Is this guy a cultist?

Is this guy a cultist?

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No, he just has a large following. But fortunately he preaches rationality.

His name is Robert Paulson

has anyone ever proven him wrong, or made any point against him?

Not anyone ever. Not even once.


I challenge anyone to find 1(one)(eins) instance where Molyneux has been refuted or wrong ever.

Just one.

His name is pronounced Stef AWN not Stef IN. So he's wrong about the pronunciation of his own name.

What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?

I would say his little defoo'ing thing and some of his ardent followers would constitute a cult.


Any, especially a "German: or "European" created thread like this to distract or obscure should be ignored by us.

It's a fact that any Molymemes, either here or elsewhere are to be disregarded as garbage that lead us toward ignorance of the real issues at hand.

It's hard to, he knows his stuff very well, he gets side tracked when talking about women though. But there is so truth there.

Jordan Peterson is like hi too or actually it's the other way around.

Sam Harris is a cuck who likes to argue about ifs and hypothetical cases.

I've only ever watched a total of 30 seconds of this guy and he came off as some Heaven's Gate weirdo

you should call into him.
Anyone heard his argument with fritz? the guy who called in about how one should respect once opposition to make them change their mind?

>he knows his stuff very well

No only ironic memelords and retard say so

he's not perfect but ''cultist'' isnt one of his flaws

he's definitely a sociopath.
anyone who actually enjoys listening to his self-indulgent rants is a fucking autist.

This dude is just a con artist. I don't get why you guys keep following atheists.

Can't wait for him to make a "The truth about the Bogdanov twins"-video

Ummm ever heard of the book "how to win friends and influence people"

Step 1: "not an argument"

Step 2: look smug and condescending while the other is talking

Step 3: interrupt constantly

Step 4: "CUT THE MIC!!!! REEE!!!"

> is a fucking autist.
and so what

gr8 b8

never heard of the book, have you seen anyone talk to him on this?

not an argument

Can I have a quick rundown on this meme? Did he really flip it like that? link?

That shit was hilarious, I'm just giving Stefan a hard time because I know he reads this shit.

The fucking kid (fritz) had no idea what he was saying or even wanted to say. Stef started off pretty nice to him actually but Fritz kept insulting him through out the video and Stef got progressively tougher on him. Rant at the end was a good summation of the dickery he was pulling.

no? He's just a bit arrogant.

Whenever someone is capable of doing so, he slams them like he did in his most recent call-in video on YouTube.

>"Why don't you use technique X? In my experience it works wonders when all else fails"
>So you think you're better, do you?
>"uh no?"
>You literally wrote that, let's stay with the facts

Then Mike the Kike strawmans the shit out of the comment sections, it's unbelievable.

>Definitely sociopath
not an argument
>Anyone who listens to him is an autist
not an argument

YEah I've been watching this idiot for the last 7 years. He's only become progressively worse and now he's completely insufferable

also checked


No he's not. What I especially enjoy about Molymeme though is how stupid triggered the libs and shills on pol get when he is brought up. The guy doesn't screw around with his podcasts and he is impeccable at hinting about the Jews and keeping the west white while never stepping across the bounds so he is, so far, untouchable by the left. He can't be Milo'd to say the least.
This pisses off the libs and shills to no end and they end up resorting to bullshit arguments like "he's a cultist" or "he's crazy" or "he's mean to his callers" and other non-argument bullshit.

well, the episode with fritz, i think he was Norwegian; so his translation of worlds (if he was translating directly) which i think he was, was unfortunate and not meant to be rude.
its hard to explain, but what i think he meant, which I can agree on is that if one political side puts has a more mature and reasonable face in the open discussion it looks more legit, people standing on the side has an easier time justifying going to the right(in this example) if they don't yell, insult or are foul mouthed in general.

At least in my experience, and i think that's what he was trying to say

Not on his show except maybe very minor things.

