So Trump wants a military buildup but he doesn't want school children to have this because its too expensive?

So Trump wants a military buildup but he doesn't want school children to have this because its too expensive?

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children are a disgusting selfish personal choice and should not be given free shit on the back of the taxpayer.


You are retarded. He is stoppimg the program because the food is one step above poison. You have no idea how bad this shit is, especially for young adults. They are covering up the detrimental effects of GMO's and their effect on DNA.

You are an uniformed conformist.

>They are covering up the detrimental effects of GMO's and their effect on DNA.

how about parents feed their own damn kids

>selfish personal choice
your ancestors are disappointed that they went through all the shit they did to have to end with you jerking off to anime at a computer until you die
pathetic beta

But pic related is now the shit they give at your schools.

our ancestors worked hard to survive, they had kids because that's all they knew. they cared about what they did, no matter what that was. it was have kids.

go have your kids, but we are doing you a favour by not having more.

Several poor as shit countries in Europe are able to provide pretty damn decent food in their schools.

You can do a whole lot better, Yanks.

Remember, anyone who starts their political statement or observation with "So...l" is exhibiting cognitive dissonance.

t. Scott Adams

This, why is it so hard for a parent to get a brown bag lunch for the kids.

This. It's not even free unless you file poor. My parents made me lunch until I could go home or eat out during lunch. The days we were running late and I had to eat school lunch I felt terrible the rest of the day

he's giving them steak lunches instead, dumbass

Real talk nigga school pizza is the best


>one post by this ID

Can you please stop posting pizza?

In my country children dont get a fucking meal, Kids get it from their parents and in middle school they make it themselves. Quit shilling you lazy fat fuck.

the increase in military spending is very disappointing. why trump, why?

Looks like shit, I would just make my own lunch. I might just take the pizza or apple and give the rest out or throw it away

how hard is it to pack your kid some lunch

whole grain bread with cheese/peanut butter
1 or 2 pieces of fruit
1 egg
a pint of milk or just water
small salad


well jokes on them now isn't it.

>Real talk nigga
Why do Americans insist on typing like such degenerates?

>False Dichotomy

If you cannot feed your children, do not have them. Just let them fucking starve, like in Africa.

To defend the G-d Chosen People.

Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle alleging that John Podesta's emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contain coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring. It has been extensively discussed in the media and discredited by a wide array of sources across the political spectrum, described as a "fictitious conspiracy theory" by the District of Columbia Police Department and determined to be false by multiple organizations including, The New York Times, and Fox News. On December 4, 2016, Edgar Maddison Welch, fired three shots in the restaurant with an AR-15-style rifle, striking walls, a desk, and a door. Welch later told police that he had planned to "self-investigate" the conspiracy theory.
He surrendered after he "found no evidence that underage children were being harbored in the restaurant", was arrested without incident and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.
Welch told police he had "read online that the Comet restaurant was harboring child sex slaves and that he wanted to see for himself if they were there". In an interview with The New York Times, Welch said that he regretted how he handled the situation but did not dismiss the conspiracy theory, and rejected the description of it as "fake news". On December 13, 2016, Welch was charged with one count of "interstate transportation of a firearm with intent to commit an offense" (a federal crime). According to court documents, Welch attempted to recruit friends three days before the attack by urging them to watch a YouTube video about the conspiracy. He's charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, each charge carrying a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

>paying for national defense is dumb because the world is totally safe
>giving handouts to help poor people raise their kids is smart because this teaches them to ask for free things instead of earning them

Because that Zionist shill played you all.
Prepare for more wars for Greater Israel.
The New World Order is coming.

The equivalent of a dad buying 30 shotguns but not groceries for his family

Watch your tongue, worm.

Or maybe best that shit is terrible for you (also racist because milk)


Our schools provide food for kids.
>didn't always eat


Good going, guys.

You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.

Its the governments responsibility to defend you, not fucking feed you.

Especily people that never go on to make a net contribution to society


Giving kids healthy food is a bad thing now?


No, it isn't. It's trash food for peasants, you degenerate cuck.

but but but but but but but....
i got nothing, there's simply no excuse for providing a packed lunch for your kids and it's all I ever had when I went to school until I was 10 and after that I had £3 form my father to get snacks and lunch.

really, there's no fucking excuse to complain about having to pay to feed your own kids.

m8 you're the #1 military in world, and you spend like a stupid. Why spend even more? To please the jewish military companies?

And Invading other countries is not "National Defense", it's actually the opposite, making your country less safe by making more enemies.

>1% lowfat milk


kek this is healthy shit

just stop.

>you will lose this.


In America the government outsources school food to corrupt mafia run companies who provide the same food to prisons. The school administration gets a kick back of 50% so when the school charges $1.40 for a lunch, the mobsters company only gets $. 70 and still has to provide the food and bribe a politician for getting the no bid contract in the first place. This explains why the quality is so low. I never ate at school, always brought a lunch, went home or to a restaurant. The school food is literally just niggerchow that no actual white person would eat unless they had no other choice.

libtard nutrition 101, luckily in 10 years half the libtards will have die from some vitamin deficiency

>Small salad

Screw that, no kid really wants to eat a salad for lunch at school, no offence but kids don't really get into the diet shit until they reach adulthood.
Getting to eat your kid healthy is important but you don't want to go overboard with that too, at least throw in maybe some biscuits or something sweet. Nothing wrong with a Juice Box too

Can't have school lunch if illegals and isis take over schools.

