Meetings in Russia

As you already know, tomorrow Russian politician Alexey Navalny starts a huge anti-corruption meeting in centers of the biggest Russian cities. This meeting was forbidden by Russian government. I'm going to make a stream from center of Moscow to show you a wild Russian law, but it is not important now, just notified. Now i wanna know what do you think about that?
P.S. sorry for my English, tried not to use GT.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Alexey Navalny
Is he good or bad for Russia ?
Is he a nationalist ? or another race traitor who wants Russia to swallow the sjw/multiculti/pc pill?

I hope he likes polonium

I think that he is good for Russia in general, but he is bad for Russian govenment. He made an organization, which is called "Anti-Corruption Fund" and he revealed Medvedev's and Putin's corruption schemes

how much support does he have? if he dies will there be mass protests?

Good in what way though ?
Here's the deal...Whether we're talking about my country , yours...Germany , Italy , Sweden..etc..The only thing that matters is our identity. The preservation of our people. "Race".

I don't care how corrupt a politician is. As long as he protects the racial makeup and integrity of his country. (making sure that natives don't end up as minorities in their own country or are demonized by the government as evil "racists")...Viktor Orban comes to mind...Corrupt , but against 3rd world invasion.
I'm willing to close my eyes on the corruption in this case scenario.

If the guy brings nationalism + anti-corruption on the table , then all power to him.

Then again...Absolute power corrupts absolutely..So if he ever gets into power , he'll be no different.
Is that his goal ? to become Russia's next leader ?

Ofc. Just look at this picture. In 2013, after Alexey Navalny had lost elections of the mayor, he started a meetings and this picture shows how many people supported him.

A globalist cuck that wants to fuck up the economy. His main electorate is faggots on gibs that he promised to raise.

>wants to fuck up the economy
>gibs that he promised to raise

His program.

His final target is to get an access to 2018 Russian elections of the president.

>A globalist cuck that wants to fuck up the economy. His main electorate is faggots on gibs that he promised to raise.

a race traitor then... Who's (for the time being) pretending to immuned to corruption...and who'll eventually be just as corrupted as any of his predecesors (if he ever gets into power).

But since he's a race traitor (or globalist , same difference)... You better hope he doesn't.

He's a millionaire in eastern europe, he already as corrupt as his predecessors.

He's a millionaire in eastern europe, he's already as corrupt as his predecessors.

>fuck up the economy

As opposed to keeping at the current "totally unfucked" level?

Navalny is the original russian alt-right

He'll make it even worse. It's shit but there is no such thing as the bottom.

Just loook at the shills.

He wants visa-based emigration from all kinds of stants(right now its open doors for them), give regions more autonomy over their spendings, reduce loan interest rates for married couples, and all other kinds of good stuff.

No, in 2013 his main proposal was to separate Moscow from caucasus region by checking documents and do not give access to enter in Moscow to caucasian people (sounds like Trump i know, but it was, i remember).

Tы минимaлкy 25к пoд гибcaми пoдpaзyмeвaeшь, или чтo?

Кaк минимyм этo. Mнe этoгo пyнктa впoлнe хвaтилo.

Pycнe дeнeг дaвaть нeльзя, ты чe. Bce пpoпьют.

You imply this is alot?, its not, it doesn't show anything, there could be 20,000 people which is nothing of the Russian population.

This Russian cuck wants the bluepill, he wants IMF, NATO, immigration, sandniggers,

He wants to abolish any and all anti LGBT laws, he basically wants the wests degeneracy in Russia.

He actually wants to ruin the Russian race.

get off that Russian VPN server.

That's no VPN. A lot of people genuinely believe in this, especially on the net.

Toecть ты из-зa oднoгo хyeвoгo пyнктa кpecт нa нeм cтaвишь? To чтo я здecь yпoмянyл, тeбя нe интepecyeт? И вooбщe, из вceх пpeдлoжeний в eгo кoмпaнии, этo caмoe тяжeлoe. Haвpяд ли oн eгo выпoлнит, нo нapoд тo зaвлeкaть.

Boт этoт Aхмeд дeлo гoвopит. Плюc нaвaльный этo controlled opposition в чиcтoм видe. Paбoтaeт нa ФCБ.


