Sup Forums btfo by antfa art

Sup Forums btfo by antfa art


obvious top-down controlled "grassroots" organization formed to ferment social instability and profit from it

reminder: we have more guns and can shoot them very well

Antifa Zone!
No Thinking!

Thats what I gathered from your "art"

>nazis with trust funds
lel, someones upset that their parents were poorfags who didnt save a cent of their paycheck every week.

It like someone said "hey let do that fashwave thing" but they all lazy and just make it b&w

convincing. drop a line to Herr Soros and tell him you've got an amoral meme magician here who'll guarantee 300 replies every day for the low cost of 250k/year + full benefits + 2 months' paid vacation

>accusing anyone of being trust fund neets

good art, explains what are in the minds of any antifa

that mount needs to be more bigger btw


>we welcome all idiots. we welcome those who cannot think for themselves. we are antifa.


In my entire life I've met one person with a trust fund and he could not give 2 fucks about politics of any kind.


> Antifa makes their point/recruits by literally defacing beautiful art

theyre so far up their own asses, they havent pulled out to see daylight in over 2 years

they literally have no idea about anything, they can't comprehend what makes our memes so inherently superior to their own. They probably see the ancient sculptures as "patriarchal" or "oppressive."

Whenever a leftist calls me reactionary I laugh because they are the real reactionary ones, they have no creative thoughts of their own, they only seek to destroy what others have built and make the world so ugly that they themselves look beautiful.

top kekism

Op here some making a fashwave pic has more effort than those two pictures made by antifa

Commies know nothing about aesthetics, they scorn anything that may show spirit or love for beauty.

this shit is so retarded

What the hell? Why associate your movement with the destruction of art? Do they think it will win them support?

>nazis with trust funds

Are we disconnected social elites or inbred white trash? The Left needs to make up its mind.

>projecting this hard

I thought we were russian hackers!?

HAHA they're doing the far right's work from them with propaganda like this.

that actually looks /fa/ as fuck

Sometimes I like to wear women's panties and walk around fifth street.

Well, time to go brush the dust off my Vice City disk

>"Destroying western culture is cool".

Well, at least they admit it.