I know many are you are frustrated and unhappy, some of you are content...

I know many are you are frustrated and unhappy, some of you are content. I'm here to say to not settle for any of these things, and instead try to better yourself as this ultimately leads to happiness.

Every one of you should (or aim to) do the following things.
>Exercise regularly
>Eat healthily
>Be well groomed
>Aim to read one book on political theory, philosophy or history every 2-3 months
>Cut down or quit fully masturbation and porn
>Cut down on drink
>Not do drugs
>Get modest and non-degenerate gf
>Sleep well
>Have 2-4 children
>Keep hens
>Grow food
>Dog (No small dogs)
>Short hair

I do not mean to be demeaning or condescending, I know from personal experience this is amazing to try and fulfil.

Other urls found in this thread:


reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

I try it everyday.

Nah fuck u son
I have semi Ong hair, well kept, is it degenerate?
How often do you guys shave?

Long hair if done right can be based, just don't let it get greasy and get it layered,
Every three days

I think best advice I can give is to be inservitude to discipline and hard work.
To live one likes is normie way, but the noble Sup Forums aspires to order and law.



I do all that, except I eat like shit and don't have children...

Oh and my sleep sucks, other than that though, we're on the same wavelength.

It's not an easy lifestyle, but it's rewarding. Been leaning more towards economics than philosophy recently but it may be time for a return.

Add get a job and most likely everything will fall in place

t. unemployed and it's ruining my outlook on life

Eating better is hard desu, and user sleeping well has so so so so many health benefits


Have actually been doing this lately. Im losing weight and refining my mind in the process. Do it. Live your life as a throwback. Be the alpha you were destined to be.

I don't disagree, I've just not found a non-chemical way to regularly sleep.

Imagine my liver wouldn't appreciate me bludgeoning myself to sleep nightly with a truckload of Ambien & melatonin


I am cool with all of this except short hair. I dont see the point. My long hair is aesthetic.

Step one: Don't sleep at all, stay awake however you can.

Step two: Sleep at a reasonable hour and set an alarm so that you sleep for around 7 hours

Step three: Repeat, but sleep for 8, then 9


Hit the gym hard, you'll die.

>My long hair is aesthetic.

Long hair on men is never aesthetic.

varg will guide us in the ways.

Tried that, works for the day, doesn't work long enough to establish a pattern.

Gym can tire me out, but doesn't seem to make me go to sleep easier.

>caveat to that
Heavy gym or heavy physical work DOES make me stay asleep when I do finally get there, however

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>Aim to read one book on political theory, philosophy or history every 2-3 months
This is not enough...

Let's be fair, that's an extremely aesthetic man who also has long hair, in a fortunate picture.

I do most of these already except the gf and children this is a lefty paradise.

Well, yea, alright. I mean I am not as aesthetic as that guy, but my hair is basically the same and gives me a (more) rugged look that I would lack if I had a short haircut.

This hair is supreme

I think liking long hair on guys is for gay guys not properly separating girls and guys. I think guys with short hair is hotter and that makes me less gay.

What if I'm instructed by my doctor not to lift anything above 25lbs?

Depends on the reason

Cut your hair short. Shows confidence and looks more masculine.

Do cardio or martial arts.

Eating better is not too hard.
Just learn to cook simple traditional food, cook it regularly in such a quantity that it will last a few days. Serve yourself good, don't eat randomly. Works good.

Degenerative disk disease, 3 bulging 2 burst in back, 1 burst in neck.

*of course foods like scrambled eggs don't last days, this part of advice is about more substantial foods

Must reads:
>Why We Fight – Guillame Faye
The Real Right Returns – Daniel Friberg
>Western Civilization Bites Back – Jonathan Bowden
>Asatru – Stephen McNallen
>Becoming a Barbarian – Jack Donovan
>The Way of Men – Jack Donovan
>For My Legionaries – Corneliu Zelea Codreanu


Dogs are dirty beats, I prefer cats.

Aussie shitposters are back at it again


Avoiding any sort of mainstream media, especially television, is also mandatory.


Just take 4 benadryl and a melatonin, pretty much guranteed 8 hours and its not tooo bad for you.

What man is a man who does not try and make the world a better place?

>remove kebab.

what if I stop the drink and cut down on the drugs instead?


Lift 25 pounds often until said restriction is lifted. Also a good time to catch up on flexibility, cardio work, etc

Drugs are so much more degenerate than alcohol imo. It varies though, I'd say smoking a blunt every now and then is not as bad as going out on the weekend etc.

Just start with the Greeks

I've seen multiple studies that say exercise in the evening is the worst time for good sleep, although it's still better than not working out. Weirdly enough morning is apparently best.

I would readily believe that. My work schedule is changing in the near future and that might be something I could do

>Cut down on drink
>Not do drugs

Well, which is it? Do drugs in moderation or don't do drugs? Mixed messages.

Tell that to Jesus and his crew.

>tfw when I never reply so my mom can just die
>tfw when it never happens

a cat isnt going to protect you if someone tries to break into your house. A dog is a companion and also serves a purpose other than just drain your resources. Unless you have a barn with a rat infestation there is no need for a cat


Short hair is a relatively modern trend though.
Historically having short hair meant you were too poor to take care of 'em properly and avoid lice.