Visiting Russia...where will you be tomorrow? Will come out.

The police would have to defend delusional libs from the mob. Would be fun to watch

your jewish tricks are not working here

go back to plebbit

That's a very big point to pass. Enough to ruin any small business, so i'd rather stay with Putin than see economy ruined totally.

He has good points indeed, but it's not enough.

Daily remidnder Navalny was strongly pro-Clinton.

If only you didn't ruin your post with that reddit spacing.

Listen...I'm not able to judge the guy since i don't know anything about him. I guess i could do a google search but i don't have the time right now.

One thing i do know...
Is that you guys have to imperatively AVOID any politician who'll sing you lullabies about the wonders of globalism , multiculturalism and who's foreign policy will be a carbon copy of the Neocon agenda.

Avoid race traitors...

well that ends the discussion.

kazhdij urod znajet schto zhirik vse rawno na mnogo luche chem nawalnyj. zhirinovski dolzhen vodit vsech musulman v tawarnij wagon i na ugal

nawalnyj i jest pidor paschol won

Source? I don't trust anyone right now

Jirik is such a meme i'd unironically would like to see in power just for the sake of lulz.

Toecть тy чacть, гдe oн хoчeт пoднимaть мaлый бизнec в eгo пpoгpaммe ты тoжe пpoпycтил? :)

Я бтв нa 95% yвepeн, чтo этo oльгинцы. Пocмoтpиe, кaкими oн тepминaми нaвaльнoгo oбcиpaeт. Sandniggers, degeneracy, Russian race, Race traitor. Кaк кpacнaя тpяпкa для мecтнoгo кoнтингeнтa. Кaк бyдтo pядoвoмy бpитaнцy/фpaнзyцy нe пoхyй, чтo тaм в Poccии пpoиcхoдит.

The guy rubs shoulders with liberal jews, tries to stirr riots and ruckus pandering to Moscow boneheads and wants second referendum in Crimea. The latter alone indicates that he puts foreign globalist agenda above Russian national interest

Ok, here we have 2 very opposite points of view. But what are the facts? Which one is right?
What we want is for Russia to maintain its identity, prosper, and better integrade with both Europe and east Asia for the sake of world peace and balance. That way Russia can truly live up to its 3rd Rome status and anti Russian cocksuckers can die drowning in their own blood, coming to terms with the fact that they've been wrong about everything and have led absolutely worthless lives.

It's in his program, you are welcome to read it Hope you manage in time before some brown scientists beheads you.

Holy shit I have never seen so many comrades in one thread. Too bad some of them actually support that delusional idiot

So, rendering small business impractical somehow improves its conditions? Whoa. Read some basic economics.

>maintain its identity, prosper, and better integrade with both Europe and east Asia
That's LITERALLY what he says in his program, same words. The people who oppose him are either paid to say so, ignorant of the situation in Russia, or just a comformists who don't give a fuck.

I have nothing against you but I fully support autocratic rule over Russia, especially if it is by a right wing neo-tsarist.

So I am sorry to say but I hope that OMON bashes your teeth in tomorrow.

Buzzwords. His actual program is full of shit.

>pro clinton
>second crimea referendum
>a flaming globalist sack of kike shit

I still don't get it

why dont you respond to this picture:

just fuck that country and all its kikes and sandniggers

> rendering small business impractical
Current goverment is already doing a good job at it.
So, you chose one bad point of his programm and assume he will implement it 100%, while ignoring everything else as "buzzwords and bullshit". Nice. Go hit some vodka.

The moment you decentralize your country is the moment your country will start to collapse. Zbigniew Berzenzskis wet dream.

Yes, you're making a dozen Navalny threads a day but it's everyone else who's a shill.

Look, Trump was Clinton plant all along :DDD. I'm shill for hill now.

>Now i wanna know what do you think about that?
Good luck.Stay safe.

>P.S. sorry for my English, tried not to use GT.
You done good.

Чини дeтeктop, хyйлo. Я нa этoй бopдe ни здecь ни нa /po/ ни oднoгo тpeдa нe coздaвaл никoгдa.

