Sup Forums shirts

Would anyone buy this and wear it? I'm very curious to know and every blue pilled libtard will fear us even more in numbers

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we already hv a shirt

No you fucking idiot, I would not wear a swastika shirt

>Fucking Taylor Swift


There's nothing wrong wearing a shirt with a swastika on it. You can always give an explanation to people

dindus dont listen to logic especially when they travel in packs which is always.

True and I think it would be a great example to easily redpill the world with curiosity on any individual who's willing to go though the rabbit hole of Sup Forums

>You can always give an explanation to people
No you can't everyone can see it, nobody will ask if you randomly start talking to people you are even more weird. Even if you wore something with Buddhist meaning people will assume you are nazi.

A guy got punched in the head while saying the words no I'm not a Nazi, Nazis actually hate me. while on camera and this was seen as a good thing to happen. What do you think will happen if you wear it.

Wearing a swastika you are intentionally being the edgiest kid in town. It has the same rules as wearing cringy anime crap, you could wear it just to see peoples reactions but be aware you are the butt of the joke.

>people taking an explanation of a fucking swastika

Oh come on. Be a little more subtle with your shit. I get that you want to shock people by wearing a swastika, but all that'll do is make you get your ass kicked because Jamal and Jose aren't going to debate symbolism and genocidal discrepancies while they bash your head in with a lead pipe for being 'raycisss'

No way in hell i would wear a swastika in public, you fucking mong

World isn't ready for that. First spread anti anti-nazi propaganda for the world and then maybe.

>richard spencer
>not a nazi
>nazis hate him because he pushes faggot shit on white people

Yeah okay. Richard Spencer (and you) have autism.

So pretty much I'll be getting people killed and we'll be in a center of a lynch mob
fuck off

It would be as autistic as wearing Sup Forums or Sup Forums shirt.

You don't hide power level because people aren't ready, you do this so they won't think your full retard autistic sperg.

Why not? The commies wear che and "Hammer and sickle" shirts in public with out repercussions.

lol thats like wearing a guy faux mask but you 100% want to get your ass beat

What part of "Anonymous" don't you understand.

Shit thread, OP.

>I get that you want to shock people by wearing a swastika
No, they're trying to feel out if anyone would buy shirts with a royalty free symbol.

Because commies were technically on your side and didn't mass genocide Jews.
Try wearing that shit in Eastern Europe, I dare you.

So would anyone wear it yes or no?