Anyone here a former liberal?

Anyone here a former liberal?

I hope they find a cure for Parkinson's

ye, also /thread

Right here. Supported Obama in 2012. Now I'm libertarian

Yes, used to laugh at Sup Forums until some fine gentlemen turned me.
Had it been stormfag cucks debating me I'd probably still be a libcuck.

I would pay Ana Kasparian to sit on my face


anybody else want to hatefuck her?

This. Still not a white supremacist

Yes until I was 14 or so. Before then I was a self-righteous knowitall fedora tipping atheist who thought straight white men were ebil

yeah, i remember when i was 12 years old

many moons ago: yes.

Yep, used to believe in socialism.

I want to strangle this cunt.


I'm still liberal.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck rural and suburban retards.

no I'm a progressive who believes in eugenics

I used to listen to Noam Chompsky when I was 14

Not a former liberal, but I would hate-fuck her ass until she passes out.

I went faux-liberal for a year in college. Never got involved in anything, just hung out with the kids who smoked and talked liberal shit because the women seemed slutty enough that I could score and the "logic" of blaming everyone and finding holes in conventional thinking came easy.

Unfortunately the weak thinking became so offensive to me that I couldn't do it anymore, and I realized that the women were largely dirty, angry and gross.

Bernout here. I decided I was done with the left somewhere later in the election cycle and voted for Trump in the general.

I was a big time liberal, supported occupy wall street, all that stuff until 2014 when ferguson and BLM happened.

I was a far left bleeding heart liberal up until around 2 years ago. I can't believe the amount of willful denial I was in. I now consider myself to be a proud conservative.

It was like a weight off my shoulders the day I stopped associating with the left. Liberalism is nothing but a cult of denial and virtue signaling.

I was part leader for "red youth" when i was 16-17... so yeha

i can tell just from this that shes full of herself

I'm a future liberal.

Was a liberal up until it meant being a progressive. I still use "classical liberal" though.

Nah was always pretty center, full right now though

t. leaf

yeah, I even voted for Trudeau

Kinda. I haven't really changed my views, but the liberals sure have.

Me too *internet high five*

You could say that. I was left libertarian and supported socialized health care but the red pills came when I started studying economics.

These are pretty much how I feel, too.

Sup Forums pre-Trump was the fucking laughing stock of Sup Forums

>Bernie supporter here. We can't let this guy get his hands on the nigger nigger nigger.

My progression since I started shitposting on pol.

back when i was a wee lad and thought more money should be given to failing public school systems and that niggers were good people

I used to be an anarchist and let punk rock determine my political leanings

More liberal than after I first started browsing Sup Forums in 2014 actually

I don't normally advocate violence against women, but really now

Used to be a communist but I hated niggers, muslims, and some asians so i voted conservative.

>Post pic of "intellectual liberal" arguing with reason and without insults
>Leaf post insults

Literally, what is wrong with the leafs?

>Anyone here a former liberal?


Hell no. I was born smart.

Oh this guy changed me too.

These however I am actually slightly racist now, not an asshole about it and I know we are all human. I like whites and Asians best though.

Yep, voted for Obama

There's no such thing as a formal liberal unless you get brain damage.

What happens as you get older is you become more moderate and not some spazzing kid on the far end of one side or the other. The exception to this are gullible old people who turn into right-wingers because their preacher told them liberals are literally the anti-christ.

No, I was raised well by wealthy conservative parents who instilled in me hard work, fiscal responsibility, and self-respect. Being a leftist is just a by-product of ignorance, mental illness, and/or self-hatred.

yes hardcore Nat libertarian now. thanks /pol. :)

I've voted:

Bush 2nd term (primary and general)
Obama both terms (primary and generals)
Trump (primary and general)

I was kind of a phony liberal in my early 20s

Tried to force myself into thinking that was the correct political ideology but could never make it work in my head

Yep. Voted for Bernie in the primaries.

I was a liberal before the election. This whole thing made me kinda open my eyes to how insane most people are.

>reporting in
I'm not even racist, I just hate inferior cultures and inbred people.

no, ive gone from conservative to more libertarian leaning. essentially ive stopped giving a fuck about petty shit especially when its other people doing it, and become more and more mad at taxes

Aye. Although I never bought into all the feminist and BLM bullshit. I was a liberal anti-SJW but still thought socialism and open borders weren't too bad.
Then I realised just how bad they actually were later on. Brexit was a clear example of this. I had no idea just how much of a fucking mess the EU was.
Been on Sup Forums for a bit now since the election, so I'm not a natsoc but I'm definitely more right wing than I've ever been.

Started out a bleeding heart liberal, ended up a Nat-Soc.


And former Liberal here. The election really shoved the redpill down my throat.

I just hate black people.

There will come a day when you will look back at right now and think "I used to be really misguided" and settle somewhere in the middle.

I would imagine just about every one did at one point. Hell I still consider myself a liberal, the liberals of which we speak of here are just retards

get help, self-hate is number one killer of semites between ages 18-25

I am still a liberal, though I voted for Trump, and think that TYT is total shit and am a member of the Republican Party.

