.

wtf I love SNSD now

How underage are you? You know they screen for only the prettiest ones they can find, not to mention the ones they show are hiding underneath 100 pounds of makeup. And yes, some of the ones in the pic are japs

>higher IQ
Because most of them cheat in school?

>t. salty jew

>be mutt
>see op pic for the first time when getting into kpop
>suddenly like korean women even MORE now.
must be my european genes reacting

Did you copy that post like you do with most of your test answers?

Gee wiz you get triggered easily.

Let's look at the endgame here. Traditional Asian females are now in relationships with men with fewer attractive physical features by society's definition of what is physically attractive, such as height, muscle tone, and body-fat %. In exchange, she gets features that are more attractive to her (and often height as well). She is still satisfied with the physical attractiveness of her partner, and she is still none the worse for wear.

On the other hand, guys without physical features considered attractive by society aren't going to score many points on their appearance alone. The reality in America is that Americanized women massively prioritize physical attractiveness by society's definition when these women select a partner. So, Americanized women seek these attractive men, for better or for worse. In a world with just these Americanized women, the productive caste of man not physically attractive by society's definition would find next to nothing. Being approach with traditionally Asian women can make them happier.

So, the system nets happiness. Where is the problem?

Every autistic, anime loving white beta male I come across tends to be, if they are, in a relationship with an Asian female

The white guy has no choice but to be with the Asian since white women aren't going to put up with him. The Asian wants to be with the white guy since she sees him as status symbol and eventually the guy will impregnate her with half-white kids

This type of relationship dynamic almost always results in their children being dysfunctional and turning them into social outcasts like Elliot Rodgers

Of course they do, just as british and american tv does the same.

Does American and british tv not represent what british and americans look like?

Every country has ugly girls, to say oh look Japan has ugly girls does not mean there are not hot ones. I speak to hot jap girls online,, i don't talk to ugly ones, i screen them just like producers do. Then, when I hit Japanese soil in June, I will see for myself.

Of course, my end goal is to marry an actual aidoru

Exceptional power level. Is this real?

You only responded because you knew I was right



>Every autistic, anime loving white beta male I come across

If you aren't one of those things why are you on an autistic anime website? Oh right, because you're from The_Donald.

Fuck off

I don't agree 100% with this assessment, but that is a very interesting perspective. Worth further consideration.

Thanks for providing an actual theory instead of shitposting.

>Does American and british tv not represent what british and americans look like

It depends on the TV show but most of the time hell no

>o say oh look Japan has ugly girls does not mean there are not hot ones.

You are completely missing the point. Most of the autistic weaboos on this board think japan is full of hot busty women who will walk through a bed of nails just to be with their small dicked no social skills pasty white ass.

The attractive ones have just as high of standards as they do in the west and therefore every weaboo who posts about them nonstop is completely delusional in thinking they will ever have a hot jap girlfriend.


And they never will be blacked.

Map of IQ by country

Dude im not even asian i just larp as if i was. I have been to china and Japan though. My little sister was adopted from China and we stopped in Japan on the way back.

Japan is 100x nicer than China, holy shit that smog

>LARPing 101

Let's look at reality

>my wife and I have a white gf and started seeing another asian girl recently
You might have made a mistake with your grammar. Are you really in a relationship with 3 girls at once? Why?

Meanwhile in reality

I agree. Why are white people so racist?

Stop misusing "triggered." You fucks have basically turned it into the new "umad" by saying it to literally every fucktard who responds to you.

>3 posts by this ID

Meanwhile irl

I think the biggest question is why he comes across so many of these if he is not one himself

I must be daft. Please explain this reality, but don't forget the part where you relate that reality to something that wither hurts society or otherwise damages happiness relative to the alternative.

Because they are losers like the alt right


Military or Sexpat(aka English teacher)?

The reality is white men get ugly Asian

Deal with it

nice get, you are the chosen leaf

>the pingbong is back with his ambiguous 2-5/10 wmaf couples that are completely incomprehensible
Enjoy the next three hours time to die

It's called LARPing

>but don't forget the part where you relate that reality to something that wither hurts society or otherwise damages happiness relative to the alternative
>but don't forget the part where you relate that reality to something that wither hurts society or otherwise damages happiness relative to the alternative

ASSMAD racist

Actually it's the opposite. Ugly White men can get better Asian women. Asian women are more willing to racemix (with Whites) the most of all races and genders.

is it racemixing if she's a honorary Aryan?

WMAF hurts society

Deal with it

Except in reality white men get ugly Asian

You are just ASSMAD at reality and can't face the truth


Why do alt right morons do this?

I can't even pretend you have an argument. Who came out ahead in these images?

that's because those betas settle for the ugly ones thinking they can't get attractive women because that's what they are used to

>assmad alt right in denial

Report these cuck muh dikk threads

They're not. White men are choosing conservative asian women over liberals western whores.

Which is of course reality

Dumb alt right moron