Keep in mind that he has a tremendous edge right off the bat because he's by default in complete control of the conversation (his show) and he doesnt shy away in taking advantage of this edge as much as he can. It's a little like going on fox news debating with Tucker youre never going to win this even if youre right.
He also has a mike who can do research and shit while they're talking. Huge edge.
He's very aggressive (it's not a bad thing but it's hard to deal with)
He's kind of obtuse or play dumb on occasion it's kind of frustrating. Of course since he's in total control of the conversation you cannot really point this out.

Debating is a skill by itself if you win a debate it doesnt mean that you're right it literally just means that you won a debate.

No no

No no no no no

Hang on, hang on.

Has he always been so arrogant and thin skinned or has that become worse recently?

I feel like he sees himself as having far more cultural/intellectual relevance than he actually does, almost to the point of delusion.

I watched that vid of him. He's basically saying that people who ask him to be nice are disrespecting him in the very same way they say he disrespects others. It all comes down to having a caring personality or not, and Molyneux is very much on the uncaring side of things. That doesn't make his arguments less strong though.

Another easy one

His retarded philosophy doesn't even make any logical sense.

Vil du ikke være venlig at linke mig videoen, kan ikke find den.

>On September 24, 1966 a baby boy was born. He was named Stefan. This little boy would suffer unimaginable child abuse at the hands of his family. But it would be worth it. For little did this boy know that he would go on to be the greatest philosopher that had ever existed. He would succeed where others had failed. He would live his values, though the heavens may fall, ridding himself of all hypocrisy. Were it not for Stefan Molyneux, we may have had to wait yet another 2500 years for a philosopher capable of advancing the human condition.

I don't know, you tell me.

Yes but he is still rational with some minor exeptions


>Stop doing scientific research and go and worship mammon
Stefan should just kill himself at this point.

This is like that one time when Sam Harris talked to that mudslime.
The conversation went something like this:
>Sam: I have better understanding of Abu Bakr's motives than you have of mine
>Muslim: I understand Abu Bakr better than you

And then people saying "he got you there, Sam."
Same situation, Stefan shifted the topic completely and people who don't realize this (lower IQ people) think this is somehow winning the debate.

I think Molymeme understood this point but he countered with the fact that decades of placating and being nice to the left has only allowed them to gain ground. Being nice with commies is suicidal and they want it that way because they win and if you get mad or go as far as eventual violence, they like that too. They don't want honesty in their debates, they want to club you over the head and take your money for redistribution.
Point is, and I think Moly's point is, that the being nice to the left is a zero sum game. Additionally, he called out Fritz for being a pussy, rightfully so, because Fritz mentioned how he was sharing Moly's videos with his lib friends and was getting shit from them, so rather than push back or debate them himself he went to Moly and criticized him because he figured Moly wouldn't fight back and was a safe person to scold. Moly had pegged Fritz for what he was from moment one and I think he is getting tired of that kind of shit.
Thing about Moly is that he tends to get cranky when people make non-argument arguments. It's one thing to have questions or want to talk but when someone comes at him with an argument that is bullshit he tends to run roughshod over them unless they are friendly and calm; which is fair I think.

>He's completely rational

unbridled autism

>claims that the fact that he gets a lot of views/downloads of his show proves that he is offering something valuable and it shows people want to know the truth
>complains that hollywood is brainwashing the masses with products of no value because it only shows people feel-good things that they want to see and hear

Not an argument

And a jew

That's what happens when you don't have a father and have to grow up like a nigger.

>get so asshurt you defend yourself on Sup Forums

klart det, venn!

tell me what you think Fritz meant

Well I'm not talking about his knowledge of psychology as I don't have any education on it, but when he presents a subject he always does good research.

It's actually something he can't afford not to do bc of his enormous public

Stef understood what he was saying, he reiterated as much in the end of the video when he explained why he suspected fritz wanted that. Stef has very rarely in his videos done or said anything that was completely uncalled for. What's more is the kid had no evidence for why he should do that other than the vast experience a 21 year old has. And he clearly doesn't have much sense because he's 21 but he should know better than to tell molymeme how to do his job when he himself lacks any similar accomplishments.

Another point i'll bring up that Stefan never really mentioned in the Fritz Stomp video is that he DOES in fact have videos where he's "Nice" and are easy to share. The truth about Trump series is the first and most effective one that comes to mind.

