Why I'm wary of the "I have a black friend, therefore I can't racism" argument

y best friend since birth is queer as fuck. I don't use the f-slur at all because I understand the plight of queer people through him.
Most of my closest friends are women. Through them, I understand systemic racism as a feature of contemporary society and therefore I avoid the b-slur whenever I can.
Last year I befriended a differently abled person. Because of this, I am very careful when it comes to ableist slurs.
I take history and political science classes and through them I understand that racism is alive and well today.
When you befriend people, you learn their struggles, and you sympathise with them. If you are friends with a marginalised group and assuming you're a good person, you come to understand what is okay and what is not okay because they'll give you a different perspective on things. Part of that is recognising your privilege and the way you act upon that is by not using slurs. Acting on your privilege means recognising these groups and what they face.
So you have a black friend? Great. What have you learned from their perspective?

I don't have a black friend because I don't like niggers

>because I understand the plight of queer people
Fuck off faggot.

I have black friends and I am incredibly racist. I know about the bell curve.

If you want to call me racist I simply don't care.


you're a bitch ass nigger, faggot


The saying is backwards, just because I'm racist doesn't mean I can't be friends with black people.

Bait thread but I'm going to reply because I really want to call you a nigger faggot retard bitch.


i'm a faggot and i drop the f bomb all the time
unless used in a hostile manner by someone you aren't friends with, it's not offensive at all, same with racial slurs
the only people offended by these words are cucked white retards

>best friend since birth is queer
>Most of my closest friends are women
>I befriended a differently abled person

there is something wrong with you.
nothing you have to say is valid

Kill yourself shillfaggot

What a faggot.

You're fucking kidding?

He is a bitch ass nigger faggot.

i always tell people that i had two black dogs, it just werks, well, untill i tell them that i only gave them one daily ration of food

I have no "black" friends, but I do have friends of various races. Race is irrelevant and always has been to us, and it's only brought up in casual jokes.

Wow you copied and pastarinod a reddit post xD Le ebin (You) gets accomplished! xDDDDDDD


>Most of my closest friends are women.

That is not surprising in the slightest.

You are nothing but a weak communist drone, bland, uninteresting, uninspired, so you are left with nothing but compartmentalisation of people according to what they are, not who they are, because that would put a mirror to your own worthlessness.

niggers disgust me

Crap comparison, OP. My brother is a homosexual, and so is my sister. I still call him a faggot to his face (in fact, even he hates faggots).

You have no argument here.


Well I guess that's the problem. I just simply don't believe that blacks, women, lgbt people are still treated as a whole like they were in the 50s. It's funny, about a month ago when that big woman's march came around my mom who's not very into politics eventually heard about it. She asked me if I'd heard about it and I told her I had. She looked at me confused and said "well I had no idea that as a woman in this country I was so oppressed but now that I do I'll have to start taking advantage of it".

You're correct, "I have a black friend, therefore I can't racism" is a bad argument.

However, I think its also ok to not have any black friends. The inverse implication "You have no black friends, therefore you are racist" is also wrong.

Get fucked you nigger-loving faggot

>understanding the plight of a person "lacking privilege" = directly changing my behavior rather than casually acknowledging said lack of supposed privilege

So, the differently abled person was you in like a mirror, right retard?

my black friends know im not a bitch cuz i call them nigs when they nig

>My brother is a homosexual, and so is my sister.

What kind of sick degenerate household did you grow up in?

this is a slide thread you fucking idiots.


Is this bait? This seems like bait. On the off chance that it isn't bait:
First off, nobody here agrees with any of your statements. You provide no factual evidence for any of your assertions, but rather an "I have a friend who is a woman therefore systemic oppression exists." You're the one making assertions, the burden of proof falls to you. And you have failed to uphold it.
Second, you're statements are demonstrably false. There is no systemic oppression of minorities. Disabled people (that's the term we use, not "differently abled." Does somebody magically develop a different ability when their leg is amputated? No they don't. They lose the ability their leg provided, therefore they are "disabled." Fuck you.) are disadvantaged because of their disability. Not because society deliberately disadvantages them. Women are not oppressed, they are coddled. They are coddled because society is putting up with feminism an the bullshit that it spews. Black people live in higher rates of poverty because they have higher crime rates, and vice versa.
Not only can your side provide no factual evidence of your claims, our side can provide factual evidence which disproves your claims.


also there is nothing wrong with "racism"

>be racist
>have black friends
what does this make me

I yelled nigger around a few of my black friends last weekend. They respect me more for it.

Eat shit, OP.
