Why not jail factories? make inmates productive!

whyyy not?
end public school
end all payouts from gov
work or starve
deregulate and allow factories

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That would be overt slavery.

We already have them make license plates and nails

no its working off your crime

Thomasville, Maine

it's called capitalism

Law abiding citizens will go unemployed.

Inmates aren't forced to do that fuckwad.

whats in thomasville ME?

dont follow your logic there einstein

People who aren't in prisons are starved for jobs.
And you're going to spend all this time and money to develop jobs for people in prison.
Time and money the working class desperately needs to help them make ends meet.

All the while you feed and house this new class of "workers" for free and pay them subsidized wages to entice employers away from hiring law abiding citizens

only socialist controls starv them from jobs
deregulate and plenty
then do this too so jaield people can not be drain
capitalism would end public school and uni
and replace laweyrs with software
no war
houses cheaper every year

They can break rocks like they used to. They're not going to make a big dent in the gravel industry, and the hard labour will keep them occupied.

We could work out an incentives program for them - if they manage to create 400,000 pieces of gravel in a day, they don't get raped with a garden rake that night.

Or we could just start killing the more violent/dangerous/brown inmates.

A crime is defined by man. Whoever is in power can theoretically make anything a crime. Catch alls have been used throughout history and continue to be used. What if they make defaulting on debt a crime? What if you have a child and lose your job, you go to jail for being poor, and are not necessarily a criminal menace.

>jail factories


>make shitposting a crime
>no goy those aren't slaves just criminals

What if the world was made of pudding.

What if.


So what would be needed is a tough task master who knows his gravel?

Tits or gtfo.


economist (.) com/news/business/21709331-lock-em-up-mentality-white-collar-crime-misguided-jail-bait

Disregard, wrong article

Replace migrant workers with prison labor, their is your cheap agricultural workforce. Heck you could even pay them in scrip for commissary, jail break food is a luxury, maybe even let em smoke again.

Good workers actually give a shit about their work. You cannot make a prisoner care about their work, so they'd only be good for literally the most unskilled busywork possible, like breaking rocks.

If you gave prisoners real factory jobs making real products, half of them wouldn't care enough to do a good job and the other half would probably fuck up on purpose, because fuk whitey muh dick yo.

Maybe a tiny percentage would take their work seriously and actually try. But not enough to make it worth it.

And that's before we even talk about the economic impact of taking jobs away from paid American laborers who've broken no laws and deserve a job.

Fuck factories, that screws up the market..

Send them all to the border and make them dig a giant canal 50yd deep and 100yd across, or trench 100yd deep and 50yd across with concrete sides (on American side at least).

They won't run away because they'll end up in Mexico, or dehydrate before they get there.

Win win.

If he can get the laziest niggers on earth to work for him, he can get some North American convicts to break rocks.

Calm down you rube, there are no girls on the internet.

>The lettuce was pretty good when we had stupid mexicans picking it
>but now that we've switched to convict labour, we're seeing a 5,000% increase in broken glass and AIDS needles in the lettuce
>I'm sure the two are unrelated though

This it's done quite often, our jailed make the north face jackets.

Only a woman thinks like this, because they are largely a protected class and going to jail for a "crime" does not loom as a very real possibility for them.

I find it disgusting that women ignore the ambiguities of crime and punishment because they know they will likely never be affected, so quick to sell out their own brothers, and actively rooting for their enslavers to give them a hellish existence complete with sodomization and salvery. Women should definitely not be allowed to vote.

If you're not a woman than you are a huge literal faggot.

The amendment that ended slavery made a caveat for convicted criminals.

This is a good idea. I also support more corporal punishment such as whipping and caning.

>implying letting high risk inmates perform the tasks.
>implying mexishits aren't shitting on the cabbages causing ecoli outbreaks at jack in the crack.

>Why not re-institute slavery?!
Stay classy /bol/


I would much rather get whipped than stripped of years of my life for a substance, the latter is cruel, but cruel and unusual is meaningless because it is open to interpretation.

end publicly funded police and fire departments. You can put out your own damn fires. That would make Paul Ryan happy.

kek silly burger eating shit covered lettuce

wash your veggies you stupid cunt

Prisoners already work user. For instance, in the local prison here:

>The prison also provides for an extensive prison industry program, providing for employment and vocational opportunities in metal work; joinery manufacturing of items, such as sofa frames and bed slats; paint shop; construction materials; refurbishment of bins and containers; laundry services; and commercial catering.

The issue with prison industry is that it can undercut free labour, so ideally you want to only use it to replace imported goods

ex-con here I'm all for it. I've done three short prison bits for punching a cop, stabbing a wigger in the hand, and an eluding an officer vehicular. Everybody just sits around and watches tv, or works some menial task for 12 to 37 cents an hour. Some prison industry for a buck an hour, but hard to get. Totally should bring back chain gangs for road work, DNR work, etc. Minimum security could work the farms. Reimburse with time cut, slightly better pay, incentive to behave. This would totally work, and save all kinds of cash for the money pit that is the penal system

>private police and private fire departments

There's a reason those are both public services.

>I don't want to pay for fire coverage
>house catches fire
>no fire dept. to put it out
>fire spreads to next 10 houses
>fire dept. shows up and puts out your house after it was half-burned down by the idiot next door

Would depress the value or replace the law abiding workforce in some areas. Hence why they instead do the menial shit that isn't really career worthy (plates, nails etc).

The government shouldn't have a vested interest in imprisoning people. Because if someone's making a bunch of money off of people getting imprisoned, they'll bribe the politicians and push for harsher laws to get more people behind bars.

