Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums

This is what socialism looks like and its wonderful.

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>no tendies


new mot

I would take a world of plain-packaged uniform products if we got our homogeneity back.

oh there are, they are delish.

That's called no-frills packaging.

Every country has it.

Here in Australia, it is called no frills packaging.

Black and Gold is black and gold. Franklins uses Black and white.

It's been here forever.

It's a cheap, unbranded alternative.

That's actually super fucking creepy

pick one

Euroshopper was so disgusting that we dont have if anymore in the Netherlands..


is this the SPD timeline?

Those are fucking wings you fucking newfaggot piece of shit.
It all looks like shit.
Kill yourself.

That's what store brand looks like.

>tfw no Dharma food

this. In Canada they're literally branded "no name" (not even capitalized) and come in drab yellow packaging with black letters

damn i wish i had some salami rn thanks socialism for making me hungry

Socialism is gay twinks?

Ironically it's eaten by Housos, who live in government provided housing.

omg......that boy is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thought it said CHICKEN WEWS

In more cases than one it has been proven that the generic products and the brand names are packaged in the same factory, but the brand name has a 20% retail markup.

The generic products are just on the shelves to trick you to pay more for brand names. It's actually capitalism and it's brilliant.

>they aren't part of the black and gold master race
I bet you buy branded shit you capitalist pigs

Lmaoing at your life

Thats how your regular muslim kitchen looks like in Europe.

>food is basically >90% carbohydrates

no thanks, I prefer capitalism

We don't have chicken without bones in Europe :(

Timestamp or gtfo

A ton of bread here was recalled because of metal pieces in them

The funny thing was it was the home brand and the most expensive brand shit - all from the same factory/machines

why did you use our national colours?

THIS x 1000

This is the true nature of socialism.


>sugar sugar sugar
>caffeine for 12 year olds

Pffft. Socialist twats! What a skinny dweeb.

This is what a real man looks like under capitalism. Dead sexah! Look at his tittahs!!


Homebrand 'clankers' are litrially made on the same production line of pascal Clinkers.

I honestly dont understand how the economics work. They make a product AND the competition.

>jewish socialism
>there is food

Controlled opposition.

why is this socialism? this is capitalism


Kid needs to be shopped into Spurdo

the portions are giant
that's not socialism
just a clever plan to keep people getting fat

Is it worse or better than main brands?

As other user said the ugly ones are there to convince you to pay more for the good ones

no, burgerfriend.

creepy is having an irrational response to advertising and brand names. that Meetvursti is gonna taste just as good as a named brand without paying extra for the "privilege" of marketing it to me in the first place.

The young Snownigger in the pic is ahead of the game on this one. He is covering all the major food groups and none of the "mood" groups.

most products are legit af

Don't forget the copious amounts of cheap government alcohol to keep you docile and content while the upper level bureaucrats oppress and rob you.

>corporate logo on T-Shirt

so they can net in cunts who think they are grabbing a bargain . there is economic reasoning behind it .

Mars and sanitarium do the same shit and sell to (aldi) as a different brand name

hahahaha this

I fixed it for you OP.

Is having a dozen different cornflakes that are either identical but priced differently to get you to pay more for the same thing with brand loyalty or some are genuinely lower-quality options but not marked as such, better alternatives?

For example, take pet food here: There is always a dozen brands to choose from at varying price points, many choose the less expensive brand to save money not realizing they're depriving their pet of proper nutrients or pay more for a name brand who's quality really isn't better than the cheaper one next to it. This is "Ok" because of our "buyer beware" capitalist culture, which ultimately only serves the companies, not the people.

A world where OP's pic is the only option would also be a world with a lot of government oversight over what is going into the products. But since the government is both controlling our food and paying for health care, it has a theoretical incentive not to make our food total shit.

The dream is nice but how realistic it is, I don't know.

There is also this point:

No, that's social capitalism which is brittle and fragile.

This is how socialism looks like:


I'm guessing these are subsidized goods being resold by the government under a single brand?

Top fucking kek :-DddDDd

>cheap government alcohol
>Pic is from Finland

we have hive mind brah

but you know capitalism looks same , because its profitable for jews to racemix everyone

The kid is actually Finnish in OP´s picture, at least the product names are all listed in finnish

Yeah, we can see that. Fucking jonnescum, pride of Finland.

