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Smells fake

crazy since BLM riots were worse than this, and nobody went to prison.

Good, violence is for niggers and redneck inbreds

Yet a nigger can kill someone and will serve less than 20 years. Not even manslaughter...full blown murder.

I think being a niglets birthday has something to do with it. I didn't see any counter protest when BLM was doing their thing so everyone should just shut up .

name the violent act without resorting to "WORDS HURT!"

>"We should have harsher punishments for ourselves than for our enemies"
You are what they call a cuckservative.

She did literally nothing wrong

Can't they appeal this? I can't imagine this shit not being overturned. The judge is a niggerloving kikeslut faggot.

There should be no reason for magila gorillas to protest if this is true.


If they weren't armed while making violent threats it would have just been disturbing the peace and they would have gotten community service.

Instead they were armed while making death threats to a family who was just trying to celebrate a child's birthday. That is domestic terrorism.

I hate niggers as much as anybody, but just like Dylan Roof, they're fucking pussies for doing it at a child's party and not at a crack corner downtown. Let them rot in jail, they are too stupid to be allowed to breed.

Yeah they'll appeal it. The judge is a niggerloving kikeslut faggot.

seriously fuck stormfaggots like you, if black guys would show up with cars at the birthday party of a white while pointing a gun in their face and threaten to kill the kids you would all shit over him and demand life time prison or death setence. But if white rednecks do that they dindu nuffin and all is okay.

>our enemies
excuse me?

Speak for yourself redneck

Why bringing guns if you are going to do something stupid?

I don't feel sorry at all.

Wow, it's almost as if we don't hold other peoples to the same standards as our own! It's almost as if we don't hate our own people and don't want to help other races destroy us!

Sheeet, we need to constantly attack our own people. That will show them.

This was my exact sentiment in an earlier thread. They're assholes, but they crossed the line into criminal when they brandished weapons and threatened lives. Nigger or otherwise, no one deserves that kind of treatment in civilized society.

Fuck these idiots.

It was a family celebrating a birthday. It wasn't a group of Jamals plotting s robbery. A child's birthday

They are scum and should. Be hung.

Meanwhile kidnapping a man for days while cutting pieces of flesh of him and saying fuck white people over and over while live streaming it to facebook is not nearly as bad.

America, you are more fucked than sweden. enjoy your demise.

Yeah and when a white football player does the same thing he gets probation.

Kys dude. I'm on mobile but feel free to look up the coat hanger frat boy case that just happened.

It's a rigged system

Well if our struggle boiled down to crashing into birthday parties armed and threatening children then JUST my race up already

Yep, keep attacking white people who have balls to do something.
Meanwhile blacks who attack and kill whites get months in prison. Must be the fault of the white devil. Quick guys, insult more white racist DRUMPF supporters.

>waving guns around

I see. That's different. If they were doing that too then that's a whole nother thing. Thats more deserving of a harsh sentence, just perhaps not quite 15, 20 years. That's beyond too much time.

Sup Forums is all for mega harsh sentences and throwing everyone in jail that the U.S. is all about, until it's some white racist hooligans, then dear God mercy!

Typical faggots.

>threatening to kill people
That too?

>black child's b-day
LOL. At a child's birthday, no less. Now that's just wrong.
Sup Forums will defend this.

Yea no. The fakest shit ever. Coon.

Ideally all of them would be hanging from trees. These people have more balls than you ever will.

You are delusional and have no context for your garbage opinions.

Leave the Internet my dude. No one is indiscriminately attacking white people.

Fucking nigger enabler nufag.

The dindu child will grown up to rape white children.

>Meanwhile blacks who attack and kill whites get months in prison.
FALSE faggot. This ain't Sweden.

>hootin an hollerin and gun totin' at a kids party

Insurmountable kek.

Both cases are horrible. But what happened to the nignogs who kidnapped the retard? Haven't heard about it since it happened, but I suspect they get off with a slap on their wrists. Not 35 years, thats for sure.

