Right now I count 22 threads related to BBC's and white bois not being able to compete...

Right now I count 22 threads related to BBC's and white bois not being able to compete. There's no way that Sup Forums is actually that obsessed with it and surely has to be a targeted campaign to
(1) influence the members of this board to either (a) exacerbate the psychosis of the members (b) alter the concept formation of the members by instilling hatred against black males to instigate further reforms by the left and subsequent expansion of state power.
(2) alienate the entire board to emasculate the alt-right in order to warp the perception of non-members. (a) when people look at the arguments made on Sup Forums, they will be able to say that the members of this board are fascist racists and have no credibility. (b) support the strength of the left in it's rightness by correlating the psychosis of this board with an infatuation and compulsion towards hatred stemming from sexual incompetence, which leads non-members to argue that the driving force behind non-conformity on this board of the lefts principles, such as integration and inclusiveness, to be caused by the shortcomings of anyone contradictory towards it. Essentially an ad-hominem.
(3) Disrupt the flow of discussion; (a) petty fights and arguments, (b) opinionated statements regarding the morals of woman which has nothing to do with the power of the state.

tl;dr, dont respond to shills.

Other urls found in this thread:



Welp, its got me browsing the alternative chan /pol all evening, this is confirmed

Thats how i left Sup Forums

Shit gets spammed all day there.

Don't be upset.

lmao white boi gettin triggered

definitely didn't read your whole rant, but if you haven't realized that Sup Forums is full a bunch of heart broken autists, virgins and otherwise, who's entire MO originates in penis size anxiety, then you haven't been paying attention.

nice of you to respond so quickly

22 BBC threads and 22 threads complaining, I guess pol is dead gg no re

take a look for yourself mate, I mean maybe there is some truth to what you say, but tell me the entire board is not being assaulted with a targeted attack

Nothing is going on. It's late night and people are bored. I am so bored. I am so tired. I should probably go to sleep. If I can't I should probably have a drink or smoke some weed. I have to get off of Sup Forums. I have to go to sleep. It's time to go to sleep. It's time to have a drink and watch Netflix.

Half of the guys doing that are paid shills, the other half are actually autistic, attention craving cro-magnons. Anyway, it doesn't matter. You can't dissrupt a place as chaotic is this.

It's the same guy spamming as much as he can. Just report and don't reply to him.

Going with option 2. Better to degrade and dismiss when you can not dispute facts. Might as well just plant child porn on you enemies computer to get rid of them.

idk.... if you cant affect the ideology, who knows what can be achieved

Chaos is an ideology mongrol and no I dont mean total anarchy by that either. Chaos. Embrace that shit. Chaos lives on while symbols get put into wallpapers

You can't embrace chaos just like you can't embrace a tsunami, you're going to get fucked up if you hang around it too long. To think that a culture can't be manipulated into change... there is no safe space.

>Nothing is going on here goy. We should all just go to sleep

Sup Forums and 8ch pol being nuked by their psyop owners



super relevant.

Don't engage, and they go away by themselves

Thank you once again for your wisdom Aristotle

That's bullshit and you know it.

Yeah it can't be the fact that people derive pleasure from shitposting, it must be a targeted campaign to emasculate the alpha males of Sup Forums

Well yeah there will always be new ones. But if you post in those threads you're a part of the problem.

I tend to just spam some of my more stomach churning gore and sage their dick off... *shrug*

is that what you really think? It would appear too coincidental...

Hey as long as you sage, you might as well have a little fun with it

It's an Australian jew. That faggot is easy to spot, and his jew friends.

It's Shariablue shills and bots.


They want us to leave. Why this spamming is even allowed? Place is full of "Go to sleep" bots and other scripted spammers.

Don't reply to CREW slide threads or post redpills into them so they stop bumbing them with proxies.

Pedo-Brock deserved that heart attack. Shame that he didn't die because he was shouting at co-worker when he got it.

Shariablue is in full panic. They are still butthurt from election loss. All their shilling doesn't change the fact that Trump is the president and Hitlary isn't. CTR got BTFO, you lost hahaha. Months of shilling for nothing. David Brock and democrats are the biggest losers ever.

God bless God Emperor.


I mean isn't Sup Forums autistic spam in and of itself?
So you left because Sup Forums was being Sup Forums?

Australia is obsessed with the BBC and cuckoldry

I don't think they realize how... "Spikey" it is. If some individual or small group of people were shitting up the board that suddenly and quickly, I would hope moderation would clean that up.

When it happens a few times a day, it's not a big deal, with it happens a dozen times, not a big deal, when it's literally hundreds of threads? That's fuckin' weird. Always seems to follow major happenings too, although part of that could be explained by a traffic increase on what is essentially /new/ + Sup Forums, and then they get bored and turbocuckpost... It doesn't fully explain the situation.