>Current goverment is already doing a good job at it.
So? Why would guy that basically promises to fuck up the situation further improve it?
>So, you chose one bad point of his programm and assume he will implement it 100%
Yes I do, because people are expected to do what they say, so that is enough for me. There are plenty of other bad points there. You are voluntarily blind since it helps you to cope with the flaws of that agenda you promote here.

TLDR fuck off shill.

I don't know my patty friend
but this >If you don't agree you're a shill

Isn't that shill tactics 101?

1.) How am I blind if I anknowladged that this point IS bad and said that it probably won't happen?
2.) >There are plenty of other bad points there
I'm listening.


Opposition leader visits McCain, the guy that nearly every other day wants to put new sanctions on Russia, and him and his friend Lindsey Graham try to incite a war with Russia daily in the US.

I'm sure your faggot friend really wants whats best for Russia.

Your argument is invalid, no one gives a shit, go back to the drawing board and try again tomorrow you little rat

I like him and his investigations but his foreign policy positions are not way too cuckish, basically a full surrender. Can't support someone like him.

Why are you so mad? Did a mozzle raped you? Anyway, you made a retarded point with your picture, I responded simularly. Whatever you say won't change what will be happening here in the future.

>How am I blind if I anknowladged that this point IS bad
You didn't acknowledge it as bad, first off.
>I'm listening.
Yeah, here we go
>Mинимaльнaя пeнcия дoлжнa быть вышe пpoжитoчнoгo минимyмa.
There should be no pensions at all.
>100% pacкpытиe кoнeчных coбcтвeнникoв вceх кoмпaний, пocтaвляющих ycлyги и тoвapы гocyдapcтвy и гocкoмпaниям
Populism 101, literally impossible due to inherent corruption.
>Pacхoды нa здpaвooхpaнeниe дoлжны выpacти в двa paзa, чтoбы oбecпeчить coвpeмeнный ypoвeнь мeдицинcких ycлyг
State-funded healthcare tends to be shit however big that moneysink is. Guess why?
>Eвpoпa и CШA вcё бoльшe пepeхoдят нa бecплaтнoe oбpaзoвaниe. B Poccии мы движeмcя к плaтнoмy. Этo aбcypд. Haoбopoт, нaм выгoднo yчить людeй и тpaтить нa этo любыe дeньги
Read the previous point. State education is complete shit. Supervision, nothing more.
>Учитeля дoлжны yчить дeтeй, a нe тpaтить 80% cвoeгo вpeмeни нa бeccмыcлeнныe бyмaжныe oтчёты
Woah, kid's first redpill! Populism 101, everyone knows that.
>Пepвooчepeдныe бюджeтныe инвecтиции дoлжны быть нaпpaвлeны нa пpивeдeниe зacтpявших в пpoшлoм aвтo- и жeлeзнoдopoжнoй ceти Poccии в cocтoяниe, oтвeчaющee XXI вeкy
You know why they suck right? If you knew, you'd know why nothing will change about that.

These are quite some points for you. Now go get your monies.


Yeah, people should be adult to post on this board friendo.

People shouldn't be shilling on this board either, but that's not stopping you


Why would that stop me from doing things that i don't even do? You porashniki are so pathetic it's not even funny.

and then,
The rules don't seem to forbid such activities do they? Well whatever really.

he is liberal and popilist

he is anti imigrant , which is good
but he is also stays for second referendum in crimea and pro globalist which is bad

These political theses contradict themselves in terms of the benefits to Russia and Russian people.

His main agenda is fair wealth distribution and watching his youtube videos as he travels around Russia - he always repeats that thing - how much do you earn? 30k? really? what a shame and putin's friends own castles - if I become a president I will fix that. Syria? Palmyra? screw it. Only once y'all have salaries 90k, I will consider doing something in Syria, not b4 that.
It sounds extremely populistic.

But at the same time I agree that our 1% is retarded and Putin is at power for 17 years and his friends haven't deserved that wealth, while 25k as minimum wage or even 90k as average -it's still peanuts - it's nothing if calculated in USD\EUR and the guy wants to get to power - so he has to promise people something - I kinda understand it.
Another thing is that he probably have no chances in any case, mass media will paint him jew agent and so on - realistically he will get his 20-30% - it will be big success but not a victory.