The democrats and especially the regressives are anything but liberal.

Until 2011 when the 'cis scum' meme started.

If it wasn't for Sup Forums immediately exposing me to the worst of it all, I may well have become an SJW due to it just being more gradual development in the direction I was already heading.

I was in a Steam group with other Sup Forums users and this sudden exposure of the Left's true nature really split everyone. Sup Forums had generally been Left before because it was more edgy, and complemented the trap and everyone turns gay memes.

Maybe not, though, because I watched Pat Condell videos earlier than that and knew about the problems with Muslims that were covered up, though I wasn't sure if it was just 'right wing' propaganda or not. The question of the state of Africa even before white arrived was a big problem too.

Remember to support jim on patreon user

I am not a white supremacist either, but you can be a liberal and a white supremacist at the same time.

If you think everyone else is a chimp, then you can be liberal among 'humans'.

I was a liberal up in till i bought a firearm
Wasnt pol that turned me buying a gun is one of the most redpilled things you can do

Thus guy has voted for all the winners

Supremacism is just a word they invented to demonise nationalism. Wasn't the "Aryan brotherhood" started by a Jew?

me too, then when he lost i jumped on the trump train

Former anarchist here. Currently a Hoppean NRx fag. It was a fun journey, I'll tell you that.

I'd say I've fully accepted race realism and acknowledge that race may have an influence on a persons psychology, and is more than skin colour.

Although I won't judge people based on that alone. I think the criminal spike we see with blacks is more of their own culture than anything.

This pretty much

I consider myself liberal in the classical sense, but I have very little in common with the "liberals" who call themselves that these days

Voted for Trump, believe in race realism, freedom of expression no matter if it offends anyone or not

Will likely never vote Democrat again

I dated a black broad a few years ago and now thanks to you motherfuckers I cant even look at black bitches the same way I used to

The closest I got to being a liberal was voting for Obama in '12 because I liked the idea of universal healthcare. I still do, but only for white people.

Very much a former liberal. Participated in OWS and everything.
I still think Marx's writings on worker/employer relations should be understood and used to inform policy, but I feel like the Dems policy decisions are uninformed and merely stab us in the back by selling us things that sound nice.
It worries me that Republicans will have so much power for the foreseeable future. I would like to see several popular and intelligent parties.

Liberals, get the fuck out. You will always be liberal scum one way or another.

Despite her being a TYT I still would

>Being a leftist is just a by-product of ignorance, mental illness, and/or self-hatred.

Sad but true. I had to unlearn a lot of these things in order to get to the truth.

I was liberal. I voted for Trudeau because I didn't know shit about economic or social policies. In my mind, voting liberal was voting for equality and voting conservative was voting for racism. I wish I would've done more research before making that assumption. I hate conservatives but I can't fucking stand liberals.

I fucking voted for Justin Trudeau, and by the time the american elections came around I was so sick of hearing all the Libtards around me talking about how we have a new canadian savoir. Guy hasn't done shit except further the national dept. I think i voted him because I thought he was a "cool guy" and I thought Harper was a sap. Wtf was I thinking. Would have voted Trump no problem if i was American.

I went from right wing to liberal lol

>Liberalism is nothing but a cult of denial and virtue signaling.


This is me desu. I do see the differences but in reality there are black like cosmos nigger and full WE WUZ nignogs. Just like there are redneck inbred wigger fucks and people like Einstein. Unless you are an Abo you probably have the mental capacity to be worth while but likely your culture and environment builds you.
Ive got plenty of colored friends, alot of them Hispanics that are great and smart people but in the end I would rather live in a predominately white western world.

who do you support now?

Yes, I was a hardcore lifelong liberal until 2015. I started a communist group and had a dozen followers in high school...wound up letting it dissolve due to some members getting too intense for me though and without me the group fell apart. Later on I was a big figure for OWS locally and helped do a lot with my local chapter.
Now I'm die hard for the God Emperor. Sometimes the world has a sense of humor

Ana is hot but she is starting to get age. And women age like milk.

Anyone who assumes their own intellectual superiority without actually debating with an opposing party or enters a debate with preconceived notions that have no backing is a power-starved cuckold and a fundamentally flawed individual.

The election converted me from a center-left liberal to a full blown neoreactionary.


I love seeing her with the sound off

After all the previous shit why did that suddenly sway you?

don't ask me that question, I'm still closeted in my redpilling.

There is something wrong with people who weren't liberal at some point in their early life. A stupid conservative is much worse than a dumb liberal, but a smart conservative beats a filthy lefty intellectual.


In high school I was a faggot communist then I didn't care about politics and when I can back to it I turned to libertarianism. Now I'm on the fence about that but don't know what I'm going to turn to. I feel like I need to read more books.

I've been conservative my whole life. I was a blue-pilled libertarian Republican until around age 23, and then I took the redpill and became a militant white nationalist. I still think the best system is one that is mostly libertarian, but I now realize that libertarianism must be checked, as it can lead to degeneracy and evil people taking advantage.

Always retarded Canadians that seem to represent the rest.
Sorry about this one mates