That's what the war on drugs is all about.

If you turn prisons into factory slave camps, don't be surprised when everything you like becomes illegal to feed the system.

Ideally we should have the prisoners fight to the death for our amusement.

We could gamble on it, and ensure a percentage of all the winnings go towards public services like mandatory abortions for blacks.

There should be no "time cut" or any incentives. Your incentive as a convict is to do a good job and be a good boy or we extend your sentence two-fold. Plus we increase the rapings 1,000%


I would be cool with some gladiatorial shit.
I'm pretty sure that's an anime.

no fucking leaf would last an hour in a good ole USA state prison. I would watch the niggers steal all of your shit and laugh my ass off whilst mine peckerwood bros would offer you protection for cash

Also ex con. I agree with the sentiment of this argument as long as the labor isn't forced. I don't give a shit what theyd be doing as long as they can choose to do it and are compensated. The majority of people locked up aren't terrible human beings and deserve a way to get out of that shit, at the very least make some money and kill some time.

creates perverse incentives

Everything is an anime when you really dig deep.

People say Trump will make anime real, but they're wrong. Anime made him a reality.

The point is, we need to be testing medications, weapons, and make-up on prisoners. We can get them to hold hand grenades while wearing experimental mascara and downing bottles of pills.

I'd love to watch violent offenders fight to the death for reduced sentences lol but only the biggest and niggest of the lot I don't wanna watch some fags who paint their nails with Skittles pull each other's hair

>whilst mine peckerwood bros would offer you protection for cash

More like ass you fuckin faggot.

And this leaf would make you his bitch. You'd be raking up my shit all day long, nigga.



We could really set up a great mixture. We'd have major battles, big cash fights with the strongest bucks around.

But then we'd have family/coupon nights, where we'd give one big buck a 2x4 and surround him with like 30 sissies with shivs. Shit would be cash.


keep your fantasies to yourself, fag leaf, and stay in syrupland with Trudeau and the rest of you cucked faggots

The problem with that is "the law" can be anything and punishment are also subject to the whims of the ruling class. They could say "Sup Forums pushes treason and degeneracy, it poses a threat via radicalization, we will comb everybody's internet history from the past year and all those found to have participated on the board will be fined $10,00 if you are unable to pay said fine, you go to jail". Now it may seem far-fetched because that example was hyperbolic for the sake of argument, but they made a harmless weed illegal, anything is possible.


We can force them to do anything. They have no rights.

Nigga you afraid to hit the reply button? You talking lots of shit but I don't see your bitch ass touchin that reply.

Probably still loose from the brutal raking I gave it last night. Keep runnin that cunt mouth and my boys are gonna rake your insides right outta you.


This I guess:


it turns you into a lazy vegan faggot.
but then again, it only harms the user, and therefore should be legal, like alcohol and tobacco.

I think communists should be sent to forced labor camps where they grow and make free food 18 hours a day for veterans until they renounce communism.

what no foreplay, fag

it's okay in this day and to be gay, especially in Canadada. Just go with it bro

its called the prison industrial complex, look it up and then look into who has the most vested into that system

>shitposting from the prison library

Babby's first day on Sup Forums I see.

great post OP, and i thought my tuesday night would be boring

less gov spending and state power bro
techincally they cant make anything
invidiual rights bro
cornerstone of capitalism

>implying shitposting shouldn't be a crime

weird shopping of that pic

Trust me, you don't want to give them power tools.
Short answer, yes they do.

Long answer is a 100 year story about prison reform and wardens getting away with actual murder.

what game?

jail factories exist. they're called for profit prisons and they're full of corruption as is.

We already have several private prisons that utilize the prisoners as a work force.
I read something somewhere to the effect of, 600+ prisons in America actively 'employ' prisoners for factory/production work of some kind.
It's already happening but not on the scale that it needs to be.
The prisoners are paid something close to '.25' cents a day or something like that I read.
It's not 100% free labor, because that would be slavery to a degree.
Plus, prison jobs programs knock off time the prisoner has to serve. Almost like 2 for 1.

OP is clearly unaware of these facts I've just dropped.

my family use to go fight fires and work on cattle farms when they were in prison. They were fed steaks and paid for their work though not very much. Better than sitting in a fucking cell

Right and who's going to make sure they do the work? Let me guess, you're going to hire people. Where's the money gonna come from goy?

wow, what a great idea OP! you are so smart!

...we already do that you retard.


>make inmates productive
That's why prisons are privatized, but niggers think being punished for crimes is slavery

Also pic related is /comfy/

take jobs from ppl that didn't break the law and give them to prisoners they don't have to pay much?


I think this is entirely reasonable. The problem is who decides who goes to prison, and therefore the factory's value. This represents a fundamental conflict of interest in the case of democratic or autocratic control, where some proportion of citizens not only extract values from others by enslaving them for profit.

In reality, we all work in the factory. Physical manufacturing is a much less sophisticated way to bottle up coercion and productive value in the economy. You can sap their economic potential directly and without all the overhead and friction of disgruntled machinists with power tools.

As a greater punishment, the payouts continue to increase.

How is it possible that the State can leech such a massive portion of the labor-value of our people, and yet still, our grandchildren will be so far into indentured servitude they are born locked on the inside of a Chinese bank? April is coming. How many hours did you work in the factory in FY2016? How much did will you produce for the Treasury Bond, a thoughtless spaghetticode exploit to allow uninvested bureaucrats, your factory foreman, to sell the future today at no risk?

End public school.
End all payouts.
Work or starve.
But end the factory.