Basically yeah. That's what defoo is all about.

Wtf! I love Stefan Molyneux now

Having had an abusive, narcissistic, controlling mother I absolutely know that feel. I have people say that same shit to me "but she's your mother", and I say fuck that, she's a piece of human garbage, literally nigger tier and I have zero patience or respect for her. If anyone else had done what she did to me, for as many years as she did it, any one of you would murder that person.

So, that's not irrational, that's justified anger and hatred. You're a cuck if you think justifiable anger and hatred is unreasonable or irrational.

Defoo'ing only applies to bad parents no? In that case it sensible, you don't owe anything to a terrible parent.

Look at this website.

They post all this history and personal information about former "inner circle" members who left and now criticize Stefan.

Check out this language:

About a former member:
>"Ashley has been trying online dating for years but has been unable to attract the quality of mate she wants. Ashley is so oblivious that even after admitting to fucking a man twice her age, she still thinks she is attractive. She went onto Freedomain Radio to teach men how be attractive to her. You read that correctly. This divorced, promiscuous, whore, with a missing kidney and scar, believes she is qualified to give you dating advice. The interview is called “How to Succeed at Online Dating”."

About Stefan:
>"On September 24, 1966 a baby boy was born. He was named Stefan. This little boy would suffer unimaginable child abuse at the hands of his family. But it would be worth it. For little did this boy know that he would go on to be the greatest philosopher that had ever existed. He would succeed where others had failed. He would live his values, though the heavens may fall, ridding himself of all hypocrisy. Were it not for Stefan Molyneux, we may have had to wait yet another 2500 years for a philosopher capable of advancing the human condition."

About his daughter:
>"Isabella Molyneux or as she likes to be called “Jenna Hero”, is the daughter of Christina and Stefan Molyneux. She is the first child to have ever been peacefully parented. Isabella is more than just Stefan’s daughter, she is a project that he hopes will be the final proof that child abuse is the root of all human corruption."

Make up your own minds, but I was amazed that all of this is sitting right there on the internet on a website that claims to be a "sister project of Freedomain radio."

I can count the videos of his I've watched on two hands, but I have friends who watch a lot of his stuff, so I was interested to find this out.

>I believe what my cult leader said is true so you're bad person

Did you call in and get spanked by Moly or something? You're quite bitter about a YouTube/podcast personality.

Joe Rogan made him apologize for his video on Robin Williams and Stefan immediately in like two seconds flat said "Ok i was wrong" and then they moved on to something else

yea, you're right about the whole Fritz is weak point, and most other.

As i go on believing he was Norwegian(due to his acsent) he is probably talking about he's Norwegian friends.

And i have met no Norwegian libtard/leftie as degenerate as the one i see on youtube from Us or Canada.
So without having a lot of experience on the matter i would say thats the way of approach atleast here in Norway.
He, same as what Fritz said

Tusind tak!
Only watched 2 min already know its gonna be good. Bookmarked.

>I'm so butthurt about Moly that I have no arguments
>So I respond with a non-argument

Here's my argument.
The principal of UPB does not exist, it is founded on circular logic.

>Get caught lying
>Accuse the other person of lying

He's certainly creepy. If it wasn't for that I doubt the cultist moniker would stick.

>tfw that daughter ends up a scruffy whore who smells worse than used tampons

you're right about that.
I think Fritz made a mistake when comparing Norwegian libtards to any other outside of Norway.

Here no one would listen or give you air if you talked in a degrading way of the opposition.

That might be a legit point, I haven't met any Norwegian libs so maybe they're not as awful to deal with as they are here. I'll just say that even if they aren't bad now, they'll get there eventually, it seems the logical progression for libs.

>1 post by this ID
Hit and run.
Not an argument.
Bait thread.

Yes. don't believe his nonsense.

Everything according to him is because of bad parents. He practices a made up form of psychology that he himself made up that rivals psych anal for how stupid it is.

Didn't accuse anyone of lying. Stay mad though.