What does Euroshopper ENERGY DRINK taste like? Does it live up to the memes?

Ayy we got shitty premia here, similar packaging, and nobody buys their shit because it looks and often tastes like shit

all because if you mention that same standard should apply to eastern european country, the etrnal w*sterner has an butthurt induced aneurysm, and autistically screeches forever



Omg, that bag in the middle, the 'liha-pyorykka'

It's trash pockets!

Anyone that eats homebrand mince product will die of kidney failure.

is the idea to make it look as depressing as possible?
They succeeded.

Those off brand nutellas always taste like shit.

Tastes absolutely horrible.

Energy drinks itself taste like shit to me (Red Bull, Battery etc.) but Euroshopper is like piss-poor imitation of energy drinks and like 50% cheaper than other brands. It is also much sweeter, syrup-y which is not good but probably appeals to younger tastes.

it aint bad imho. it's about the same as the energy drink you'd get at Aldi; Cheap and nasty, just like your maori mother.

All of the store brands I've bought use a lot more interesting packaging than that

I thought finland wasnt a real country

I was about to post that the text needs to be flipped, until I read it for a second time.
Truly, a very accurate image. Mind if I download it?

Who /eldorado/ here?

I got it.

t. abo

>posting wings and not tendies

Im glad your country is killing itself.

No mongol memes?

Weird. our eldorado looks different here

go for it soapdodger, it's all yours mate.

Yeah we have it too, it's called Standard and it's by far the shittiest """brand""".

Standard 2l of ""beer"" costs 5kn (0.7 euros) while any other actual beer costs at least 6-7kn for 0.5l.

The only reason soap isn't very popular in the UK is because they keep hiking-up the prices for the soap licenses. Much easier to just use the ol' Bicarb of soda IMO

Thats how it is in the US. There are only a small handful of companies at the top that own almost everything. They have set it up to were consumers will see two different brands as rivals, but in truth those two different brands will both be owned by the same parent company. That shit is rife in consumer goods and most people don't realize it.

>off topic aside

Another thing people don't realize. Buying a product from Walmart, and then buying it from almost any other store, even though it has the same exact packaging as the Walmart item, it can very often be a different item. This is because walmart commands such a share of the market that if they refuse to carry your product then your business is as good as fucked. This gives walmart massive leveraging power and the ability to name its own price. To be able to stay competitive and to be able to still make a profit, companies will lessen the quality of a product or maybe remove a component from the product so it will cost less to manufacture and can be sold to Walmart for the amount walmart is offering and still turn a profit. The end result being, buying a product from Walmart and buying the same exact product from a place like Krogers can leave you with two different versions of the same branded product.

>Medwurst Meetvursti
Holy shit they're literally just making up words to distract their population from the fact that their nation is crumbling into dust and soon there won't even be bones for the sand niggers to pick.

>no boneless chicken
Socialism strikes again.

>spit take


No name is aethestically pleasing but I typically just go to wal-mart, and they have their own brands of stuff.

BTW, I haven't been to the grocery store in two months or so and I spend 200 per trip. I'm a master of food stocking.

>taking the bait

Meh. I have had some pretty rotten off brand stuff, I don't think your logic holds water, at least not here in the US.

You could make the argument that the better quality does not justify/merit the extra costs, but no way in hell do most off brands stack up against branded. This is not true 100% of the time of course, but it is definitely in the majority.


Why is the packaging in English? When I visit Stockholm, why is everyone crawling over each other to get the chance to speak English to me? Why are you so ashamed to use your own language?

This pleases me. Order is the best aesthetic.

It makes a nice change from having to speak Arabic all the time

Those are Finnish products and usually the packaging here contains three languages on front:

Ebin :D. Sbölöppölpölrprönnttöröö




> """"""""""""""""""free""""""""""""""" anything
You schlimmasel

Also fuck off swedecuck

Lold. Sorry for it.

This what socialism reminds me of..


i have those bags in basement. No idea how they get there

Maybe it's different in the US, I have never visited the third world so I can't speak from first hand experience.

Here in Australia however, consumers buying "off brand" is as common for us as obesity is for Americans. I'm glad we had this little chat.

>thanks obama