Nope, they are all vegans.

That's just like the average american meal.

>muh ancestors
a cockroach could say that to another cockroach. being alive does not mean I have a blood debt to honour, it simply means a stupid man let loose inside a cunt carrying heathen.

To replace hands-on teaching methods and human friendships of every previous generation, with television and money chasing? They are clearly unworthy of passing on their genes. I am the end of the line. This is better for all humans.

As if WIC, SNAP, food stamps, Section 8, and all the other welfare programs weren't enough...

If you can't feed your kids, you should be sterilized and have them removed from your custody. Seriously, how hard is it to buy a $3 loaf of sliced bread, a $2 jar of peanut butter, and make two sandwiches for little Trayvonisha every morning?

>first world food
>first world food choices
>first world food choices based on 1000000 PHD studies
>putting salami on pizza ever
>still thinking milk is healthy

We had to bring our own food to school

A salad made right will taste p good tb h

But youve got a point

How do one "Eliminate" the dairy jew from their diet and everyday eating, milk can be cooked with other food too.

seemore like democrats

literally the simpson's rat milk

Why do democrats always empower corrupt mobsters?

Well the fact that her mom doesn't get up before noon due to last night's overinebriation, makes it difficult.

That's a sad amount of salad

That's an incredibly shitty lunch

I'd shoot up my scool if i had to drink 1% lowfat milk...

>Getting to eat your kid healthy
Getting your kid to eat healthy*

My bad..

seriously stop investigating pizzagation


States can tax their own citizens to pay for shitty school food

test scores are lower than they were in the late 90s even with the minor rebound it doesnt make up for more than a decade of decline

schools in the 90s in america had fewer computers and people were using text books that were not brand new on test that get revised every 5 years

more money in the schools doesnt make your tard kid smarter

Feed your own fucking kids. Lazy pieces of shit. We should be funding our own schools too! You trust the fucking government to do a good job? They clearly do NOT.

Obesity is much too high among US schoolkids.

Pic related is what they should get.

They say the most human resembling milk, considering it's not fake milk, is goat milk, but that tastes little different. I guess it's better not to remove it, since then that can only mean more coca cola, which is even worse.


The classical definition of democracy was "mob rule" but apparently it's the mob as in mafia and not mob as in unruly crowd.

>parents should fund schools

omg heresy

all school food is shit.

Oh, kraut! You don't even know!

Thank you Germany, i seriously didn't know what i was looking at and i eat salad a lot.


Is it so funny to think that maybe there is an agenda to keep the population sick, you stunned stupid piece of trash?

You look to mainstream corporate sanctioned "studies" that are produced by highly manipulated and secular "peer review commitees" for proof there is nothing wrong with them, yet cant see why you are just another cog in the wheel conformist doing what he is told.

You know nothing. You have the awareness and intuition of a dung beetle.

pizzagate threads are ruining /pol and social media and innocent peoples lives and shell businesses

innocent James Alefantis dindu nuffin

>More dressing than actual salad
>Greasy cardboard "pizza"
That's why first-worlders look down upon you guys

mmm...yes...carb up on your soy-pizza lunch, little goyim! #estrogen-rich

>cheese and peanut butter sandwich

That sounds unpleasant. As does the single raw egg you're advocating to be a part of a lunch. If you gave your kid that packed lunch you described then he would get bullied for smelling like ass too.

These parents need to use their food stamps to buy food, not fucking candy bars like they all fucking do. Use the assistance you get for what it's intended for instead of abusing it for luxuries and whining for a second assistance program to feed your leeching spawn.

>but some of these people aren't eligible for food stamps
Then they can afford to buy the food themselves. It's not hard to buy groceries on a budget. You don't need to buy $10 frozen pizzas and $8 gallons of ice cream.

exactly we wuz pizza kangz

If you love your children you wouldn't let them eat that disgusting shit.

Children are the future consumers. If your society doesn't have consumers than your fucked. Look at Japan.

robots can be made into full adults in less than 4 hours.
Kids are no longer needed.

>potatoes and vodka

>tfw I'm not sure if you're an actual German or an assimilated refugee

Robots don't consume shit, except electricity maybe.

4/10 made me reply.

Or parents can feed the fuckers.

Why let your kid eat garbage school lunches instead of homemade food brought in bags?

>mfw there's literally a 50/50 chance you're non-white even without memeing

pizzagate was debunked and innocent people were put in harms way


If you were a credible voice you'd be explaining why GMOs cause DNA damage rather than speculating that the available research is biased. Hell, you could even just talk about the specific bias of available sources. Your contributions would be much better that way.

>lowfat milk

just another day in murifatland

both parents have to work these days. theres no time to be fucking around making lunches in the morning. He's not going to cut school lunches. he's cutting free lunches. the ones for the poorest kids. I personally think this is a horrible idea because working poor familys dont have much food at home because they cant apply for food stamps.

> dindus
> spics

Sage was removed years ago newfag.

Whats going on with this on every thread?, is Podesta about to be arrested? Shareblue panic mode?