Right? That and it really does seem to scare off some of the lesser shills. ShartBlew people ran in terror.

Doesn't seem to bother the BBCposters though, either legitimate mental issues, or high level astroturfers, I'd readily believe either.

Post this picture into slide threads and they stop bumbing them.

thanks mate for the info, wasn't familiar with this organization

>something gets spammed by autistic people
>most other boards: "This is a troll, probably from some board"
>pol:"This is a targeted conspiracy to influence us and emasculate us in order to disrupt our righteous discussion by paid shills"
This is why people do this so much on this board, pol is an easy target.

Why bots are allowed?

On top of what you've said, the mods are clearly nigger lovers, which is why those threads get to stay up. Same thing with endless black women threads staying up on some nights, or the nigger hate threads getting 404'd within 30 minutes.

There was some thread about pedophilia or something up a few minutes ago, clearly equally degenerate shit, but it 404'd within an hour, while the blacked threads are still up. Clearly there's someone monitoring the threads and leaving those be.

That doesnt help anyone it only lets them respond to their own shill friends threads more easily without being noticed. Not that it matters right now since all the mods are asleep because America

They often forgot to rename their files. There's massive shilling organization which uses same database for memes and their propaganda.

Come to think of it the deadline from that 50 hard drive/600 million pages of CIA documents guy has just passed. They'll be wanting to bury this board for a while.

Hahahah you actually think this "rename before posting" was anything but a meme to get (You)s?

I recognize your point, however it just feels.... off... to de-legitimize an actually influential, non-autistic board.

don't get me wrong it is autistic just... lesser so

>wake up
>go on Sup Forums
>see 3 BBC threads on the front page, all by aussies

stay classy

They infiltrated mod team which is totally corrupted by now. Why else they allow this spam? Bot spam on Sup Forums? Leftist propaganda?

Shariablue is mad because it cannot manipulate us so now they can only spam their propaganda. They have 40mil budget when CTR had like 6-7mil, that's why spam has been even harder after they lost the election. They are still mad that /pol cost them victory and this is their "revenge".

Fuck off shill.



i used to do BBC whiteboi trolling. but i got bored with it. i'm not sure a shill organization would really make stuff like that. its just trolling.
i used to black up 4-5 thread at a time



unironically kill yourself

about time you lazy pieces shit



>being this new

facts pls.


You will come to see the cuck porn bait threads as a sort of natural phenomenon on Sup Forums. It always happens around this time 1am-5am CST. The problem is newcomers take it seriously, their response are akin to a man yelling at a rainstorm to go away.

Sup Forums may look like a place where people discuss things, however, invasive species lurk around every corner. They subsist primarily on (You)s and devour the young naive Sup Forumsacks who think they can make a difference by replying with a counter-argument.



this doesn't proove that the BBC/cuck threads are shills-





Why mods allow 20 similar threads then?



I agree, it's interesting how this artificial social-capital is so enjoyable, that people argue themselves into a state of delusion, merely to attempt to refute a point that is contradictory to their world view.

Note the date






Looks like a CIA demoralization/destabilization troll operation to me
They'll eventually get tired

It's over hyped by the jewish owned porn industry


If blacks could pull normal white chicks why would there wouldn't have so much black on white rape.


So is there an Indian tech support center just solving captchas or have they taught the machines to lie about the "I'm not a robot" question?





pol is shit and always has been shit.

hmm. i don't know. i'm just saying it used to be fun to troll with cuck/BBC stuff. but then again i also did it for the luls. shills never generate any luls.
so i would say if you want to know if it shill or not look if it as original and creates luls.

What i find the most disturbing is that they're using not-yet released footage from blacked
If they're working with blacked then i will cancel my subscription to their site, because i do not want my fapmaterial on pol, i want to discuss politics on pol.

it certainly doesn't. women are free to choose their sexual partners and I whole hardheartedly accept that. However you must recognize that women are only driven by compulsive thinking that reduces them to egg donator's. I don't blame a woman for succumbing to her innate desires. I just choose the woman that has the mental faculties to override such desires.

But we are fascist racists,JIDF spotted fuck off.

Real anons are still here

Botting has never been this hard. Shills are also in overdrive. They really want us to leave.

No. You're new. You don't get it, retarded faggot. Die in a fire.

lol they're not very original, but given that they are forced to post hundreds of threads I imagine efficiency is the way to go.

you're projecting again, Timmy.

Work on it.

a good troll never uses stills like that. dumb.
i do think some people dont know any porn references other than blacked.com.
but i have used some photos many times.

Daily reminder CIA actively uses shills to spam forums
Sage, report, hide

>dont respond to shills.
if only that worked at all, they'll reply to eachother ad nauseam to project the picture of an organic conversation between actual humans instead of astroturfing cunts

We're the battleground where professional shills are fighting one another for profit or national interest. It's only going to get worse as 2018 looms