>threatening children
>having balls

kek you stormfags are the most pathetic kind similar to niggers in cowardliness.

So how many years did these sub-humans get?

Fuck off moralfag.

As I said, more balls than any of you will ever have. That is how sad you faggots are. No wonder America and UK is gone already with nothing to save left.

It's still in the court. So far they are getting hate charges without bail

Stupid faggot, everyone was outraged over that kidnapping, and the kidbspping didn't last for days. Regardless the Chicago perps will be hit hard in court like they deserve to be.

>Yeah and when a white football player does the same thing he gets probation.
This. It was more than one gut though.

Learn to read
>These people have more balls than you ever will.

>one gut
*one guy

Honestly, they should have just shot up the party.

Not sentenced yet but i think its gonna be a hate crime n its on video so expect alot of time

>that one Latvian faggot

>>black child's b-day
>LOL. At a child's birthday, no less. Now that's just wrong.
>Sup Forums will defend this.

Only because its too easy to parody

>What better way to save the white race and declare nationalism than crashing an 8 year old black kids birthday

"Ding Dong"

"Oh Honey, I think the entertainment we hired has arrived"







ya thats exactly the mentality of shills and actual rednecks

It's still in court you retard and they already were charged with hate crimes in addition to various kidnapping and assault charges and denied bail.

Next court date is March 1st so soon

>everyone was outraged over that kidnapping
Oh, did they have large riots burning down entire cities and calling for all niggers to be killed?
Or by ''outraged'' are we talking about media people snickering about it calling it ''bad home training''? Are we talking about the kind of ''outrage'' where niggers get on our case talking about how they don't care about the retard being tortured because da white devil didn't care about Trayvon *why u shootin me, i wuz a good boy* Martin?

This desu. They were behaving no better than niggers.

70 years combined?


They're awaiting trial AFAIK

I did a small amount of research on this case, there is literally no evidence any of it happened other than the claims of some black woman.

I would rather take 100 refugees in my town than stormfaggots like you.

I know. That's the problem. This is why Germany is dead.

There were video proof if you realy read the article and not breitshit or other trash you would know that

>on Sup Forums
>not trying to be edgy as possible

>Because you can't get laid
This virgin meme needs to end. It hurts my white knight fee fees

yet the endless examples of black on white hate crime result in sweet fuck all.
and you call us a cucked country?
get your shit together burgers, nobody would ever receive 35 years for being racist here, you dont even get that for raping and murdering a kid.

You are stupid dude. Stop deflecting. Also you clearly didn't read the tray on case details. Zimzam was told not to engage and he decided to be a dick and follow some kid around and then got into deep shit.

I'm not bothering with the riot strawman because it's just deflecting garbage.

Bitch should have never let this nigger rigged government take her alive.

No, there are videos of the police showing up AFTER the alleged incident. There are NO video of them using guns or making threats.

You are just a slave for the Germany and the EU who is worth nothing and cant even defend itself so you need foreign military in your shithole country

What even is this?

Poland and Latvia need to be IP range banned.

Clearly they have way to many edgy teen posters

In the hood, "Child's birthday" means loud fucking block party full of hollering drunk animals fighting, fucking and blasting music until 4am.

>tfw rednecks are leftist union organizers
I don't even belong to a union atm, queemo.

Well said.

Nice Twitter talking point, retard.
That's what police dispatchers are instructed to say.
If you have someone breaking into your house and you call a cop they will tell you ''don't do anything, wait for the cops to arrive''. It's not an instruction. It's not law.

Faggots like you who know nothing about the Zimmerman case should be shot like Trayvon.

Making armed threats is not protected speech, my dudes. Homeboy and his girlfriend pointed a shotgun at people having a party.

LMAOOOOO stupid fucking cumskins got what was coming for them

Im greek tho

and no were not paying back denbts either

>world staaar biatch

You don't have an argument and are just making excuses.

It's pathetic dude. Just admit you are irrationally mad at minorities stormi

They would have gotten less time if they had actually killed someone at that party. That's fucking sad.

