So Sup Forums i've always wondered.

What are the most respected flags on this board?
Or is it irrelevant?

Not yours.

No flag is respected here. Plenty of flags are disrespected, some more so than others.

either poland or russia




The rare african ones.
Because most of the time its a white guy posting from there and you just know that being around niggers so much must redpill him.

japan is revered for their bantz

although i'm betting most of it's just us military men stationed there pretending to be niponese

I liked that poster from Qatar with literal indian slaves... I talk shit about every country on here for the most part but at the end of the day I love you guys

I respect american flags because they elected Trump

is self loathing bantz? Cuz that's the only threads I ever see about Japan

I like the OP's flag because of Brevik.
Sweden flag is the worst flag because of Mohammeds.

Vatican, 90% of the posts with that flag are from that based asian Girl anyways

We're reasonably respected I'm pretty sure.

pics? lol this sounds interesting

vatican, st pierre and miquelon, and the other french overseas territories, not to mention vanuatu

they're all probably top-level ISP IT workers just fucking around on the job

Tfw your home country isn't even in the image...

Obscure country master race.

Probably the Israeli flag since their people basically rule the world

Faroe Islands

No, fuck off.

Trinidad will prevent you from getting chopped up by a motorboat when you're scuba diving.

japan posts get positive reactions most of the times

wich is funny becuase most of them are english teachers from burgerland and not a real nip

America and nothing else

English teachers have best bantz

Most hate

No one is really respected

>aqua fresh

Try again


>god tier

>cool tier

>shit tier
Everyone else

>get off my board tier

Nobody really respects any country. If you don't have a USA flag nobody even reads your comment t b h.

>Most loved

>Most hated

the more respect IMO (based on anons)



I think Brazilians or Mexicans are the most hated, Indians are just by and large a meme

Most Respected Canada
Least Respected Australia

denmark best flag

also the rest of the cross flags

I'd agree with Poland, the only people who disrespect them are brits but for the most part they don't seem like they're bullied


dunno about the other people but in my humble oppinion
Argentina, Portugal, medkit, australia. And sometimes USA. Japan also... they are funny as fuck.

Not a single brazil was typed that day.

Canada is the best all other flags are literally cuckolds


Australia because they are world renowned shitposters.

no its canada

Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwain

Israel, Australia, Sweden, Germany, India, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil are all well loved by Sup Forums.