ITT:Orthodox Jew (Sup Forums)-related AMA

ITT:Orthodox Jew (Sup Forums)-related AMA

I have the truth, ignore my haters, they are jealous and are probably disinfo agents/reddit shit posters

Other urls found in this thread:

why are jews so scummy

what's with the shekel-seeking behavior and cunt atttudes they always have

nobody cares about jews
dunno why every kike thinks he is worth of an AMA

Explain Purim

idk man. theres like 8 million jews in the world, and only a million of them are even shomer shabbos.

Pro tip:only get your info about jews from people who are always around jews. otherwise its like going to a guy for dating advice who NEVER goes on dates and is a virgin.

The hidden miracles Hashem does for Klal Yisroel to preserve them for all eternity (Thats why His name never appears in the Meggilah but the Gra writes that every time it says Ha'Melekh (The king) without A'khash've'rosh's name right after, it can be interpreted as referring to Hashem.

Are you a real jew or Ashkenazi aka Khazarian?

Im Persian

so you're an usurper?

Why does my uncut cock create a barrier between me and G-d?

you know, people like you are the reason why public discourse is complete shit on this site. contributes nothing, just want to be mean.

meant toi type "Just wants to be a bully"

Go bite into an orange with its peel on and get back to me.

My friend is wearing a Russian costume for Purim What does that mean? Do you wear different ones and what will you wear?

It's not my fault you can't answer the question honestly and fully. It's not my fault you assume this valid question means I'm going to insult you or treat you poorly.

The historical fact is that not all jews are descended from the original Israelites. I just wanted to know if you were semitic of european stock.

Why are you people so sensitive to the topic of Khazaria? People would have fewer satanic conspiracy theories about it if you were more open about your history.

How is my dick comparable to an orange?

Why does G-d need me to mutilate my cock in order to have a relationship with Him?

I wear a Chassideshe coat with an uphat (the hats Chassdishe people wear, but isnt a streimal, its those cool boulder hats). I only wear it on Purim.

It really says to wear a mask. Its the idea of "hester panim" Hashem hiding His "face" (I.E. His existence) again alluding to how His name does not appear in the Meggilah.

Judaism accepts converts. End. Finish.

Go ask a Rabbi who learns Kabbalah. Do a google search for a frum Beit Din that is local to you.


Whatever you say, usurper.

(the coat I wear on Purim is similar to the one in this pic)
>we wuz jooz

Because they know more than me and dont have autism so know how to communicate

Didn't you say before that uncut dick was Adam's punishment or some shit?

How interesting, very nice, and are you Chassid?

It's sad that you don't even know your belief system was inverted to serve the devil and cloud your mind from true principles of divine creation.
The souls of Jewish heretics with their inverted and surruptuous practices have much more satanic energy than the worst of idol worshippers.
Yhwh forgive you.

I'm not a Jew.

ugh, women like that trigger me massivley. They are part of the reason I grew payus.

Can someone please red pill me on frum women? I like NEVER talk to them. Please help me, and if you seduce these women, tell us your stories and give us tips because fuck Yiddeshe frauen. I just know they want money and honor handed to them. But I dated one who would theoretically give me money and take me on trips...btw she is a sperg and is very careful with halakhikh dress code and if you met her, you could talk to her, and she will accept you, even if you are ugly. She doesnt care. She would sit next to you on the bus and will strike up a conversation with you even if you are ugly and a sperg. She is unconditional love in the form of a human.


Why do you worship Satan? He isn't even real.

I am not Chassidesh

It was caused by the zuhamah (Spiritual pollution) of Odom's kheit (Spiritual shortcoming)

Learn more here:

there you go with your low vibration and immature posting. Get a life.

I looked for "Adam" and "brit milah" and didn't find anything.

Go watch the videos on the derech hashem playlist. Hundreds of videos.

I like his videos but Makow is a lunatic. Hes typical of frei Jewish people from his generation. Hes just jealous because we have access to the objectivley best women in the world. I can onyl form oneitus over frum Jewish women. Even mormon women in the same outfits do nothing for me, because its all based on a lie.

My life is eternal, usurper and false jew.
Why have you such pride in not reading yourself?

I live near a Jewish area and I see woman like the one wearing the turban, I'm fascinated and would like to try one, I also like their clothing I think it's nice not to show your body...just saying

if you had a life, you wouldnt bully people anonymously.

Do you even lift? How tall are you? If youre a certain size...

Call your local frum beit din, ask them for parameters on minimal halakhikh dress code.

None of us are anonymous to the highest plane.
I'm not bullying you, I am asking you questions to ascertain how much you realize the heresy of your faith against the true autodidactism of deeper judaisms

I cannot ascertain as to whether you are simply ignorant or treacherous

If you had a life, you wouldnt bully people, period.

What is Beit din maybe but they will think I'm odd and maybe a Muslim

Just abunch of ad hominid attacks and being aggressive.

Rabbinical court. Just be normal. Dont be farfrumpt (Overly pious/religious)

Only because you refuse to answer or acknowledge my questions.
To say you are a persian convert isn't answering whether you are a true son of Israel or a follower of the corrupted Jewish cults of Eastern Europe.

I don't want to think you're a wolf in sheeps clothing, I would prefer to know that you are a sheep that stumbled upon wolf skins.