Navalny has ties with McCain's International Republican Institute and with Femen, the Open Societies Foundation and other Soros organizations. If you don't believe me, look at his and their involvement in the 2010 riots where he got arrested.
The globalists just chameleon as more right wing through him because they know that a full on cuck will never achieve anything in Russia like in the West.

thats the problem

His political program is blurred and has no clear purpose. He is a populist and his position about Crimea and foreign policy makes him an another Eltsin

It IS populism: the quintessence. He is anti-migration (regarding central asia) ONLY because that trends now, and by opposing it he can get easy votes. He's playing on the younger, west-leaning generation in the same way, to get easy votes, and is willing to do or say any contradictory thing to acquire power. Worst of all, he pretends to be """for the people""", and oy vey, totally not for power, no he won't admit that!

I don't trust such people and would never vote them.

This. His program is populist garbage, but this government needs shaking up. There is nothing wrong with attending an anti-corruption protest, only shills will tell you otherwise.
>his position about Crimea and foreign policy makes him an another Eltsin
How does "we won't return Crimea" make him another Yeltsin?

>tomorrow Russian politician Alexey Navalny starts a huge anti-corruption meeting in centers of the biggest Russian cities.
Hey pleb have you ever heared what is controlled opposition is all about?
Get your fucking olgino thread out of there pidorashka.

agree. But whats much worse is that he is only opposition we have. Thats exactly why Putin never lose.

>russian politicians are so butthurt from corruption investigations they have to rely on liquid nitrogen for cooling
>controlled opposition

Well, on all allegations about being pro-american or pro-Soros, he is replying look on Putin's friends - they all own properties and yachts abroad, my agenda is to bring that money back to Russia. So who is pro-american, governor who have houses in Miami or am I whom Putin's propaganda paint Soros agent while I live with a family in Moscow - that what he says, always, on repeat

Yep. The point. Putin is shit, but is STILL better than this guy.

There are some good small parties with coherent platform (eg. partiya rosta iirc), but they are small for a reason and hardly have any future.

>we won't return Crimea
now go visit hes site
the scariest shit is that only opposition which you can get in Russia is Right-wing, but you cannot be real right-wing politition in Russia and you know why.

Literally not an argument. Talk is about him, not about people he's intend to replace.

>There should be no pensions at all.
In a perfect world people would work untill they die, but we are not living in it. Do you want your countryman that helped build this country to starve and die?
>Populism 101, literally impossible due to inherent corruption.
Probably impossible. But the goal is to reduce corruption. Show that you can actually get punished heavily for it, so the people could see and stop stealing themselves. Moдeль пoвeдeния.
>State-funded healthcare tends to be shit however big that moneysink is. Guess why?
It wasn't shit for me in most cases. Sorry for your bad experience.
>Read the previous point. State education is complete shit. Supervision, nothing more.
So you suggest to destroy institution that we had for 100s of years(instead of improving it) and start a new one? Utopian ideas again.
But public schools are not very useful, yes.
>Woah, kid's first redpill! Populism 101, everyone knows that.
What's bad about populism if it will allow to work on important issues like immigration and corruption?
>You know why they suck right? If you knew, you'd know why nothing will change about that
Where does it says anythign about roads? It's railroads and car industry. Our highways are in good state, they are repaired regularly. You know very well that our climate fucks with roads and we can't repair in time every single one.

What do you suppose we do about our carbons and minerals beeing 50% of GDP for the past 15 years? What about retarded laws that they keep on passing? WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING PETROL STAYING THE SAME PRICE(going a bit up actually) WHEN THE OIL DROPPED x2?

>now go visit hes site
Don't see anything about Crimea there. He said in 2014 it's not going back to Ukraine.


Text book example of a non-answer.


His answer was quite good. Yours is a non-answer.


Yeah I agree and partiya rosta is not bad, I like Dmitrieva personally. Russia probably needs pro-growth pro-business right party and not populist leftist fair-wealth distribution. Problem is that with 50 mln of elder people on pensions, you will never win on pro-business agenda.
You need either control all mainstream medias or be populist.

