Why are western women so militant? I am 35 and single. I am ready to start dating black women or older women 45+

Why are western women so militant? I am 35 and single. I am ready to start dating black women or older women 45+.

The millennial (and gen X) generation are probably the worst we ever had. I don't want to hear that boomers are worse. At least they worked for what they got.



I'd grab her by the pussy




What's this about?




Punchable face

I agree these protests are stupid and accomplish nothing, but "baby boomers worked for what they got" isn't entirely true. College tuition is up 150%, plus a degree is pretty much necessary to have a chance at a job with a livable wage. In what ways have baby boomers worked harder? They're just as entitled if not more than millennials.

theyre just stuck in the past. Millennials haven't accomplished shit

They forgot what gender roles are and how it maintains a cohesive society.

I'm 35 too. I don't plan to be a dad .
I'm too old and too poor.
That alone won't get me a gf.
Remember, they are head fucked.
You're basically a "pedo" to be our age and want someone 10 years younger.

Kids are expensive

Its not like women for us either. They fuck a dude drunk and they're a mommy now
I don't want to be dad to a one night stand
Finding a suitable mate is not easy.
Especially in canada.

I just gave up the hope. It hurts but I'll live.
Maybe in 15 years I'll be rich and have a harem of 18/19/20 y.o skanks

It's all me me me to these fucks

because this is a garbage-ass economy in which nothing can be accomplished

>I am ready to start dating black women

Thanks to obama

Date teenagers

I was in your shoes 3 years ago, user. I was 37 and completely done with modern /younger women.

I met an older Mexican woman (46) at my job who kept herself in great shape and is conservative, unusually intelligent, and surprisingly redpilled on many subjects, especially (((them))). We met outside of work a few times and I slowly developed a relationship with her. Now I'm 40, she's 49 and I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life relationship-wise.

Of course she's still a woman so some birdbrain thinking pops up once in a while, but I'll take that any day over the never ending whiny, vapid, degenerate cuntiness that the average modern whore spews 24/7.

Gen X'er here. Can confirm that all the gen xers I know are worthless pieces of shit. They spoil their kids, they still live off mom and dad, they want an easy ride but don't feel obliged to help anyone else. The women are the worst. All the women I used to admire as a teen I hate to death now. They're all entitled bitches who will milk you for as much as you got.

I'm no better. Neet since 2004, mentally ill, a burden to society.

You are basically a pedo, faggot. There is absolutely no reason that a thirty year old plus man should be trying to date a girl in her early twenties.

There's only one objectively red pilled path in life and you already missed it fifteen years ago, it's too late for people your age. Also kids aren't expensive.

Untrue but with an attitude like that it's clear why you feel that way.

There's NO reasons to date a 20 year old over a 30+ year old?

Are you sure?

You are aware that women dont really get more mature as they age, right? They pretty much stop mentally developing at 15.

>Why are western women so militant?

They're not, they just want you to think they are. Same with the left and these "punch nazi" antifa faggots. They're all talk. Most of them are just bluffing and when faced with real confrontation would back down in a second.

Yeah I do, I'm also aware that men peak at age 25, and that people can't form true loving bonds with each other when they're fifteen years apart. Men and women should be pairing up together in their late teens to early twenties. Not some disgusting Islamic pedophile bullshit.

They have the black person syndrome, it's like they've been told they need to combat some kind of inequality that doesn't actually exist anymore.

Women who are 20 are unlikely to make practical\good descisions since they are at an age where they are still learning.
Preferably you want to date a woman who can actually buy her own alchohol
22+ is a good age

No that's stupid, young people should just enter into relationships with each other. Young women don't make poor decisions because they're too young or too stupid, they are just raised poorly these days. Women in other cultures and time periods married young all the time with no issues.