Hi. Why does Israel's Supreme Court feature a massive pyramid with an all-seeing eye breaching its roof? The building's design and funding is solely credited to Dorothy Rothschild.

What is the significance of the all-seeing pyramid to your people?

Why was the alleged Holy Land of Judeo-Christianity founded by a family that seems to covet a semi-Satanic projection to the world? The Rothschilds certainly do not seem to embrace Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition. Why is this not deemed worrisome to Israelis?

Are you saying Jewish women just want money and you say honor so they expect you to treat them as superior....I must say the ones in my neighbourhood are not friendly by any means....and I dress really modest.....if you pass them on Saturdays, they don't greet me..

Thank you I would try to be as you say pius

>Bible says don't add to God's written law
>Jews add laws, call them "oral" laws and pretend that's OK
>then Jews WRITE the oral laws down

1. How do you feel about secular Jews
2. What proof do you have that Judaism is the right religion. Or why do you believe what you believe
3. Do you ever think another Hitler will rise in America
4. Will you condemn Jewish Supremacy?

and to add onto this, do you recognize that mainstream sects of judaism have been coopted by luciferian cults?

Contray to what Reb Bibi says, the state of Israel does not represent world Jewry

All-seeing eye is not a Jewish symbol. If you are talking about the Chasmah, i dont know what that thing is about, its from Kabbalah.

Go on the above link to learn more. I have more red pill info on zionism if you are interested.

please red pill me on them further,. I have autism. They are very bitchy.

let me get your contact info. how old are you?

People who want the truth, watch these videos:

>luciferian propaganda
how about no
read for yourself. true judaism is autodidactic. read kabbalah.

1. I am neutral

2.I have videos on the subject. THe short answer is because the Torah pledges that there will always be Jews who observe the laws of the Torah for all eternity....It is *impossible* to make such a claim, unless its true. Why? Because *the first generation* would know *INSTANTLY* that its bullshit. They would have said "If it was an eternal law, from generation to generation, then why are *WE* the first to hear about it, and all of our parents and grandparents know nothing about it? Its like me telling you your great-grandparents from a thousand years ago were aliens from another planet...."if that is true, why dont my parents know about it."

Thus the Torah is the truth. What I said is unbreakable and any one who says its "circular reasoning" is a moron who is too prideful to admit he is wrong..

I hope not. But the anti-trump crows is doing exactly what the nazis did before the holocaust started offically...ironically they accuse Trump of being the nazi....

4. No. The Sefer Ha'Kuzari says that Klal Yisrael is exalted over all the races.

brb need to take a show before mincha.

Ha ha he got his dick mutilated and can't even explain why

Nobody cares about New zeland/aussie posters (Also Canadians). Moot even said that he hates posters from the countries, theres a screenshot of it.

HI I live in Australia ....I'm 23....why are they bitchy to you....I have one modest gf and she introduced me to her friends ... the 2 men were ok..but the girls were not nice to me ...I think because my clothes were pius like them....this is the way I dress like it's me...anyway I think the guys thought I was cutting as if....put me off alot ....your autistic ok nice....doesn't matter

Thanks much. This is the first time I've received an answer about the all-seeing-eye as it relates to Israel.

Do you know if sects of your people are privy to retrieving private Intel/data on Americans who discuss them online in a derogatory/negative manner via email/text? I've been told, for instance, that certain keywords in Gmail threads are flagged, and IPs are privately shared, so that people associated with these IP addresses can be designated a threat. This information can be used to not hire someone, to blacklist, or, in worst case and/or high profile scenarios, for "offense" and retaliation.

This data collection war chest is justified by privy parties using the "never again" mantra, a precautionary, if illegal, full measure.

Did a rabbi put his mouth on your dick and bite the end off?

Be quiet you make us all look bad

>idiot rabbi says listen to idiot rabbis

Get fucked jew lover he said ask him anything

You didn't ask him a question you just say stupid stuff about penis and Rabbi so boring

" And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed." Isaiah 6:9-10

can you learn ufaratzta and upload yourself singing it? it's only 8 words long.

Isn't that how they do it? How is it not a valid question?

they just want a beta cuck provider. I liked my former gf because she was very frum and I got her into koth and south park and she loves it, and shes so pure. Grew up without tv or internet, didnt get internet until she was in her early 20s. Shes 2 years older than me. She lost her virginity to me. *Loves* sex, but is pure like a child.

dude, thats Goerge Soro's department. We are frummies.

Bli neder, later, i g2g to mincha soon. Post a link to it.

thats cool, do you have skype or fb?

you remind me of my older asutralian sugar mama. Aussie women are the best!


What do you mean sugar momma ...!? Cyber sex

nope. She visits me once or twice a year...

I thought you guys married before sex I'm on fb and Skype but I'm shy what do you look like

You have sex for money!?!

Im cute and 6'2''....Im not chad but I lift and have a nice physique (this is why I always tell you people to lift esp. you autistic folk who are ugly)you would never guess Im a spaz by looking at me.

and i have the long side locks...running to shul will be back in like an hour and a half

No. I get gifts.

So funny I'll come talk to you again if you post

U have sex tho ok I'm broad minded pic?

Mathias Rex