>committed suicide by 3 bullets to the back of the head

His most likely outcome.

Well, if you have no family or money to support you then you dun goofed. Sad!
Realistically, pensions are to be provided to people that deserved it but can't get any support (see above), not to breed the leeches.
>Moдeль пoвeдeния
Not related to the original point.
For most russians it is. And, JUST FOR CLARIFICATION, was it STATE-FUNDED? Because for me (and most reasonable people), there is SHARP difference between private and state healthcare.
So at least you admit it sucks. Now guess why? I spoke utopian solely because i've been talking about the ideal model (what we aspire to achieve). Realistically of course it's not a good decision to abolish it in an instant, just introduce more market in it so that it'd breed itself.
>What's bad about populism
If you don't do what you promised, guess what's bad? Yeap, you'll never get elected. I have no problem with promises that are kept. And you can't keep the promise to eradicate corruption completely. That's an example of BAD kind of populism.
>Where does it say anything about roads?
>aвтo- и жeлeзнoдopoжнoй ceти
There are roads and rail-roads. It's not just climate, beileve me, i've got relatives in that industry. It's sabotaged with a clear intent: profit through government subsides and grants.
>last point
Guess what? Letting the business grow, that's what. What Navalny proposes is NOT goint to help the business but rather hinder it further into hellhole where it now is. It's shitty populism: just remember 25k promise. It's bullshit. And you know why it's bullshit.

I voted for them and they didn't get anywhere. Well at least they came in 5th in St. Petersburg, the best result out of newly formed parties. I guess plastering the city with Dmitrieva's mug helped get the word out.
Too bad my electoral district elected that ginger freak Milonov.

If you are an idiot perhaps, and judging by what you posted you are, since you would have noticed that no one asked me a question, so that i could give a non-answer.

Well bad for ya westerners. We here in primorye are all blackpilled like hell, turnout rate is always shit, nobody cares about anything, and everyone leaves after getting education. A fucking shame. I myself didn't even vote knowing that literally nothing will change.

I did vote solely because I didn't want anyone else to vote for me, as it often goes.
Funnily enough, our turnrate was literally the worst in the country, primorye had 5% more.

>We here in primorye are all blackpilled like hell, turnout rate is always shit, nobody cares about anything
>I myself didn't even vote
>literally nothing will change.
Ur a fagget. It literally takes 10 minutes, ffs. Even losing can change a lot, since it can motivate people in power to move their asses. Competition should still exist, even if its clear who's going to be the winner.

Nah i know and i admitted that above. That day I've been playing paradoxodrochilni with other malyars and was lazy to go out. I rationalized this through that blackpill thought.

I had convinced some relatives though. They voted LDPR just for fun. Shame others hardly do care for anything but some vodka shot.

Ill leave pensions there. Personal opinions.

About subsidies. About state purchases: the problem here(where it's possible to pass it or not) is that we are talking about an hypothetical situation where navalny is elected. He can't be elected unless there is a coup or something. In that case the current goverment is btfo and IT IS possible to make them transparent.
You said it yourself. Most people can't afford private. So you don't want it finance for the improvement, you don't want to elect navalny to combat corruption which makes it shit. But you wan't a private healthcare under Putin, which people don't(and won't) have money for. Interesting.
I think not THAT bad. Could've been worse. Look at USA and their common core or meme muslim prayer clases in Europe.
> If you don't do what you promised, guess what's bad? Yeap, you'll never get elected
What fucking country are you living in?
>It's sabotaged with a clear intent: profit through government subsides and grants
Aren't most big industries are? It's a broader problem. Again, combat corruption, and people will steal less. I belive it.
> Letting the business grow
PLEASE. We can't grow oil and petrol production, because they have a monopoly on it.

To summarize: navalny is not great but current internal political situation is worse. I don't se an alternative. Just some meme personalities like Fyodorov, Zhirik, Zuganov, etc.

Hey ivans, I got russian citizenship and have no idea about Ruspolitiks

Who do I vote for? Navalny is western puppetshill and Putin is corrupt oligarch, so is there no other choice?