Meanwhile during the same time period tons of dindus have been put in prison.

yes you do


Fuck you kike

This is accurate, don't forget NO MESSICANZ ALLOWED

Not an argument

video or didn't happen

Said mean things:

>Jose Ismael Torres, 26, will spend 13 years in prison; Kayla Rae Norton, 25, is to serve six years, Atlanta news outlets report.

Not 35 years... But they were made an example of because they are white.

Now the niggers can go back to crying about their fake 'institutional racism"

daaaamn niggas are salty kang obama reign is over

>implying you shouldn't punish your own harshly so as to discourage them from stooping to the levels of others

What is it with American prison sentences? Land of the free..

They were waving guns around.

play nigger games, get nigger prizes

I have never heard a good defense of multiculturalism. They definitely dont back up any of their arguments.

They cant give a reason why I should care about outgroup member aka niggers and hispanics

Don't wave guns at children.

Drive by with a confederate flag. Niggers chimp out. Niggers surround your car. Niggers begin threatening to kill you. Niggers get you sent to prison for defending yourself. Typical niggerr loving faggotry.

Scoring gaps on the SAT between Blacks and Whites are increasing.

Income differences do not explain the increase, nor do they explain the scores. Whites from poor families scored more highly than Blacks from wealthy families.

In addition to this, almost no Blacks are among top-scorers on the SAT. A simple calculation of race-neutral competition for collegiate admission yields that if affirmative action were removed from US universities Blacks would matriculate at less than one-third the rate they currently do.

They are spinless faggots saying and doing what momy told them.

You're unironically advocating for longer prison sentences for white people because you think it's moral.

That's just about the dumbest, most cuckish thing I've ever heard. I mean, most liberals aren't even that biased against whites. They just want "equal sentences" but you want harsher sentences for whites. If you were in Canada I'd legitimately think that you were Justin Trudeau.

Not before they're raped 10x a day for months and months

Nobody cares about niggers, except for German cucks like yourself. Go choke on Jamal's dick, faggot.

These people are first class drunken idiots and should get jail time but jail time was way too excessive considering that drunk guy in NYC who beat an offduty cop into a coma merely used the 'i was drunk' excuse to get a weak sentence.

>kraut mad 'cause his wife is enjoying some mudslime cock.

Ez for aqua fresh to not hate what he doesn't experience

Cop here, we have a joke. We call it "misdemeanor murder". Happens all the time among the "people of color". One notable example we had was some Hispanic chick that had a mistrial and our prosecutor's office plead her out to deferred adjudication.

There was a gang fight in a park between MS-13 and some other beaner gang here in Houston. During the fight, she walked about behind some dude and sank a massive knife into his chest and into his heart, dude died minutes later. It was a slam dunk case, but one weirdo White dude on the jury was just eye-fucking her the entire time, and the defense had her all dolled up so she looked pretty hot. Anyway, White dude ended up holding out and refused to convict, so the judge declared a mistrial.

The prosecutor's office didn't want to retry the case, so they plead her out to deferred adjudication. This bitch murdered someone in a gang fight, and if she finishes her sentence without getting arrested on a new charge, her record will be wiped clean. She could get a teaching license and teach our children.

These are brainwashed ''former'' liberals. These people are insane.

A normal person would look at a case like this and go
>oh, that was dumb, whatever, they should try and get as low of a sentence as legally possible, good luck to them
People from different races that are competing with yours should be held to a completely different standard. You should want to get them as harsh of a penalty as possible.
That is how every single other race in the world does it. Every single one of them.

Only our people are so brainwashed they go harder at our own people than the enemy.

They should have given this disgusting white trash the death penalty.
Fuck hicks
Fuck confederate flags
Fuck pickup trucks
And fuck white people.

Don't underestimate how much we love our niggers. The funny part is the niggers will cry about "institutional and systematic racism" when the institution and the system punish racism with a sentence harsher than murder.

And folks like this guy () cheer at the though of whites getting locked up longer because of some false sense of a moral highground.