Lmao cultist delusion

You retards should really read this shit. I don't know why it's so unattractive to most of you. Do you just like arguing using as few facts as possible? We have an official website full of batshit craziness and narcissism here and you guys don't even weigh this in your discussion? What gives?

You can't read this stuff and not come to the conclusion that he's a fucking nut.

>Is this guy a cultist?
Not an argument.

yeah, hehe probably.
Im not trying to win any argument or support Fritz claim by saying like: you dont know how thing are over here.
would be interesting to see if there was a mayor difference between American libtards and americans.
Most libtards i know is quite ok to hang around with.

If you ever take the trip, try to take notice ;)

what up with all the anti-molyneux thread recently?
Are you guys so butthhurt bc he told you that your parents were niggers for beating you?

You're acting like I care about your non-arguments for some reason... I'm confused.

Who is this semen demon?

200% this. this defoo nonsense is all you need to read to know the guy is well off his rocker

okay so a bunch of you here are fucking shills. Dumbass, you just outed yourself.

The ''emotionally manipulative'' letter that is evidence of the reasons behind Stefans Wife Christina Popodopolopoduous's decision to defoo her parents:

>“Dear Christina and Stefan, Hello.

>Just to let you know, on October the 8th we are going to Greece. Christina it has been almost two years time since we last saw you and you said “a few months”. We have respected your wish and we have not bothered you other than a couple of ‘just to let you know’ notices. Ma is very depressed and cries everyday, very seldom smiles. We really really wish and hope to see you and Stefan, or at least talk to you on the phone before we go, and if we have said or done anything unintentionally that hurt or offended you, please forgive us as we don’t hold anything against you. The only thing that we have for you is love and only love. Love that comes from the heart. So please, if you can find “it” in your heart, call us. We only want to know how you are, and with that we wish you and Stefan health, love, happiness, and prosperity and all your dreams and wishes to come true.
>With love, Ma and Ba”

Wow, what a couple of cold hearted cunts. Just as well this coincided with her relationship with stefan becoming serious.

>Is this guy a cultist?

>His name is Robert Paulson

>has anyone ever proven him wrong, or made any point against him?

He has never actually made any novel or worthwhile observation and is an academic failure. He is a case study in NPD and is profoundly disturbed..

>I challenge anyone to find 1(one)(eins) instance where Molyneux has been refuted or wrong ever.

I challenge you to prove to me he has ever said a single novel idea and dos not have full blow NPD

>It's a fact that any Molymemes, either here or elsewhere are to be disregarded as garbage that lead us toward ignorance of the real issues at hand.


>he's not perfect but ''cultist'' isnt one of his flaws

Wrong he encouraged people to cut dies to their families and view him as the only 'source' of truth. Many cult leaders have narcissistic personality disorder and behave similarly. He looks for the gullible as a narcissistic supply while simultaneously holding them in contempt.

>This dude is just a con artist. I don't get why you guys keep following atheists.

A lunatic with a god complex does not want competition.

>I'm just giving Stefan a hard time because I know he reads this shit.

Get help.

>He's only become progressively worse and now he's completely insufferable

He's quite likely to wind up murdering one of his immediate family (probably his daughter or wife) or 'followers' in narcissistic rage which he will complete with suicide.

Save this post.

Wish I could return to Europe some day. I lived there in Germany for 3 years but never made it to Norway.

No, but he could be. He ticks most of the boxes for cult leader. He could convince a few people to drink the kool aid

From Bestiary 3 by DA HOOCH group.

Fritz the 21 year old that couldn't form even the basis of an argument?

Germany is good enough imo
Really want to take the trip to the US, only need to make some money first. its expensive

yes him

Is that defoo shit real? Holy shit, I thought it was some banter from one of you guys.


Thanks for chipping in with your DSM autism fenianon

> watching someone for 7 years that you find to be an idiot

>insulting him
Top kek, only smidf could be this retarded and only burgers could be retarded enough to be smidf.
Don't apologize to this smidf genetic waste you cuck. Molymeme is an asshole who's gone off the deep end, anyone except smidf could see that.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Unless the website is lying about being a sister project of Freedomain Radio.